PRUhealth…for the life for the future…

sweetheart RM,

my sticky mode entry yeah this one, scroll down for the latest entries 🙂


Hold old are you?
I m 34 years old.
You pakai insurans apa?
Emm….takde, my company covers my medical.
I tot you nak jadi full time blogger kan? So kalau u dah quit from your permanent job, whats going to happen with your medical coverage?


ai never tot of that.
Ok yes lah, kalau pun aku berenti, aku still ada Sirman yang ai can rely on. But we do not know what will happen in the near future. Kalau Sirman setia loyal with me, fine, ai still get my coverage from his current company. Tapi kalau dia tiada, how bout me?

My kids?
Camne aku nak survive?
Back to work??

korang ada terpikir?


Aku terpinga2 bila Fiona Liao, Asst Director, Brand & Communications of Prudential was talking bout this issue to us. Ai tot to just tell you bout the good of having Prudential, but let me tell you a story, a true story of my insurance. Yes I do have it but I dont have any insurance yang coverage myself, me alone. Even kids.

Seorang lelaki Malaysia boleh survive sehingga mereka berumur 71 tahun dan seorang wanita pulak average lifespan adalah 76 tahun. Source was taken from the PruHealth.  Itu average fakta2 yang dah depa kumpulkan tp kalau dah nak mati esok lusa, takdenya nak tunggu 70 taun kan.

Hidup lama, yes orang2 Malaysia memang hidup lama mengikut fakta yang depa bagi lah but that doesnt mean kita pulak menjadi seorang healthier. In between tuh entah2 macam2 jenis penyakit kita leh dapat.


Ngan jenis pemakanan orang Malaysia with kari, nasi lemak, segala berkolestrol, the tarik nya sedap wuiii, cepatlah pulak dpt sakit jantung darah tinggi etcs. Kan kan kan????jangan nak temberang kalo korang tak tau fakta nih.bila pikir2, kot lah lagi 10 taun aku tetiba dapat breast cancer ke, dapat sakit jantung, camner. Sapa nak cover medical health aku?

Kerja dah berenti, fix income takdak. Harapkan duit blogging jer. Itupun kalo jadi jutawan dengan blogging takpo gak, so sapo nak bayo duit hospital aku???sakit pening kau, anak2 lagik. Ha mana nak korek? Korang nak bayo? Hahahahah sedara sendiri pun lari2 nak bayo hutang spital, inikan pulak kita yang tak besaudara.


My frens out there – medical care ni kita perlu ada, itu bukan utk aku ko sorang, ini untuk everyone! Semua orang kena ado! Duit bill spital jer dah makan beratus ribu kalau treatment kita yang macam chimo tuh. One glance je lah aku bg contoh, ko buat appendix surgery agak2 lah skang mbe ko bayo RM3000, tp lagi 20 taun, buatnya ko kena apendiks, bill ko akan jadi 20ribu ringgit msia. Ado duit nak bayo?

Kenapa orang tak nak amik insurans yek? Yes wpun ada coverage dari company tempat kerja ko tp apa jadik kalau ko kena retrenched?

Saya tahu bila saya tanya napa ko tak nak amik insurans for your own personal coverage gak…ko mesti nak jwb gini:

1.    Tempat aku kerja tu cover lah medical benefits.
2.    Aku sihat, tak perlukan insurans ni semua.
3.    Income tak cukup kuat lah kak nak membayo kat insurans, bukan dapat rebate claim pun on the dot.


Nuffnang team: Carol, Tim from Penang base, and Nicholas

Amboiiiiiiiiiiiii! Jawab ke main…
korang nak tau aku nak jawab apa kat korang?

Get yourself a PRUhealth insurance.


Let s talk bout it in my next post coz you gonna love reading it. But meantime, while waiting for my next story to be posted next week, come and study a bit the web that you can rely on, do some thinking and maths on the calculation.


Ringgo and Kennysia

Why pay RM100 for a pair of shoes yet you can pay for your monthly life insurance…

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Prudential is brought by

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