Guest Writer – Zurin

Kisah Dan Pengalaman Hitamku

I have a secret which I kept for almost 25 years. I do feel like telling people about it, but never found a way to do it ‘comfortably’. I do not want people to blame me or pity me. Let bygone be bygone.

I just want readers to be extra careful, even in the safest environment. It happened when I was so young, about 5 to 9 years old. I was too small to understand things and too naïve to ‘not to believe people’, especially when they ARE the people who I should believe in. I was ‘tricked’ to have sex. More like, RAPED, because at that age, I didn’t know what it is.

But, I did not shout etc (unlike what some people have in mind when they heard the word ‘raped’) as again, I didn’t know what the hell I am doing. I also did not object because I was told that it is the right thing to do. “Everyone plays this game”…and that ‘should-be-trusted’ person cited several familiar names. “It hurts a little, but it’s going to be fine”….I was told. “Why don’t you play with this toy while abang plays with you”…..and I obediently look at my toy while he’s doing the ‘thing’. Sometimes it’s a doll, or bubbles, or sometimes I was tricked with a candy bar. By whom? They are not strangers. They are my cousins, who (at that time) were about 15 to 18 years old.

In the eyes of a 5 year old, they are trustable enough. THEY…as there are two of them. I don’t know whether they talked with each other to TRY ME. But it did happen on different occasions. You may wonder, why did I expose myself to the dangers? I live in a village, where relatives live next to each other. So if I am not in my house, my mother won’t worry much as I might be next door, in my relatives’ houses.

The first cousin lives with my grandma. It happened when I was watching TV in my grandma’s house. He asked me to come into his room upstairs as he has something to show. Grandma, at that time, was cooking in the kitchen. The other one came occasionally. I was playing hide and seek with 5-6 more cousins. He said he has a nice spot to hide, and he locked the door to the room so that no one bothers to find us there. In all occasions, I think the adults in the house NEVER thought such thing would happen. They thought that their kids are safe, because they are playing in the house, with their own relatives. After all, semua dari keluarga baik2 aje. It stops when I started to be able to understand things.

I think I read the word ‘rogol’ in a newspaper and asked someone about it. Upon hearing the explanation, I came into my senses. I began to question things, like; ‘if it is right, why did they tell me not to tell anybody about it’ (I think I did mention to other small cousins, but I don’t think they also know what I am talking about at that time). So, I distanced myself from them. I would avoid being where they are. And of course, I said NO when they asked me to come near them. I grew up normally. I don’t think what they did affect me in a negative ways. I don’t have bad dreams whatsoever…maybe because I don’t think about it much. Or maybe because I rarely see them anymore after that (they started working and live elsewhere).

Part of me is telling me that they are just BOYS. Although they are older than me, MAYBE they are not CERDIK enough to know what is bad and what is not. But another part of me does wish BAD things happened to them. But I do have several kinds of ‘phobia’. I am so ‘phobia’ when I see young girls who are so ‘mesra alam’. I was that kind of girl: likes to smile, likes to laugh, bubbly. I could say…Adorable… in some sense.

There are times that I blame myself for what has happened. But then, I don’t think that they CHOSE me because of what I am. In fact, maybe this happened to my other cousins as well. I never knew, because they might never tell anyone….just like me. Now that I have daughters, I am kind of phobia to leave them anywhere. Even in my mothers’ house. I imagine them wandering to other relatives houses, or any of their teenage cousins came to my mother’s house. They might just be watching tv together….or just playing hide and seek.

The next thing you know, they ended up like me…..

So my advice :

a) if you have a young daughter, never let her out of your sight…especially anywhere that there is a ‘possible predator’. Even in your own house!

b) If you have a teenage son, please JAGA TEPI KAIN dia.Check his belongings for indicators that he MIGHT be thinking of trying IT on a little girl.

c) Do your best, and just pray to Allah so that this thing won’t happen to anyone again!


Comment: 17

Crumpler from Jakarta…


the crumpler’s bag from Australia, tapi ni gambo aku kat PASARAYA mall, jakarta. ceritanya aku enggak kisah brand itu mahal enggak murah, asalkan kaler merah, terus aje aku berkenan. but masa aku ngah tetengok nih aku sudah jatuh ati sama bag itu, so bila sirman and pak host cakap bag ni sangat galemer, though  aku tak tau pun brand tu famous amous, aku pun amiklah yang beso. memang kalo depa tak cakap pun aku akan amik jugakkkkk!

kenapa sampai terduduk itu gambo, pasal udah seharian berjalan lah kat jakarta, nak nunggu salesgirl tu amik stock baru baiklah duduk kat lantai tu ha, sangat2 capek gitu sik.


inilah bagnya, immediately dipakai. tp aku tak beli satu size, aku beli another size merah gak kecik sket than yang aku pakai tuh. ado lagi tu ha lam kabinet tak berbukak lagi plastiknya, not suitable for office wear, kena pakai for casual jer.

how much ek harga bag nih, sorry lah enggak ingat some more nak pikirkan tukar ringgit msia lak tuh. aku kena bangun dari kerusi and check the receipt kalo nak bgtau the price, tp malasssssssssssssssssssssssss.

lgpun bukan aku nak jual pun bag nih kan, unless korang nak buat ref.

anw, kenapa aku bukak pulak entry bag nih kan, pasalnyaaaaaaaaaaaa……….

si sirman korang tuh ada bag crumpler yang dia nak promotekan for sale kat lam blog merah aku nih. kawan dia mintak tolong jualkan, bukan aku yang jual lah. ada banyak bag tuh. so korang tunggu lah esok entry tu kuor lam blog merah kay, sapa cepat dia dapat, details of the crumpler pun nanti kuor gak esok.


