Sep 4 2009 Friday, 1:00 pm
PRUhealth – not for one day investment…
2nd advertorial on Prudential, please scroll down for my latest entries coz this is a special sticky mode entry.
Ingat ari aku dok menceceh pasal korang yang degil tak nak tukar fakta korang on taking the personal medical insurance kan? Ha mai kita sambung story balik. Aku kang menceceh pepanjang lam satu post korang pening jer nak baca. Alangkan kita nak borak kuor duit pasal insurans, korang kena dok sit down ngan aku, ha tetiba aku bley naik pangkat nih jadi Agent Insurans PRUhealth!
So my last point last week was talking bout sepasang kasut yang berharga RM100 dengan package insurans yang serendah RM100 jugak. Sama harga tapi kenapa membayar insurans lebih untung dari sepasang kasut.
Tu kalo kasut ko 100 hinggit, kalo make up berus sebatang dah kat 200 ringgit lagi lah ko kena doublekan insurans policy ko kan.
Macam ni lah skang korang dah tau yang kepentingan kita ada back up, selain medical benefits yang company korang kasi tuh (perlu diingat ada gak company hanya cover the staff but not the dependents)
Mereka yang amik the insurance ni sebab nya pasal depa concern on the rising of medical costs, seriously depa ni pikir long term sesangat. Pastuh depa nak hidup lam aman, so depa beli PRUhealth, mananya idak, kalau beli terus dpt coverage so kalau apa2 jadi depa tak yah nak pening pusing kepala kan. N so the final one is bcoz depa nak protect the family.
Me oso wanna protect my family.
I have 2 young kids. The younger umur you, specially bebudak, lagi murah monthly untuk kita bayar, minimum always go to RM100. Tp kalau dah tua belahak macam aku ni ha, camner nya. Mestilah lagi tinggi. Aternye napa aku degil tak nak start dari awal dulu.
So korang u got the picture already lah kan. But today aku nak stresskan on kenapa aku maintain insurans aku dengan PRUhealth under Prudential. Sebabnya PRUhealth helps to pay for the unexpected medical bills yang aku perlukan sesangat. Again, we do not what will happen in the future. Kemudiannya, kalaupun aku healthy lady, kalau aku tak claim from my benefits of insurance tp aku still dpt rewards! A bonus!
Mak-mak cam kami bertiga ni memanglah sesangat pentingkan insurans for our kids. So apa2 jadi kat kami, or the kids, anak2 dah ada back up. Just in case kalau aku anak beranak tak pakai jugak all the claims, aku boleh convertkan to education. Ha bijak tak?
The higher plans yang aku amik say PRUhealth plan 200 aku boleh dapat higher bonus to RM300 annually. It sounds like cost of saving jugak, but always remember aku boleh redeem units in cash FOR ANY PURPOSE!.
Katalah anak2 ko memang tak pakai pun langsung the claim tuh, langsung! but still you can always convert it to PRUlik assurance plan or PRUlink education plan.
Ha sampai bila government nak sponsor kita, kang PTPTN abih yilek tarak, mano ko nak sokong duit utk pelajaran anak2 kita yang nak masuk universiti. Kot ada IPTA, pasnih buatnya semua kena bayoooooooooooo, this is the one yang korang kena sebat dan rembat.
We are the 9 bloggers covering the PRUhealth event (one blogger is not in the picture)
Pick PRUhealth! Lagipun you can always get the cover up to the age of 100 taun. Lama kauuu!
So kak red, kalau aku mati umur 40 taun, duit insurans aku dapat kat mana?
Dapat kat ko nya dependant lah, itu memang dah tersurat dalam ko nya borang insurans waktu ko isi, kot ko nak bagi kat aku pulak, molek gak
Sentiasa do the necessary medical check up to make sure wpun kita sudah ada insurans, kita boleh tambah2 lah policy insurance kita tuh. RM100 per month can make a difference to your next 10 years and 40 years.
Latest info on H1N1 since my son is one of the victims:
In view of the current development of the epidemic, Prudential has decided to extend the coverage to include hospitalisation expenses arising from H1N1 and its related conditions. So now, all the existing medical plans, including PRUhealth, cover H1N1.
my insurance is under Prudential, so korang…I may be a healthy lady today, but I m not sure whether my kids will be healthier like her mother, so be insured with PRUhealth !
Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Prudential is brought by
Sep 04, 2009 @ 13:54:29
Aku sokong!!!!!!!!!! Dulu aku paling benci lah ngan org menjual insurance ni.. Mak aku pulak yg menyokong ada baik nya beli insuran.. time tu muda2 lagi kan.. duh… pantang kalau ada org belanja makan saja nak jual insuran.. siap lah org tu.. ;-p (Tapi marah2 pun… beli lah juga kan.. ^_^)
As a mother now.. I sokong betuii dalam bab2 insurance ni. Kita dah lama jadi client PRU ni.. dari health ke simpanan utk anak punya sekolah.
