
Gegirl – Made In India video

Gegirl – Made In India video

this is like a joke…bukan show gegirl tapi as ai told u earlier we couldnt go home pasal nak kena perabihkan tengok semua show. coz gegirl dok menari sama. yang sempat je kami rakam tang nih pastu camera abih memory, banyak gila gambo video yang diupload.

tulah sirman degil aku suh bawak dedua camera dia x nak, ha kan dpt 2 video jer iskk

anw, apek n nyonya sebelah gegirl tu mengaco gegirl tu yang dia rasa distracted jer nak menari atas kerusi

Morning everyone….happy wednesday 🙂

Comment: 19

Gegirl – Hey Mickey video

Gegirl – Hey Mickey video

ye seperti dah dijanji2 ye nah ngamik ler video hello mickey gegirl…sapa yang x dapat nak nengok tuh, nasib kamu lah ye dik….bukan senang akak ko nak tempek video lam blog mak merah nih.

abih dah kot cite konsert gegirl, skang meh kita cite hapa2 yang korang nak cite.

Comment: 35

Hey Mickey!

amoi merah wt her aired guitar

Hey Mickey youtube

sirman ajar sekali camne nak bukak, besokan video, lepas tu laju je lah dia tekan play play play

n she kept on dancing wt the Hey Mickey’s youtube berkali2…..

actually kat sekolah dia ada buat version lagi simple, dah 2,3 ari aku belajar ngan dia cara menari Hey Mickey, sampai kena marah ngan gegirl ‘salah tu mommy, kaki left, bukan right, tangan atas bukan bawah’ eii! mak nenek betul!

since she s so memekak wt herr Hey Mickey’s youtube, aku ngan sirman lari dok luor layan Eagel Eye and Bangkok Dangerous. kuat betul dia pasang Hey Mickey nya.

you should watch her dancing, abang dan bapaknya follow from her back, konon nak tried tiru menari sama lah, wah tidak dibaginya. ‘boy tak boleh dance Hey Mickey, mommy je boleh!’

huhuuuu….ai cant, ai cant dance anymore. ai m retired dancer 🙂

Comment: 14

Kiroro Mirae_i – Gegirl’s version

sirman and gegirl’s project

redmummy and gegirl’s project

Comment: 11

4 Years on 9 September 2008

before ai post my usual entries, let s share a little bit of our mini celebration AGAIN for gegirl birthday on the eve before 9 Sept yesterday

this is the second celebration for 4 of us only, the first one was held kat umah mak 2 days before wt her cousins

she wants a mini cake, only for her

4 candles to complete the package of the choc cake

4 years ago, ai delivered gegirl via normal delivery, no epidural etcs

3.16kg, very fair baby with chinese look, more to sirman lah gitu

abang gave a present to his sis (sebab abang takde duit, he selongkar toys dia bagai, and wrap it up in the yellow sponge bob’s bag, very creative abang)

Semoga Gegirl kurang2 lah sentap tu…

there will be another 2 celebrations for her, one kat sekolah one lagi kat ha tungguuuu….

Thanks again, from Gegirl to redmummy’s readers.

enjoy gegirl’s birthday song only for you…

Comment: 48