Sep 28 2009 Monday, 3:00 pm
A liability to me, an asset to him…
i donno
for me any photos look the same
this is a sample of one photo from Sirman’s new lens speedlight flash. yang menatang kat atas2 dslr tuh lah…
ai had promised a birthday present for Sirman, a watch and a wallet. but he changed his mind! dia nak lens flash kelip2 tuh…ok let s go and buy terus coz we have plenty of time last whole week, cuti raya katanya kan.
at first i tot the budget should be less than 1.5k, or mbe 1.3k is the best lah ahahahhaha! kedekut kay.
but the number goes up and up
dari satu lens
amik macam2 lagi benda
amboi Sirman!!!
aku ngah baca buku Rich Dad Poor Dad so aku sangat2 menjaga financial la nih. if it s not necessary to buy, dont buy! save the money. beli handbag tak per, itu asset haahhahahaha.
ok itu satu parenting tips gak nak bagitau korang.
kenapa handbag adalah asset, i ll reveal it later.
makan is not an asset
not a liability too
itu adalah keperluan. tp kalau makan melampau2 tak ingat orang belakang main orderrrrrrrr jer. itu a waste namanya!
hari tu nya camera, aku ingatkan adiah bday/anniversary for 4 years, but since i bought so many designer handbags, the rule changes by Sirman. damn it!
n he paw me for the advanced birthday gift, kaw kaw!
You are taking photos for, not for the side income, why do u need expensive lens?
and why do you need the expensive handbags then?
aaaaaaaaa makan dalam gua!!
n i end up paying RM2000 to Uncle Tokey Camera!! that s why i said, the DSLR camera plus the accessories are the liabilities to me.
Sebenarnya, expensive designer handbags bukan liabilities yer, ramai orang salah paham. Itu adalah asset, tapi aku simpan the lovely comments on that, till the next story line.
Tak cantik gak gambar2 advertorial event aku, siap kau Sirman!
Sep 28, 2009 @ 15:15:02
btuah sirman dpt wife cm kak red….besh tuu…
.-= pRincEsS_N´s last blog ..SYAWAL 1430H paRt 3 =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 15:33:11
betul designer handbag adalah asset… saya setuju..
.-= kaezrin´s last blog ..The ultimate shot =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 15:46:12
hehehehe….mampu gelak je ni kak…..
nak vote plak ni….
Sep 28, 2009 @ 15:46:44
mesti happy bro sirman dpt advanced bufday gift..
adiah pilihan sendiri lak tue..
hehehe.. :))
.-= yaty´s last blog ..jalan2 raya di melaka.. =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 15:47:22
RM , cam ai yg peminat kamera nih …a akan memilih kamera dari handbag akakkakakakkak adakah ai nih bukan fomfuan sejati …auwwww
bagus gaks RM belikan all those gadget sebab mmg diperlukan …benda benda nih ley di jual jikalau tak di pakai . Cam flash yg di beli oleh ur hubby amat lah perlu …utk suasana gelaps . Plus RM salu ada event so mmg perlulah ur hubby ada complete set bagi menghasilkan gambo yg cun melecun …
im sure pas nih pasti gambo di blog rm makin meletops
.-= Moon´s last blog ..hilang ingatan =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 15:54:32
waaa….sy idamkan kamera tuh!!!huhuhuhu
.-= sofia_smile´s last blog ..Raya 2009 first version =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 16:02:52
DSLR harganya memang macam tu..tapi gambar sure cun punyer..
.-= Shaffik´s last blog ..Pencuri Mengambil Kesempatan Di Majlis Kahwin =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Sep 28, 2009 @ 16:04:06
wah!!! bro sirman sudah dpt lens baru from kak red..
gitu erkkk pilihan sndiri for advance birthday gift..
so sure lpas ni pic semakin cantik dek pekena lens yg baru tuh..
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Twitter.. Twitter…. =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 17:05:22
alaa kak. kasi can la kt abg sirman. hiks..
.-= mya´s last blog ..Cerita Raya Ke 6 Pula =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 17:52:44
i love DSLR too..tu act asset gk kak red..leh wat income gk act..heheheh
.-= JMR´s last blog ..S.E.P.I =-.
Sep 28, 2009 @ 19:35:28
Kasih sayang tu tiada harganya…
Betul tak?
.-= zool´s last blog ..Cari Kerja Sambilan =-.
Sep 29, 2009 @ 10:26:58
kak Red,
kat mane kedai ni?
macam tmpt saya beli camera gak la
Sep 29, 2009 @ 10:50:17
saya sokong bro sirman… beli kamera aset tu kak red… klu gambar2 kat redmummy cun cun, ha sapa gak glemer kan.. hehe.. flash penting woo, kang gambo muka kilat klu pakai flash built in jek… pastu beli lens 1.4 .. fuh… redmummy bertambah2 comei nanti….
lariiiiiiiiiii.. mati aku kena keja kak red…
kat foto selangor tu kan?
.-= kui´s last blog ..priceless treasure… =-.
Sep 29, 2009 @ 11:52:05
nampak ayu jer ur last picture
lily lotus
Sep 29, 2009 @ 12:04:26
kasih kepada suami hulur2 kan duit..hihi..kira investment lah tu sis
Sep 30, 2009 @ 14:24:51
lens and speedlite pun aset kak red. gambo lawo2 sure lg ramai org suke visit ur blog. nnt nak holiday2 mesti nak ambik gambo cun2 kan? hehehehe. lg2 event2 yang selalunye kt tempat malap2 je.. penting tu speedlite. baru cerah terang je nampak mekap comel kak red. hehehe
*ayat tak hengat nih. hahaha*
ckp kt sirman jgn lupe dptkan first free service kat canon svc ctr@paremba sqr before duration setahun tu abes. customer svc diorang mmg pantassss.
.-= [siti]´s last blog ..Marilah Berhari Raya – Hijjaz =-.