Oct 28 2009 Wednesday, 3:00 pm
The faces from the Gala Nite…
depa 3 nih pakai dress meletup2! will try to put the portrait photo nanti.
David Nuffnang and Tziaa
I m one happy customer for the dress sponsored by MyBajoo, make up by the sponsor RedGlow, the flight by MAS, the tour and hotel and everything by Nuffnang. I ve no complaint so please dont speak on behalf of me bout the service and product that i carry…….because i m one happy blogger,customer and user.
saya juga ada t/jwb untuk do the advertorial for the sponsors, so one day one time yer. we have the engagement, behind the scene noone knows the story.
n i love the nite, Gala Dinner Nite.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 15:22:13
kak red lawa gilerrrrr.rasanye dlam ramai2 tu kak red yang paling glamor u…..makeup mengancam.tp x berat ke mata tu kak red. makuihhh dari jauh nampak mata jeee
Oct 28, 2009 @ 15:28:06
sy sangat suka dgn cr redglow make up akak..
especially tang mata tuh…aduhaaii..berkenan sungguh d hati..
.-= cintaqaseh´s last blog ..~please bite me baby…ahhh~ =-.
Anil Wanina
Oct 28, 2009 @ 15:33:51
fuh.. semer vogue2…. kalah artis…
.-= Anil Wanina´s last blog ..geram.. geram… =-.
lily lotus
Oct 28, 2009 @ 15:35:27
sangat meletops sumenya! bertuah badan serba serbi disponsor…
.-= lily lotus´s last blog ..hot mama buyung..hawa =-.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 15:44:47
cantik giler bulu mata akak ekkkk……….. meletopppppp
Oct 28, 2009 @ 15:52:37
Waaaaaaaaaaa…best…best!!! 1 pakej semua siap!!!
.-= sofia´s last blog ..Review Triplesmiley Page =-.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 16:20:00
wow..vouge gile.. cantek ar akak.. pinjam bulu mata boleh…hehe
.-= iela´s last blog ..Berjaya jugak akhirnya…yeah.. =-.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 16:28:37
hello redmummy can you please kindly write in something all races can understand?
like proper malay or english if you re capable to.
it’s so sad i like to understand ur blog but i have no idea on malay in short form
Oct 28, 2009 @ 16:38:37
it s not proper malay meh?
ok will do
it s actually mix and match, some english and some malay lor
it s very simple malay that i m using here…..
same goes to english too
Lyn Yusoff
Oct 28, 2009 @ 16:57:21
OMG!!!! semua dress up classs2 gitu..
tapi kak red tetap meletopssss & vogue
ur make up, fake eyelashes yg berat, dress..
everything yg u pakai.. semua cantik2 belaka…
but tang mata tu mmg meletopppssssssss sgt2…
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Internet Connections =-.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 16:59:41
shila, iza and wani..wah blogger yg tulis entry full in english..hebat2
.-= farra-eng´s last blog ..SamBal TemPoyak =-.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 18:10:39
make up memang cantik……..
cuma tang bulu mata je tak sesuai..tak nampak kening u….hehhehehhe……
Oct 28, 2009 @ 18:16:16
actually i suker
masa i buat red devil and red bunny lagi melampo my eyelashes
why takde sapa bising
tang lashes ni plak ramai komplen
muskil acik
Oct 28, 2009 @ 18:28:00
hehhhee…..waktu tu …make up dan pakaian sama2 comel…
ni ala2 gaya Diva gala dinner gitu….tapi make up memang cantik..nak kena belajar make up nih….cuma bulu mata je..terlindung kening u yg kecik molek tu…hehhehhee
Oct 28, 2009 @ 18:30:46
tu yang uniknya eyelashes ni
apalah kening nak tengok sangat, bila kelip mata nampaklah kening jugak marr
ari2 leh nampak kening i
n bukan ari2 i pakai eyelashes tu pun
mbe sekali seumur idup jer
nnt datang redglow yer
kita main make up2
Oct 28, 2009 @ 18:40:37
hhehehhhehhee…..takpe..takpe..meh kita pakai skali lagi..kih kih
boleh aje..kalau dah confirm pindah …gerenti join semua program GBM nih…..hehheee
Oct 28, 2009 @ 21:39:27
you look GREAT during the dinner! really love your outfit. mmg standout-lah!

esp your eyelashes, heard that they’re sponsored? so you get one pair each day? heard this from my gf. she baca your blog one day and told me that you have sponsored eyelashes during the dinner at pan pacific.
.-= Dylan´s last blog ..Project Alpha Week 5: beautifulnara.com =-.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 22:06:01
u know i tot u were there so there s one chinese guy approached me n i asked him ‘r u dylan?’ he was so blurred hahahahaa apa dah. which one is yr gf, forgot la so many amois that nite,all pretty
yes the eyelashes n make up all sponsored marr
me no kaya2 to buy one
Oct 28, 2009 @ 22:15:05
hahaha! i can imagine his face.
yeah, i was there but then didnt really manage to take much pictures cuz our mood kind of tak baik cuz of the timing and stuff. we only had less than an hour to get ready for the dinner. kesian gf aku nak makeup dan buat rambut.
erm, i’ve posted up my entry on the dinner in my blog. gambar gf saya ada kat sana. hehe.
.-= Dylan´s last blog ..Project Alpha Week 5: beautifulnara.com =-.
Oct 29, 2009 @ 08:10:29
cantikkkk nye kak red..
x sbar nk tgk full pic kak red..
xpecially dress tue.. :))
.-= yaty´s last blog ..to do listttt!! =-.
Oct 29, 2009 @ 15:42:05
glamer gila2an… hehehe syoknya… awat lah aku tak masuk contest nuffnang buat entry pasal spore…
.-= sWeEtDaRLinG´s last blog ..Cari Nasi =-.
Nov 10, 2009 @ 16:50:01
:love: :love: i like all da picture

.-= comel´s last blog ..5 Jenis sabar..(comel dapat dari reseach) =-.