Few mths bck my boy masuk hospital for emergency operation.. fuh, kita jumpa doc hari ni..esok pagi kena buat operation… nasib baik ada PRU..
kan nak masuk hospital (Hosp Pantai pula tu..mahal.. T_T) kena bayar deposit on the spot.. dari hari tu.. I benar2 rasa bertuah kerana ambik PRU dari dulu.. (Tak kisah lah apa2 ‘brand’ insuran… but I am satisfied with PRU)
*memanjang pulah ‘kutbah’ aku ni … sorry…
.-= cathj´s last blog ..Meeting the Koalas (Caversham Wildlife park, WA) =-.
Sep 04, 2009 @ 14:25:55
a ah kak, skang, insuran mmg amat penting tuk kt..leh gak wat pelaburan..
Lyn Yusoff
Sep 04, 2009 @ 15:22:23
Hi Kak Red,
Thx for the info again..
I agree with u kak. Mmg kita perlukan insurans krn sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu kita untuk cover kita & family. Maklum lah zaman skrg ni mcm2 penyakit. InsyaAllah dgn adanya insurans ia boleh menyelesaikan masalah kita.
Alhamdulillah Lyn pun dah ada insurans bermula dari awal since 1st year bekerja dulu. Tak kisah dari mane2 insurans pun, Lyn puas hati dgnnya.
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Tak Puas Hati =-.
Sep 04, 2009 @ 15:25:39×20-boss.png
ehemm ehemm..
lama i menanti entry terbaru pasal PruHealth ni.
mmg KakRed boleh jadi ejen lah! hehe
.-= nafnaf´s last blog ..penat ke ? =-.
Sep 04, 2009 @ 20:47:36
hye kak red, wah ader info psl insurans…mmg betul la insuran ni ptg tuk masa dpn kter…kter kan xdpt nak meramal apa yg akan terjadi pd masa hadapan…xleh nk harapkan coverage dr company jer…
sy tau sbb sy kejer ng comp yg uruskan medical claim tuk diclaim ng insurans bg pihak company…dlm sehari, xtau bape ribu claim yg masuk tau…mcm2 pykt ader zaman skang ni…
btw, alhamdullilah abang dh sihat…sy doakan family kak red sentiasa sihat n happy…
.-= Nique´s last blog ..Berbuka Apa Arini =-.
Syaril Said
Sep 05, 2009 @ 00:05:12
yes exactly rm..sesuatu kos rawatan boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu jatuh muflis.kos rawatan makin meningkat setiap tahun..jika kita ada anak, apa kita nak tinggalkan untuk mereka ? hutang atau harta ?.. fikir-fikirkan…
Huai Bin
Sep 06, 2009 @ 01:45:35
I still thing the best part is being able to join starting from RM 100. Easy on the wallet!
.-= Huai Bin´s last blog ..A waist is a terrible thing to mind =-.
Sep 08, 2009 @ 20:49:29
sy x pernah ader insurans pun n masih terpk2 nak amik insurans per for my future..
nmpknyer info yg kak red bg nih dpt mmbantu sy untuk buat pilihan.
thnx kak red!!
.-= cintaqaseh´s last blog ..~selamat sampai…~ =-.
Sep 11, 2009 @ 19:53:19
.-= sexy´s last blog ..Blackberry Curve 8520, Sleek and stylish & it’s ready for pre-booking! =-.
Pencinta Merah…The Red Lover…The Red Diva…
Sep 22, 2009 @ 10:57:26
[…] the life for the future…My White date…Lipton HiramekiCelcom BlackBerryNuvafemmePRUhealth – not for one day investment…Ogawa Close To You…MAS Stimulus PackageOur challenging spiritMILO – Play More Learn MoreCorntoz […]
Sep 30, 2009 @ 13:32:11
Hi, just like to inform you, I’m consulting Insurance for Prudential. If you have any inquiries, I would be more than happy to assist You. Thank You
kak red, congrats coz u already protected with Pruhealth…
.-= cendawan´s last blog ..Coming Soon!!!! =-.
mama Hanis
Oct 28, 2009 @ 18:04:54
ya kalians..insurans itu suuuuupeeerrrr penting tawwww
sila korban sikit duit bahagian shopping dari gaji kalians itu untuk amik insuran ye..
shopping utk kepuasan sekejap je..insurans for you whole life.Kot2 esok masuk ward..nangis air mata darah la nak bayoo kalu tkde insurans..huhu
i oso take insurans…
for me,hasben n kids..even new born kids neh..
kak red..confirm leh jadik agent insurance..
.-= mama Hanis´s last blog ..Testimonial diri sendiri..hehe..& Lunatots featured in PA & MA! =-.