Jul 11 2009 Saturday, 1:00 am
Reddy is 3 months old on the 11th…
seminggu 2 kedatangan reddy to our red family..
the skinny of Reddy
today Reddy is 3 months old…
Sebulan dah kan Reddy di tangan kami red family, itu atas sekali gambar lama and yang ngah melompat2 berdiri tu gambar nites before…
she s one happy kitten.
She is little baby for us, so suka nau memain sana sini, tu Sirman dok melayan main loncat2…setinggi pedang menan tu sirman naikkan, sedaya upaya dia nak lompat tetinggi gak….
Reddy jugak pandai mengejutkan kami, kalau dia agak2 bosan tak tau nak buat hapa hahahah..specially pagi2 subuh tu lah,dia kejut sbb dah kelaparan nak bfast…
love her sesangat.
Happy Birthday Reddy – u are already 3 months old..
Jul 11, 2009 @ 02:20:45
Happy 3month Birthday dear cutie Reddy..
sis.. Reddy dah nampak berisi dah skit.. tak skinny mcm dulu2 dh…
getting cuter from day to day..
.-= ctNadya´s last blog ..~Umrah Journey – Part 1 (31st May) =-.
Jul 11, 2009 @ 03:41:50
thanks ct
Jul 11, 2009 @ 06:51:35
happy birthday redmummy too…….

semoga dipanjangkan umo dan dimurahkan rezeki…….
.-= kolakolakila´s last blog ..Duit hilang =-.
anak angkat keje the sun
Jul 11, 2009 @ 08:46:11
happy birthday reddy…
happy birthday gak reddy’s mummy!!!
.-= anak angkat keje the sun´s last blog ..yes! we made it! =-.
Jul 11, 2009 @ 08:47:23
selamat hari jadi red..semoga murah rezeki selalu .
dan bahagia disamping family tersayang amin
.-= attyfir´s last blog ..Mesyuarat Cawan =-.
Jul 11, 2009 @ 11:51:31
wah gemoknye kucing…cne nk wat smp gemok cmtu??comel!!!
.-= royroches´s last blog ..kini kembali =-.
Jul 11, 2009 @ 17:16:16
Alaaaa comelll……I suka photo terakhir… cute nya ngan abang…hihihi :love:
.-= cathj´s last blog ..A Boring Day.. =-.
Jul 12, 2009 @ 01:17:37
wah reddy dah gumuk
eee sihat hehehe…. 
.-= Kimora´s last blog ..Site Visit 5 =-.
Jul 13, 2009 @ 10:04:05
happy birthday reddy… kejap je dh 3 bulan eh..
.-= mya´s last blog ..Caca Comel =-.
lily lotus
Jul 13, 2009 @ 12:59:42
happy besday reddy! happy besday sis! my dear son pun wish kat u gak..same besday as him..may all the happiness be with u always..amin
Jul 13, 2009 @ 15:47:49
happy besday reddy. Semoga cepat gumuk! hehehe~
.-= ilyanie´s last blog ..Congrates Hananiey~ =-.