Jul 29 2009 Wednesday, 1:00 pm
Red Folie, Red Apron and Red Pretty!
aaa Folli Follie!!!
oren orennnnnnnnnn! parkson tu dah tentu la hang kenal…
wanna see inside? meh meh……..
aku suker gilerrrrrrrrrrrrrr adiah nih! suker suker…
tak penah lg dpt adiah gini seii…apron merahhh ngan apa ke namanya utk tak nak tangan kita dek panas nih. eiii masa ni le aku lupa namanya tauuuuu!
tq kakakkkkkkkkkk
kakak yang tak nak menjaja mukaaaaaaaaaaaaa! eiii sumer nya skang ke main tak nak masuk lam RM, depa cakap, once kuor lam RM, haru biru idup diorg dapat tempias gelemer.
ni plak Red Folie
nice packing kan…
sayang nya ku ngan kotak iniiiiii!
this is not in my wishlist, eh aku tak bg wishlist pun….
but still ai appreciate it so much, coz it s RED FOLIE!
to a fren, thank you for remembering this though aku yang nak beli sendiri yg benornya, but not this model, yang gedabak nya model aritu kan. sokay….jam banyak2 pun aku kadang2 kedaung lupa nak pakai.
not just that
sampai umah malam tadi, ye malam kau baru dapat mengadap anak2 aku tuh…
ado parcel sampai kat umah mak ajah.
iskk korang nih…pandai tol tangkap add umah mak ajah aku kan….
Heiress miniature, TGV pass for me and Sirman huiii ni aku kurang paham sket, kena tanya sipolan, Pretty Iman. n MAC’s lip gloss!!! Pretty Iman used to appear in this blog, once upon a time deduluuuuuuuuuuuuu
triple gift for Tuesday from my client, my frens and my loyal readers of RM…tqtqtqqqqqqqqqqqq!!!
hari ni mendapat
so it s time to give back….
tak semestinya tak mendapat apa2 korang tak memberi, ingat apa pesanan mak ajah ku. amin alhamdulillah.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 13:10:57
uitt..siap ader spare tali lg tu..
kak, apron merah tu suh bg membara kat dapur tu…
.-= nasaoji´s last blog ..turn aku nyer umh… =-.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 13:15:23
walaupun sempoi n murah tp yg penting… MERAH… horeyyyy…
Jul 29, 2009 @ 14:09:50
Kak redddddddddd..wpun ku tak dpt capture 2,000,000 tp ku dpt 2,000,002…huhuhu
Lyn Yusoff
Jul 29, 2009 @ 14:14:08
bestnya dpt gift2 cam tuh..
mmg untung jadi redmummmy ni hehehhe
btw, jam tu mmg cantik…
OMG!!! dah reach 2M!!!
congrats n well done kak red..
luv u…:))
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Cameraku Rosak
Jul 29, 2009 @ 14:18:07
congratulations for the 2 million readers kak red
.-= LIZA´s last blog ..Sampai jugak akhirnya.. =-.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 14:21:33
tahniah kakred..achieved 2million already..=)
Jul 29, 2009 @ 14:31:35
assalamualaikum kak red.
congrats kak red.
surprised i captured 2,000,000!
wish you very the best for your careers..
* aisey.. when i can manage to pick the pearly pallet ek? will inform you later lah hhuhu.. can ek?
.-= syahira´s last blog ..the plan b – 2 =-.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 14:49:12
u got it?
ha bai sini 2M tuh
meh meh
ha ko nya pearly palette bila nak amiknyaa
Jul 29, 2009 @ 15:12:18
post ord the 2M kak red in my blog..
that pearly palette will take it next week lah.
.-= syahira´s last blog ..2,000,000 =-.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 15:13:56
full house lah yang klcc nxt wk
VA can do, petang.
ko dah post kat blog ko
orang suh email
email yang email
nak kena resize to nanti
Jul 29, 2009 @ 18:22:01
ok boss.
email ord.
.-= syahira´s last blog ..2,000,000 =-.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 18:24:46
*hugs you shopaholic mama.
.-= syahira´s last blog ..2,000,000 =-.
Jul 29, 2009 @ 15:07:34
Jul 29, 2009 @ 15:42:33
congrats for the 2M readers!!
may Allah bless u always…
Jul 29, 2009 @ 15:59:05
from silent reader…congrate sis red….i read ur blog almost everyday….drp xberani makeup jd berani….hu huuuuuuu…tp still kena mantap lai bebeh
Cik Su
Nov 11, 2010 @ 23:51:16
banyak hadiah tu..kasi satu..hehe..gurau jer
Cik Su recently posted..Aiii Mana Mau Pegi Ha!!!!!!!