Friday, 8:01 am
i m still sad..the tears dah tunjukkan the feeling. 🙁
abang has his sports day for the sek agama on fri..i couldnt make it, sirman has to attend. a day before dia memekak balik dari sekolah said that dia nak gak bagi present for ustazah, yang kuih muih ns lemak aku beli tu bukan present. sedekah jariah. hishhh!!!
not only that, gegirl pun memekak sama said that fri is her teacher s day, ada celebration..yang aku tak tahan dia leh cakap ‘mummy, teacher cakap MUST BRING PRESENT FOR TEACHER, jangan bawak cookies or chocolates!!!’ — sapa ajar cakap ni kalau bukan cikgunya ?? haiyahh
aku tulis kat buku laporan gegirl ‘LAST WEEK WAS ALSO A MOTHER S DAY, HOW COME GEGIRL ……….?’ pikir sendiri la apa ayat seterusnya….so nanti cikgu nya kenalah baca jugak and tak geti2 to take note??
abang dulu 3 yrs in kindie, lagi murah aku bayo dr kindie gegirl, setiap taun ada je card conteng2 or kerastangan yang dia hasilkan, guided by the teacher of cos. even kat sekolah cina nya yang darjah satu ni pun ada adiah bunga sekuntum untuk mak. n gegirl nya sekolah awat tarak ajar kah? heboh piang for teacher’s day, bih tu maknye? aku bukan hadap sgt the presents from anak aku pun tapi bila dia balik ngan ayat gini .. ‘mummy, teacher cakap MUST BRING PRESENT FOR TEACHER, jangan bawak cookies or chocolates!!!’ tak ke aku balas balik.
n so aku korek duit celah bedah, terjah isetan terjah lovely lace to get the 2 presents for ustazah abang and teacher gegirl.
4 presents for them. 2 pcs tu mmg lah for the teachers but another 2 pcs lah utk anak2 aku sorang satu. mulut depa kena tutup, asik mintak presents ajer…
happy teachers day to all of you…tak kira ko cikgu prof or tidak.
oh Loushi Sofia punya adiah pulak aku x beli. itu cikgu tuition abang…duhhhh!!!!
have to do and remember so many things, light bulbs umah pun banyak yang dah kojol, aku jugak ke yang harus mencarik.
Ini adalah entry yang ke 500 for ….
little update – **I believe this situation happens in gegirl’s kindie, not other schools or other teachers. i really hope takde cikgu di sini yang terasa hati, i m talking bout my own daughter’s teachers. To my lovely frens yang berprofession cikgu, harap jangan berkecil hati, ai know u, u know me…scarl, heart, bani, aduhs..sapa lagi?’
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