Red Divas Online Contest…

This contest will start on 1st July and close on 10 July. for 10 days, the most highest print screen for RED DIVAS ONLINE will get a mystery gift from

senang jer..gambo atas sekali ada 38 users online kan, pastu few min later ada lak 43 users online, so the one yang dpt snap the most highest visitors online at one time, will win.

Email me before 11 July, Friday the prt scrn yang u dah dapat. i will make an announcement on the next following week.

Have fun! (entry ni dok kat atas page for few days kejap ye, new entry ada kat bawah….)

Comment: 12


I like his new red plate no..

WRM = Wow/Wonderful/Walla/Weii Red Mummy!!!


Comment: 23

Under The Same Moon…

Under The Same Moon – you have to watch this!!!

nangis x nangis lah ko dibuatnya nanti…

a mexican movie tapi ada lah english depa cakap sesikit but got english translation too, very thumbs up to watch!

maknya migrate from mexico to us, illegally, for 4 yrs dia x jumpa anaknya, the 9 yrs old boy. every sunday at 10am, a mother will call her son from the phone booth, few days before the sunday that she is supposed to call her son, nenek pada Carlitos meninggal. So Carlitos must find his mother, cross the border illegally to be reunited wt his mother. very touching story.

ada bapak, tapi bapak cam lahanad! geram aku, dah 9 taun x jumpa anak, boleh dpt jumpa kat US ni dia masih lg x nak be responsible to this cute little son. alahai…benci aku bapak pengecut gini.

macam AC Mizal punya statement lam paper..

‘ye saya ada 4 anak, tapi saya hanya sebut 2 anak sekarang yang bersama dengan Emilia sahaja bila ada press tanya sebab saya tidak mahu melukakan hati keluarga mertua dan isteri saya. lagi pula saya tidak tahu di mana mereka tinggal”

oi, anak kecik kena carik bapak ke, bapak kena carik anak?? asyik dok tayang kata dah bagi nafkah, abih ko x geti tanya janda ko yang kat astro tu kat mana anak2 ko, hamboi!

haktuihhhhhhhhhhh la..statement very the satu hari akan ada pulang paku buah keras dari anak-anak engkau! aku mmg maghah sangat bab2 makpak yang irresponsible ni, ko dah kawin lain tu ko punya pasallah, ape masalah nak cakap ko ada anak 4? ko tau satu ari nanti anak2 ko tu leh cakap ‘saya tiada bapa’


Comment: 15

Brown and Red…

so long man red sandal yang aku beli kat PD ni x berpakai…

the brown sandal was a gift from Kaseh (Kaseh di mana kamu??)….the brown mmg aku pakai utk driving. tp the red sandal tu aku simpan lam gym bag, takkan lah ngan baju seluor sukan nak suh aku pakai high heels plakkan which is from gym to my parking. n i m not walking wt my indoor shoes, alangkan ada banyak selipar so the red sandal is placed in my gym bag.

selipar merah aku tu murah2 je lah…bling bling katanya.

Comment: 3

Hiks hiks…

i just cant help myself to credit this comment from unknown to one unknown blog 🙂

Several questions I’d love to hear the comments from you.

1) ada kah saiful akhir2 ni mengadu sakit ‘dubur’?

2) adakah saiful sebelum ini pernah mengadu kpd saudari bahawa anwar selalu raba raba dia?

3) adakah pernah saiful kata dia suka main belakang?

very the make my day 😛 ! tq to whoever posted that comment in that blog ….

**label entry ni is Artist, kelas hokey!

Comment: 11