Comment: 28

Tengah tidur ke?…


alkisah nak cter pasal pengalaman pertama diganggu dgn benda2 misteri ni.benda ni terjadi masa sy blaja kat U di selatan.alkisahnya kitorg konon2nya rajinla nak mulakan projek tahun akhir awal2(projek sarjana muda diorg pggl kt U tu).so,xnakla balik cuti sebulan n kwn sy p la berkampung menyewa kat hostel yg dkt dgn fakulti..

kiranya ada 3org la dlm bilik kami sewa tu.kebetulan plak,bilik tu kitorg dpt dkt dgn toilet.betol2 sebelah je.yg lagi takot memalam toilet tu tingkap dia dh,tertanggal la lopong mcm tu je.kitorg mmg cuakla kot2 ada org dtg nk buat x senonoh kt ktorg ber3 ni.dlm blok tu ada lagi budak len.bdk len ni diorg praktis gamelan utk konvo.diorg nyer bilik jauhla dr kitorg ie btol2 dkt pintu dpn blok.kitorg palk dkt dgn pintu blkg blok.adala dkt 4-5pintu mbezakan kiorg ni..

cternye bermula gini..mlm tu kitorg xmatikan lampu meja,terang benderang sketla..tetiba je aku tersedar.terpisat2 mata aku.dlm hati rasa mcm ada je org tgk aku tido je. mata ni tgk dgn sebelah mata je.sbb aku rsa ada org sentuh kaki aku.

bila aku celik2 ayam tu,aku perasanla ada ‘akak’ ni dok tgk muka aku je. lama gak dia tenung. kitorg tido gabung 2 katil single jd mlm tu plak sorg member tu xtido 1 katil sama2. so, aku igt dia tido bwh. aku pon igt member aku sorg tu la yg dok perati aku. dlm hati,mcm nk tgk je kt bwh.tapi sbb mata nk tgk bwh. so,pejam je la tido..

esoknya, aku tya la member aku tu. “A, mlm td ko ada duduk kt tepi katil x?’. A jwb xde. pas aku tido dia pon tido jg tp kt bwh katil la..dh la A tu rambut panjang smpi punggung. ‘akak’ yg dok peratikan aku tu pon rambut pnjang jg.mengurai jek..

pastu lak pakai baju putih…lama plak dia tenung aku…pastu menjeritla kitorg. dlm malam yg sama gak, member aku yg len pon dgr sumthing gak..mcm ada org buka tingkap bilik dr luar.dr depan blok smpi bilik kitorg..dhla bilik kt blok tu ada dkt 10bilik…padahal tingkap kitorg berkunci dr dlm…..

seram btol smpi pastu aku tkot tido xpsg lmpu…yg besnyer kitorg xkena caj byr duit sewa pastu.sbb kitorg dh cte kat pyelia asrama…hehhe..selamat duit kitorg yg mmg dh pokai msa tu..hehheeeee….

– Adah

Oh lupa nak cakap, Misteri Malam bermula sekarang, aku bagi extra day awal sket untuk korang. Surprise ari rabu 🙂

Comment: 13

Jakarta’s souvenirs…


semua family members dah dapat all souvenirs from jakarta. skang masa untuk menjadi red despatch to my fellow frens. some yang a real fren pun dah dpt, though they are not reading my blog, resmi mak merah and family, to give away things that we bought for mereka…



aku kalau boleh semua orang aku nak kasi, tp paham2 lah kan, kantung poket aku tak selebat korang. so kalo tak arini, lain kali aku jalan lagik ke, or apa je lah yang memanjangkan rezeki aku pass2 kat yang tak dapat yer. we dont have any contest yet, aku belum ada napsu nak buat contest lah.

tak tau apa contest nak kubikin, the best Guest Writer in … could be, but tengok lah wei, itu kena kira in one year nya citer lah kot. tapi kan, napa ek yang sudah menang2 adiah lam contest RM, sekejapan ilang senyap sunyi.

kalau idak …

‘kak bila nak dapat adiah ni?’



senyap sunyi je sumer, yelah contest dah menang adiah dah dpt, apa lagik mau bising…..lumrah alam.

wbagaimanapun, sila jangan merajuk dengan saya kalau anda tidak mendapat ole-ole dari saya….sekadar cuba membalas yang termampu. hangpa kena ingat…katakanlah ada 30 orang bagi aku adiah kan, depa sorang bg aku sorang tp aku yang sorang kena bagi kat 30 orang hahahahahahaha…tu yang orang kadang2 tak pikir.

kalaulah aku dapat bagi kat sume orang….sedihnya tang tak dpt nak bagi kat sume orang. sume orang yang aku rasa patutttttttttttttttttttttttt dapat. sila bersabar. dan jangan marah aku lak.

korang kang laju je cepat kecik ati.

Comment: 44


Salam Kak Red

Saya nak cari kawan saya ni dulu sama2 belajar kat ITM Perak (Manjung)…nama dia Rozaiyah binti Abd Rahman…dah lama lost contact…since 1996..minta tolong war warkan pada sapa2 yang kenal…..thanks sis….


Comment: 6