Jul 2 2008 Wednesday, 11:00 am
New Red Car For Sirman…
my abah wt his red bike, baru pas dropped off abang kat VA, i was late to join sirman to take his new car…
abang ngan bedak bercapuk baru pas mandi, aku salin suor tidur terus turun bawah bila sirman called ‘turunnnnnnn cepattttttttttt’
sirman and gegirl lah yang pi ngamik keter, sebab aku lambat kan.. amboi, skang gegirl jer sokmo be the first tau
aku pun test drive lah babe, pusing keliling VA
sukanya pakcik tu bukak plastik
his old car sejak abang belum lahir lagi ye, bapak la lama. this is not an expensive car, not even an international car…last minute he change to the WRM due to 3 reasons:
1. kan baru beli 2nd landed house, mana leh pakai keter mahal dedua, kopak la kitorg nanti…
2. my car will be our travel and family car, keter merah WRM sirman lak untuk pakai dia pi kerja jelah
3. minyak dah naik, pakai keter murah je lah, aterrr opis dia dahlah kat ujung selatan tpt jin tido baring weih!
last year, around this date, i got my sparkle grey and this year, he got his new red WRM. We finally has a real red car. meghah!!! though bukan aku yang bawak nanti..still merahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ai like.
taun depan, pengsan dedua roadtax nak bayo dalam bulan yang sama, beza 2,3 ari je lak tuh!
Heartless Devilish @ Reen
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:03:45
congrates dpt kete merah..
kasik full pic ek kak..nak nenok..
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:08:17
HUGE CONGRATS kak red! smoga murah rezki lg pasni yek….alhamdulillah…. raya ni sure meriah okeh!!
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:12:37
is it savvy? nampak macam savvy…coz savvy kan jimat minyak. kak red! full pic pls..nak nengok jugak! hehe
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:14:15
HUGE CONGRATS kak red! smoga lagi murah rezki kak red lps ni ye..alhamdulillah…. raya ni sure meriah okeh!!sana sini RED!
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:15:18
huhu…congratulation kak red for ur new red car…finally…’A RED CAR’….
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:28:16
kereta apakah???????????
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:36:05
wah meghah tul ketenya
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:41:19
montotnye cam saga….saga kah???? next meeting kite park sebelah2…..kasi posing sket!!!
gambo peace tu kan..u really look different…cam budak sekolah pon ade….huhuhuhuuu
Jul 02, 2008 @ 11:48:38
*mode dengki*
“kawan2.. jangan klik iklan kat sini… nanti nuffnang dia naik”
gurau je kak!
jgn marah sampai merah!
Jul 02, 2008 @ 12:02:27
saga or persona??? hmm…i wonder…congrats kak red. dpt jugak keta meghah kan…very red gitu!!!
ain syazrinie
Jul 02, 2008 @ 12:06:32
kak..smoge rezeki smakin brtmbh
Jul 02, 2008 @ 12:42:53
wah…kete baghu…..
Jul 02, 2008 @ 13:31:54
wooo keta baru… patut la entri ni ada bau kedai keta… hihihihi..
rasa2 nya mcm BLM…
Jul 02, 2008 @ 13:49:33
wah bertambah satu lagi kete,blh lah tukar2 kan….
tapi wanie nak tahu jugakkete apalah tue yer:)
wanie’s last blog post..~sanggupkah aku menunggumu 1000 tahun??~
Jul 02, 2008 @ 14:40:51
kak red !!!! akhirnyer..nice meeting u kak..tu namanyer takdirkankan..heheh, xsangka jmp u kak.. hari ini hari gumbira kuuuu….
Jul 02, 2008 @ 14:44:50
saga saga saga saga saga saga
Jul 02, 2008 @ 14:46:38
lupala nk ckp congrats (new car meghah tuu..),xcited la jmp kak red n sirman skali….nnti serempak kat permaisuri jgn lupa tegur ehh..
lily lotus
Jul 02, 2008 @ 16:02:17
tak kisah lah keta apa..yg penting merah kan kak red..and the plate no. is way tooooo match with u!
lily lotus’s last blog post..mama taknak beli topi kan!
Jul 02, 2008 @ 16:38:52
emm boleh I intai2 nanti, tak pun kalau terserempak kat VA, ajok2 le teman skali ye naik kete baghu !
Jul 02, 2008 @ 17:32:43
Wah..kak red..bertambah merah la nampaknyer yer..
June’s last blog post..Trip Video Shooting to Johor bahru
Jul 02, 2008 @ 17:59:04
tak reti2 lg ke ko kak..tempek gambar keta baru sirman tuh..
kasi up skit kaakkk… biar ada yg menanahhhh
Beruang Madu
Jul 02, 2008 @ 23:03:43
Erkkk… keta merah ker.. nanti aku check kat parking… aku ni suka bagi nama keta tapi no plat ko tu bunyi jawanya macam nih… WRM (WaRung Mentong) amik yg urup beso yer… Mentong tu maksudnya supper dalam bahasa Jawa hahahahahaaa.. boleh tak??
Jul 03, 2008 @ 00:47:21
not saga not bml not satria
satria was our first car before kawin dulu weii
2nd car for sirman was sephia
then i drove limited edition silver black kelisa
then i change to sparkle grey
n now sirman is driving this Red WRM !
in one year x boleh lah dedua tukar keter, my turn was last year, sirman’s turn is this year. nxt 2,3 yrs will be my turn back
Red WRM is not a branded car lah. i never show my sparkle grey sejibik kat korang kan, so does Red WRM…
x kan x paham lagi kot pangai mak merah kan..
tunjuk light2 sket2 jer
anw tq all, tq too from sirman
Jul 03, 2008 @ 10:27:22
hurmm..rasenyee mcm red viva kot..yeke?? kalo saga color merah dia lagi terang..kan?? btol kan?? VIVA??
eyanacomey’s last blog post..~free Big APPLe~
cHiQue CoMeL
Jul 04, 2008 @ 00:32:17
walaaa sungguh meghah!!!
tak kisah lah kan keta apa kak… janji kalernya meghah gituh!
p/s: harus lps nih chik ngekor keta meghah plet no WRM 5****
(hehehe no 5 tuh ajer yg nmpk kat gambo atas tuh! next no mcm 4 ajer tuh)
cHiQue CoMeL’s last blog post..Bukan pencinta MERAH
Jul 05, 2008 @ 21:38:39
hik hik
tapi sparkle grey akak sy tau brand apa
bukan sebab sy spy, sebab sy car lover
takpe2 akak tak bagi brand yer…
each car has their own unique style sy pasti akan tau kereta aper kah itueee
janji ku kepada kereta merah tuh
budlee’s last blog post..Finally a proper PCR result in Gel Electrophoresis
Jul 08, 2008 @ 08:17:05
kak red… keta sirman tu mcm savvy ajer… sebab lebih kuang macam keta saye jer…
pu3mawar’s last blog post..motif….?
Oct 19, 2008 @ 13:15:56
kakkkk.. saya nk keta merah satu. ekekeke