May 2 2014 Friday, 10:00 am
RD’s task before….
..before he left us to Europe.
hah sekali semua gambar letak.
ceritanya hehujung.
Laki aku is no longer on our Malaysian public holiday, dah kena ikut Europe sana. So walaupun badan kat Malaysia, waktu cuti pun kena ikut sana, not just the working hours, so cuti Easter dulu dia cuti le 4 hari. Part of his jobs before he left for his business trip, uruskan bebudak nih. Potong rambut kakak, tapi dengan Zeeshan pun sama kena potong pendek gak. Hantar abang to his school, all the kerja2 biasa mak pak kena buat.
Now that he left already, so it s back to me for being the supermak tunggul ler, macam biasa, dah bertahun2, sejak dari sebelum kahwin till now. No change, bila dia takde, aku ler yang buat semua tasks, a to z. Paling perit tidur at 2am bangun at 5am hahahaha, so at one nite tuh, semua dah tidur, except me and si kecik je yang bergolek atas katil.
Dia dok tengok tv tapi aku rupanya dah tersadai ketiduran, aku sedar2 dah 630pagi! Memang hari tu tak kerja, cuti weekend, but for 6,7 hours tv berpasang, dengan Zeeshan tak berseluar panjang, berblanket jer, dengan aircond pasang. I must be so super tired!
RD is currently in Hungary, but at side of Budapest, aku nak spell out tempat tu pun semput napas. Followed by another part of the world, sapa follow dia, suka le tengok the locations he s been up too. The 4 days this week pulak he s in Vienna, dok ajak aku suh pi sana. Hoh kuasa ler nak ngekor. Pening pala melayan jetlag, batallion kat sini pun need my attention, dengan kerja balik rumah jumpa pintu pun after 9pm, kuasa la hakak.
Some more, insyalllah we are getting our big ‘baby’ anytime soon, so I have to be on stand by kat KL hah….travelling is not in my plan, for at least a month nih. Wpun gitu aku kena terbang gak, either before Ramadhan, or after Raya, been holding my trip for quite a while already.
I know lots of you are taking long leave, straight 4 hari. Enjoy your break.
hafiz hafizol
May 02, 2014 @ 10:25:36
Seronok nya RM asyik travelling aje dia… take care RM :”)
hafiz hafizol recently posted..Cara Berkesan Mengatasi Nafas Berbau
May 02, 2014 @ 12:09:23
Big baby with 4 ‘legs’?
adyomega recently posted..Senyum…
May 03, 2014 @ 00:15:21
big baby apakah akak??? xsabar nak tau.. hehe..
cikcloudy recently posted..Karnival Muamalat & Cinta Rasul di Kuantan
Sya Isya
May 03, 2014 @ 13:26:27
macam takut ada macam suka pun ada kena potong rambut tu
May 03, 2014 @ 23:24:06
wahh…. Beraninya zeeshan potong rambut ddk sorang2 tanpa daddy dia.
Lyn Yusoff
May 07, 2014 @ 11:21:51
big baby?? congratulations kak
Lyn Yusoff recently posted..Panda Eyes