Not into ISA!

both of them need to check their EPF entitlement, napa le aku ngikut sama….oh pasal aku diminta menemani Ms Lemb for another bank. lama gak tak turun bwh klcc ni, tolak campur 2,3 ari? 🙂

anw, adalah cerita behind the scene a day before yesterday, bawak ke malam pagi smlm tp malas aku nak ceritakan. x perlulah nak tell the whole stories, like someone commented before few nites ago which ai think your comment is too much. anw adik ‘if ai dont blog about agama, that doesnt mean ai m not a muslim, n yes i did few entries on solat thingy, google my old blog before nak fitnah akak ye dik”


luckily ai didnt approve her comment, if not mesti jadi pertembungan agama lak among my readers.

Stay calm, read my blog peacefully and muka macam akak ko ni mmg x berkenan nak masuk ISA ke jangan nak buat havoc ye dik..


ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! bulan puasa memang akak kurangkan entry…all entries been set a nite before and it s auto publish starting 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and either 6or 7pm. then one last one at 9 or 10pm….then sambung balik at 8am etcs (unless ada rezeki terlebih ada entry terlebih2 tu memang ai buat selang sejam lah. gitu)

total up 7 entries per day for fasting month. banyak lah jugak kan….

bukan bulan puasa lak entries between 8 – 10 entries perday….

told ya, ai m obsessed to my red blog 🙂


Comment: 12

Bingkisan Salam Syawal…

Hi Kak Red,
SeLaMaT beRpuAsa daN seLaMat MenYamBut LeBaRaN yg AkaN MeNjeLang TiBa..
TQ kePaDa LelaKi Ini, yG MnCadaNgkaN IdeA Bestttt Gitew…wah…Klu tiDak, biLa Lg Nak GlaMeR kat ReD Carpet KaK ReD ni kaN…;)) . Btw, SaYa meRupaKan penGunjung TeTaP websiTe Kak Red siNce AwL bLaN Ni lgik…hehehe (accidently..)
So, SeMpeNa Kak Red DaH bg greeN litE tuk BSS ni, saYa nAk AmBik KeSeMpaTan uTk MenGucaPkan SaLam AidiLfitri Utk KaK Red SeKeluArga, SeMoGa KaK Red beRbaHagiA daN CeRia d Hari LebaRan NaNti.. SeLain tu, uCapan ditujuKaN jg KePada ReaDers KaK Red, KauM KeLuaRga (FELDA, LAHAD DATU, SABAH) Wai (Adik – IPD Cheras) TuNang TrsaYang – REDZUAN ISMAIL, friends (AKMASABAH COLLEGE), hsmate (cgu dan kak zue) dan seluruh warga kerja YAYASAN SABAH

Saya sarina jer aka Seri Inai..pembaca setia laman kak red, dr kota kinabalu, sabah. blom lg jd member kak red..cume pembaca setia laman kak red jer la…keja dkat yayasan sbah, tp subsidiari…hehehe

**korang tolong jangan anto font jap besau jap kecik camni, mata akak ko berpinau2 nak membaca 🙂
**best kalo letak gambo pakai baju kurung ke gambo raya ke, tapi kalo x de gak it s ok.
Comment: 10

3rd Birthday celebration…

aku x tau lah napa berry sirman ni gambonya x clear. asal dia amik gambo je x cantik tau….

so anw, he went to tesco and got a pc of cake for our little diva. 3rd celebration for her, this time kat sekolah dia pulak lah….

we didnt taste the cake pun, only gegirl and her schoolamates yang perabihkan the cake and enjoy the party. one thing sekolah gegirl x leh sesuka hati ko lah nak buat bday party, every month ada ditetapkan bape hb utk buat bday party, no hanky panky skirt dress suor baju raya, everyone has to wear the school uniform. party starts at 930am, parents can join….bang boom bang! masuk kelas balik. tapi parents gegirl x de pun masa party ni, orang keje la nak, len kali lah, lgpun bape banyak bday ko nak celebrate. abang ko satu pun blom ko dah lebih kuota.

simple as it can be…

N she enjoys her birthday wt her frens (kira berlagak lah sket kat kenkwan cino dia ‘now is my turn to blow the candles’ ) hahahahhahaha….

**balik sekolah gegirl siap buat laporan 3 karangan… 🙂

**happy birthday to my special gf BabyG (of course lah ai remember your birthday) ….how s Momo 🙂 

Comment: 6

Gold Necklace from Bkk…

this gold necklace is from Bkk…around 5 inggit gak 🙂

ai snapped these 2 photos, wt 2 versions

kononnya satu atas tu di balik lampu kuning umahku…gitu

yang ni lak kat sebelah mentari lampu gak, tp lampu putih

huhuuuu…….ai m so getting crazy!

Comment: 10

Fasting Raya mood…

few days ago, i was shocked to hear that some of national radio stations dah mula pasang lagu raya…hemm not bad. dulu gomen marah woo, baru bape ari puasa dah pasang lagu raya.

awal2 ramadhan aritu kami  ke JJ Maluri right, ha kat situ lagi lah, berlawan2 lagu raya Tok Ti, Sanisah Huri, all the evergreen lagu raya songs. Even new branch of SenHeng, Bandar Sri Permaisuri pun dah mula rancak ngan lagu raya. gila kuat depa pasang….(aku kan ngah meriah belek car accessories the other day, tu pasal boleh dengau)

this year, KLCC buat versi berkampung lak ….

also reminder to all of you my beloved redmummy’s readers, do help my 2 other readers on their kuih raya business.

You love Bangkit Santan…she is waiting for your new order. zasss2 je tepon nanti dia anto lah ke umah kau. Not forgotten the Tart Nanas, ramai peminat tart kan. bangkit ialah kuih lama, malay cina inda also can buy….place your order yeah. and tart nenas lak kuih modern, sweet x sweet sgt, sbb ada jem kan. Do help them, everyone loves eating kuih raya, buy for yourself or get for your loved ones.

u buy and get for me lagi lah banyak bertuah!

ai m planning to take one day off to go for shopping wt my family. bila ek nak pi…nak amik cuti tuh, nak ke laki aku kan…oh budak sekolah lak. abang tu kena diangkut sama seiii…beli baju dia aku boleh lah main agak2 tp suor dia kena ada sama budak tuh. banyak suor dia kena reject pasal sekeping sgt payah nau nak makan, kurus je anak aku tuh…

but i really have to do the shopping thingy on the week of 22nd, busuk2 kena pi masa weekend lah. harus kena bangun cepat lah pulak yer, kalo pi thari siksa jiwa lah jwb nya bergaduh tang q plak. abang will have to skip his tuition class kejap satu hari, maknak bawak abang pi soping raya (no toys!)…

tapi kalo nak untung x de kena beratur, jangan lah beli baju kat JJ ke isetan ke, coz lam tu ramai sngt manusia and beratur mmg panjang ular melingkar lah kan, but mbe u boleh pi beli kat Midvalley, n masuk kat each kids boutique yang ado tuh, or mbe pavillion etcs…


saya sebenarnya bukanlah kemaruk sgt nak soping utk bebudak, coz ai bought for them already from bkk, but aku nakkan merasa kemeriahan gaduh2 masa soping raya tu. baru la mak merah namanya 🙂

Comment: 14