

There are currently 211 posts and 2,211 comments.

Pemenangnya jengjengjeng……..

Dalam Yang Terdalam =

Macam unique je number 2211 gitu..kebetulan ada 211 posts kan and this guy Ak (sampai sudah la ni aku x tau nama budak ni, halohai!) is the most luckiest person. He doesnt know yet, kalau dia baca entry ni dia tau, kalo x korang pi lah terjah blog dia kasi khabarkan….

and as of at 930pm tonite: There are currently 215 posts and 2,269 comments

gitulah ye. So officially, i


Next contest, i will announce it next week. ada gak aku gather kan sume pemenang lam one gathering ni. Yang unofficial to meet me, ngah beratur amik number tu, sila harap bersabar, number yang anda dial masih sedang bertunang. tootttttttt!

Comment: 10

Contact Red = Message


Message siS red.. wanna share something with you which I think is important.

GPK Ko-K di skolah sy kena tetak di pergelangan tangan nyer, baru petang tadik. Dia balik2 dari skolah, tengok pintu terbuka luas (blum dpt pasti sm ada pintu gate or pintu umah).

Dia masuk2 umah, itu perompak sudah tunggu dia di dalam. Arini kan ari gaji kami (cikgu 25hb).. dan dalam handbag nyer ada cash $1K. I am not sure whether ada pergelutan ker or anything like that. Yang tahu cerita penuh~ hanyalah si mangsa.. and she’s now ada di bilik operet.. sedang disambungkan segala ligamen, urat, saluran darah bagai.

Al-kisah nyer, parang perompak tadik tu sib baik tumpul.. kalu tak memang dah terputus pergelangan tangan kiri nyer. Menurut doktor, yang jelas visible is her tulang-temulang and her thumb is hanging there atas ikhsan kulit2 yang tinggal ajer.

Kecederaan lain~ not sure. Emosi & mental.. sudah pasti.
Dalam rumah apa yg ilang~ oso not sure.

Can you please be so kind to highlight this to you beloved readers.. moga2 kita sumer lebey berhati2. And by the way, her house is in Taman Seri Gombak. Semoga kita sumer mendapat perlindungan Allah sentiasa..

Thank you, siS!!


Comment: 5

hosting upgraded

Initial hosting was ProSite Standard package which only entitle for only 60GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer. so disebabkan kefemesan bini aku ni (kembang la tu) & kesetiaan pembaca2 tegar seperti anda semua, up till today the bandwidth transfer almost exceed the limit. to be exact the bandwidth transfer for this month is 57GB. tinggal 3GB jer.. takkan survive till end of the month.

so kena la upgrade ke ProSite Expert package which cost redmummy rm250 annually. this package however allow 200GB monthly bandwidth transfer.


so ape lagi terjah la… ajak2 la kenkawan lain mai sini… kasik utilise all the bandwitdh allocated. kalo dak membazir jer dak…

and hopefully this allocation can serves you guys way much better!

another thing was, the wordpress also upgraded to version 2.3.3

ooo lupa *promosi* hosting provider is Senihost

– yg menjalankan tugas
ashterix aka sirman

Comment: 17

Oh no!!!




The domain (redmummy) has reached 80% of its bandwidth limit (52403.57/60000.00 Megs).




Comment: 6

Unique number from the comments board…

i dont have the unique number for this purpose yet…

my unique number will start from 2XXX!

no cronies will win for the contest, putubambu ko x cecukup ke mengadap muka senior ko ni masa zaman kita di hutan dulu

budlee – dont worry babe, u still on the road if u are lucky

of course to u my silent readers and all bloggers, u know i like reading your comments, and i love u the most after my families and frens..


Comment: 7