Red Short Holiday = Three

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Red Short Holiday = Two

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Red Short Holiday = One

The outing in PD, wt my bro Ayin (wife and daughter) and my sis Nana (husband and son)

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The Train…

so truly tired!!!

my next entries, aku tempek gambar2 je lah ye…

Comment: 6

Hi :)

I’m sending this entry via berry so kalo keluar grey font is not sengaja ye.

First, I ve draft entries tapi malas nak publishkan…dont knw why…saje nak tease ko. Alah akak cuti blog kojap je šŸ™‚

Second, there s no internet connection from our hotel room, both of us dok bawak laptop memasing tp hampagas je yg dpt šŸ™

Third, aku betul2 relax and having fun here wt my families, no internet connection lagilah aku x yah pikir apa except viewing your comments from the berry. Aku tido baca buku citer tidoooo..

I was sick on my first day here,lagilah x bernafsu nak blogging. Anw, aku x pi jauh pun dok dokek2 jer tp seronok sgt coz dah lama sgt x cuti wt family, last was when we were in cherating masa raya aritu.

Kids ‘cuti’ on friday, halalkan jelah ye cikgu.suara abang naik serak dah ni, gegirl dok sakan sama naik tocang.

I will upload more photos and entries, one of us is catching another flight on sunday šŸ™

Comment: 8