Sep 23 2009 Wednesday, 12:30 am
Krunching my way to Uniquely Singapore…
hey, lots of you have heard bout the Nuffnang Blog Awards. It s an award for the bloggers to be held in Singapore on Oct 23rd.
To mark over 2 years of community building, is presenting the first ever Asia-Pacific Blog Awards.
Honouring the best of the blogosphere in our region, we would be running 2 months worth of nominations and campaigning. This would eventually culminate in a GRAND blogger affair in Singapore. Invites would be given to 60 of the region’s best bloggers, and 360 bloggers and guests for this 3 Day 2 Night affair. Transportations and accommodations would be provided for foreign bloggers in the region.
Bloggers will descend on the fair shores of Singapore on the 23rd October 2009 and create an evening of unparalleled glamour & prestige.Bloggers can look forward to a classy Gala Dinner at the Pan Pacific Singapore Grand Ballroom and be dazzled by regional entertainers which includes some of the biggest names in Asian showbiz.
The following days would be filled with an action packed itinerary of Uniquely Singapore experiences where numerous surprises will be in store!The inaugural Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2009, is brought to you proudly by Pringles, and Singapore Tourism Board.
so anw, there are 2 ways for you to vote RM. one is via Nuffnang Blog Awards, the site url is . Im competing with 4 other blogs from Australia, Philiphine and Singapore. Think i m the only Malaysian from that category. i think, not sure. so you support RM, pls cast your vote. without your vote, aku pi Singapore sekadar memeriahkan suasana je lah gamaknya. ater korang tak vote, kalah ler teman kang
But in order for you to vote RM, you oso need to vote other categories as well, so just click click click. i know you may say...’tak penah dengo pun blog2 lain tuh’
but remember, negara luar lain pun tak penah dengo gak RM
My problem is, my readers mostly skang ni ngah bercuti raya, most of malaysians masuk cuti dari kerja on next monday onwards, so saya sudah kerugian votes yang beribu2 dari korang per day. so takpelah, redha…kita usaha tengok sejauh mana RM boleh pergi from your votes. at least i m the finalist already.
The second way of voting is via my blog. on the right side bar lam blog nih, you can see the shortcut to the voting column. it s at the bottom of my nuffnang’s iklan. tepi kanan tu yer.
again, korang kena vote category2 lain jugak, some of them are from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Philiphines. Click2 your vote, till you are in Best Parenting Blog’s category. sample as the above.
Move your cursor to Redmummy @
n you are done! you can place your votes again, in 2 hours time. Keep coming back for voting RM. I ll be down to Singapore on 23rd October 2009 (this is the date of my son’s birthday!)
TIME: 5.30 pm
VENUE: Pan Pacific Singapore Grand Ballroom
So it s time to ask for help from my readers and bloggers frens, all over the world. Coz 50% of your votes will help me to win the Best Parenting blog. well, i donno why m i being nominated for the Best Parenting Blog, coz korang yang nominate saya. Few told me that they have nominated me for few categories, but the judges think that i m suitable for the Best Parenting Blog’s category.
Hey, after all i m a mother of 2 kids hokey!
Remember, this is a personal blog, RM is not just talking bout how you do the diapers, how to feed your children how to blahblahblah…i m writing as what i experience the process of our life, not the manual thingy. My 2 kids, abang 8 years old and Gegirl, 5 years old are famous in RM, you guys love them so much, seperti mana kamu cinta reading this blog.I talk bout the development of kids, a parental thing throughout my experience as a mother, Sirman as their dad. We are the Red Family.
Rerasanya, being mother, the recent case yang paling menyayat hati kita semua is when my son Abang was confirmed positive for H1N1. That story, the info the knowledge everything is to be shared with all of you.
If i m the right winner, itu rezeki saya, but if not, i m oso one of the lucky blogger, after Project Alpha, the Nuffnang Blog Awards is one of my biggest achievement. Dear Blog’s entry was meant for this purpose actually. For my lovely red readers, thanks for your vote.
See you in Singapore. Jangan lupa, keep on voting RM for every 2 hours :). Closing date for voting is on 11th October, pastuh, enggak bisa vote lagik yeah.
Sep 23, 2009 @ 01:22:38
hehe..done done done! XD
slamat hari raya kak… maaf zahir batin… XD
.-= maRCus´s last blog ..My Birthday Wishlist. come see. come see. =D (update 2) =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Sep 23, 2009 @ 01:45:32
done kak red…
Lyn akan vote & vote & vote for every 2 hours ok…
hope kak red akan menang…
i will pray for u kak… dun worry erkk..
Lyn rasa RM’s readers pun nak akak menang
so keep on voting RM yer…. caya lah kak….
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Salam Aidilfitri =-.
Sep 23, 2009 @ 04:54:16
saya pasti vote kak red untuk anugerah ini. mari kita saksikan satu-satunya blogger Melayu menang award dalam anugerah tahap antarabangsa ini. JOM pi VOTE! – mcm election pula!
Sep 23, 2009 @ 08:09:49
Orait kak.. will do my part…
dun worry….
.-= Erna´s last blog ..Salam Aidilfitri… =-.
Sep 23, 2009 @ 10:26:11
wah Malaysians still cuti ke? So orang Spore jugaklah tolong vote!
only problem is, must vote for other categories too but we have no idea or inkling who some of them are but gasak jelah tekan!
.-= ANN´s last blog ..Private Sale =-.
Sep 23, 2009 @ 11:03:03
saya dah masuk keje ari ni….
k blh vote every 2 hours k….
Krunching my way to Uniquely Singapore… « Percuma Untuk Anda 2
Sep 23, 2009 @ 12:58:05
[…] the original post: Krunching my way to Uniquely Singapore… Comments […]
Sep 23, 2009 @ 13:56:32
udah vote..
kol 4 nnti kna smbg vote..
dont worry kak red..
ada je yg da start keje..
gud luck n all the best!
.-= yaty´s last blog ..
Sep 23, 2009 @ 15:24:58
sy udah vote kak.. but will vote again nanti..
.-= mya´s last blog ..Hidangan Di Pagi Raya Pertama =-.
Sep 23, 2009 @ 18:09:05
donee!!!!gud luck kak red….
Sep 23, 2009 @ 20:27:08
dah vote..and akan terus vooootttteeeeee…~
.-= alamfanacinta´s last blog ..Riang Ria Di 1 Syawal….~ =-.
Nur Aishah
Sep 24, 2009 @ 11:05:41
Kak red…
done for 2 times.. wiki wiki wiki
insyaallah akan keep vote….
u will win insyaallah….
go kak red go.. *tiba2*..
samat gaye kak..
Sep 24, 2009 @ 11:25:40
kak red..i da vote..nanti pas 2 jam kite vote lagik..jgn risau k..sure akak bley menang punye..wish u luck..=)
Oct 04, 2009 @ 15:41:24
new blogs