Dec 2 2008 Tuesday, 8:00 pm
Kota Singapura :)
saya kini berada di kota singapura semenjak early morning pagi tadik.
flight was at 8am, nak jadikan citer aku terbangun lambat and sirman bawak 160km gila takut aku tengok menderu laju, sampai on time ngam2 for check in.
n nak jadikan citer, kastam tahan aku dek barang yang aku bawak for my hand carry luggage, abihlah diselongkar, never had this experience before, they really tot that benda yang aku bwk tu something like weapon metal ke hapa jadah, abih kena rombak.
apa mendanya tuh hahahahhah…set from idaman suri for my frens in spore. nak nangis aku kalo depa nak tahan amik, sib baik dilepaskan jugak. aku gigih beli kat idaman suri utk geng2 kat spore tup2 kalo depa amik, huwaaaaaaaaaaaa..alhamdulillah x kena rampas.
so kenapa saya berada di spore.
ingat lagik on the Brands Essence?
saya dibawa khas fully sponsored by Brands to do something like mental challenge plus blogging job gak lah di sini. tp saya x datang sorang, ai m with my 4 other bloggers budies from msia.
this is going to be interesting, 5 msian bloggers VS 5 sporean bloggers.
Who will win ?
tunggu resultnya for the final event on 3rd December noon….
Dec 02, 2008 @ 20:09:06
all the best m’sia team..u must win kalu menang nanti blanje i tau…
Dec 02, 2008 @ 20:17:06
ohh akak, sy pun penah bwk 160km/h sbb husband lupa bwk passport.nasib baik rumah dlm 50km jek dr klia..and nasib baik lepas…
go kak red go..amik gambo bnyk2 eh??
okinokiyo´s last blog post..Dapat kasut!
Dec 02, 2008 @ 20:24:24
sile2 la bawak balik buah tangan ye…apo salah nye kan..adik badik je..eden dah lama tak dapat buah tangan ni…nak2 lg s’pore…huhu…
Dec 02, 2008 @ 20:30:33

laju tuh…..kakak sy bawak 100…kew 120 gitew pown da kecot poyot nih…
ape2 pun…..
good luck…..
hope akak will win…..
ladyfyda´s last blog nuff…..
Dec 02, 2008 @ 20:51:00
ohhhhhhh sangat xsabo!!!!!
vagg´s last blog post..MUMMY HANNY’S B/DAY
Dec 02, 2008 @ 21:11:35
goodluck n all the best kak red!!!
Dec 02, 2008 @ 21:21:00
kak red in black?? no , i want to c u in red.. he.. he.. gd luck..
mulan´s last blog post..Kad Kahwin Mawi & Ekin..
Dec 02, 2008 @ 21:35:31
waahhh..bestnye..gud luck kak ha ming guk!!!
cikchelsea´s last blog post..Malu tapi mahu :p
Dec 02, 2008 @ 21:48:30
cayalah kakak. all the best untuk kakak and the team. caiyok.. caiyok..
erni´s last blog post..Aku Benci Lelaki Gatal
Dec 02, 2008 @ 22:09:37
gud luck kak red!
Dec 02, 2008 @ 22:18:43
wah…good luck red…red will always survive…
Dec 02, 2008 @ 22:24:05
wahh…beshnyerr kak…
pRicesS_N´s last blog post..sePeTang d KAJANG
Dec 02, 2008 @ 22:51:32
wah singapore!
gudluck aunty red…
malaysia boleh..hehehe
chaiyork chaiyork!
miracinta!´s last blog post..letak lain pulak..
Dec 02, 2008 @ 23:14:23
Kak Red mest menang!!!!! good luck sistah!
Dec 02, 2008 @ 23:32:05
lajunye sirman.. baik p check saman. mau 2,3 menunggu….he he…
Dec 03, 2008 @ 00:16:55
kak red,
good luck and all the best yeah….
nih yg satu team ngan SM kan… all bloggers’ Malaysia hopefully boleh menang yer..
gd luckkkkkkkkkkk
miss cloudy
Dec 03, 2008 @ 00:21:24
gud luck…mesti akak menang punyer this time…sebb tu masa frisco tak menang…hehe
miss cloudy´s last blog post..JJCM: Santai Restoran n Kafe
Heartless Devilish @ Reen
Dec 03, 2008 @ 00:30:26
all the best kak red!!! ganbate!!!
mesti menang!!!
Heartless Devilish @ Reen´s last blog post..Mandi Sungai
Dec 03, 2008 @ 07:55:46
good luck k red, i’m sure you’ll do just fine!!!
Liza´s last blog post..What happened during dinner
Munirah Abd
Dec 03, 2008 @ 08:36:20
gud luck kak red!!!!
m’sia team mesti boleh!!
Munirah Abd´s last blog post..Cousins Birthday!!
Dec 03, 2008 @ 08:57:14
good luck….malaysia boleh!!!!redmummy boleh!!!!
Dec 03, 2008 @ 08:57:38
gud luck for malaysia team…..gasakkkkkkkkk
casper´s last blog post..apa citer nihh
lily lotus
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:22:02
all the best to mesian team! have fun…enjoy ur shopping..erkkk
lily lotus´s last blog post..pasar malam yg masih petang
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:59:23
caya la mak merah…
Dec 03, 2008 @ 10:57:58
kak red..
gud luck okeh..

yuyu´s last blog post..My LiL RaScaLs