Apr 23 2010 Friday, 8:30 am
Marie France Bodyline – 14th Treatment…
so how korang nak dapatkan trial package from Marie France Bodyline, go get in touch with:
SMS to *MFB <space>RM<space>Name, Age, Preferred Centre* send to *32996*
To receive a *FREE 60mins Full Body Contouring Session.*
(RM0.50 will be charged for each SMS)
someone from MFB will be in touched with you
i went for my 14th sessions, FYI, i m sponsored by MFB to slim down a bit on my tummy part. huk huk…ada orang anak 8 perut tegang putih melepak takde selulit langsung. ko tau sapa? mak ajah akuuuuuuuuu!! skang dah tua ni baru perut mak aku ada but mmg mak jenis slim kebaya ketat dulu pakai. aisay…orang dedulu jaga makan masa pantang sesangat bagus. anakny nih masa dalam pantang, maknya balik jer dr umah dia, terus dia bukak kain batik, sarung suor pendek (hater panas kooooooo musim2 pantang tuh) pastu leh nampak air sejuk digogoknya gulp gulp gulp. camne perut tak kembung. bila dah 6 taun beranak si Gegirl baru nangis2 aaa perutku buncit makkkkkkkk….
my treatment for this session is the main chilly creme. my fav worr. the official name is TALT. tak semua orang pakai package yang sama ngan apa aku dapat. mbe utk ko nya package lain treatmentnya, so mine i got to try semua package dari MFB. Thank you Marie Franceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!!
perasan tak susah tol aku nak bergambar ramai2 with therapists and consultants of Marie France coz they are so so shy and very the nampak camera semua menyorok boleh 2 orang pi lari nyelinap coz segan betul if gambar kuor blog. my next treatment is continued to next week coz i have something coming up. very nice lar, ngah aku semangat nak bermassage perut, ada je yang bagi off duty ngan MFB nih…
saya dah buat for 14 treatments dengan Marie France, saya juga jaga makan, berat and inci ada turun dah mengecil. Remember, the inches of cos helped by MFB but the weight kita sendiri kena pandai jaga makan. So all, treatment ke 15 kita sambung next week yer
Thanks again for those yang have replied my emails on the Workshop wt MFB this 8th May, but for those yang tak reply my email on your acceptance pls do so, otherwise aku bagi seat ko kat the 5 in waiting list yer. kesian ada berpuluh lagi signed up nak masuk tapi sabar ye, mana tau betul MFB nak buat one more session lagik. Be patience .
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