Majalah Nona September 2009


hancur tollah blog ko ni Wan, mengutuk artis korek rahsia artis tak sesudah, aku nak anto quoation lah kat  blog ko,

anto lawyer lah bang

anto lawyer kang aku kena kuor duit, anto quotation, dapat gak aku tutup mulut kak red ko ngan handbags mahal cekadak dia tuh

tapi ohbulan pun menceceh pasal kak red gak bang

takpe dia nya cite, nxt week aku bukak…skang ko nya cite lu


ko tutup muka sapa tu Wan?

nyampah aa muka ko kak, asik kuor majalah paper tv sana sini jerr

waaaaaaaaaa!! dah kuor majalah Nona ek?


nanti silalah beli Nona, September 2009 nya issue

tu ha cover 3 anak beranak dari Gugu Gaga Erra…


yang membawa kepada GuguGaga Redmummy…

support majalah Nona, sebab collaboration ngan Bodyshop depa yang sponsor kitorg2 ni pi session sana. oh waktu event nih it was fall on my bday, malam tu ada Yoyooh. oh kenangan terindah….


btw untuk akan datang

manalah tau Nona nak collaboration with RedGlow pulakkan, eh aku nak kena promote RedGlow kat gang2 media pulak lah, kasi tambah promosi lagi dan lagi. RedGlow tak suruh pun, tp takkan nak kena hantuk baru nak terngadah…oi silap

takkan nak ketuk baru nak berpaku

ha bih kurang sounds like that lor


buy majalah Nona utk tengok adik2 GBM aku pun ado sama lam tuh

tengok gambau jer ler, n cite2 menarik sempena raya puasa pun ado sama. aaa esok puasaaa! esok puasaaaaa!

Comment: 19

3rd Teaser for Project Alpha…


3 GBM girls jadi guest artists you…..




10 tips to become a very top blogger 🙂


dah dah

banyak dah aku bagi nih

lelebih nak tengok tunggu kuor on air laaa

Comment: 20

I m a bz blogger but ai loveeeeeeeeeeeee make up!


this week, saya adalah jadi boss, ai have a driver you see

but the boring part, jadi boss kena bersiap dalam keter. bersiap means aku kena touch up mata dalam keter. so nak tidur pun masa jadi pendek jor ler…


aku bawak the PAC pigments….hangat aa sale Pigments tuh, laju tol korang sapsapsoi beli yer. tp ada sket lagi lah, but no more restock. takde kaki aa….baiklah korang beli cepat, jangan nak zikir2 kat telinga aku

kak red nak pigments

kak red nak pigments

aku lempang ko kang….


best bila make up dari dlm keter coz ko pakai eyeliner pun kan takde silap celoreng coz jalan kat kl adalah kaya dengan JEM….

you pi keje ari2 camni ek jalan

wahhhhhhhhh! so awak ingat ai terbang ke?


aa dah siap make up, tp sebab ada sunlight malas aku nak bukak s/glasses tuh. Sirman ada job kat area klcc, so aku agak senang lenang dalam keter minggu ni jer ler, minggu lain kem salam. ai can sleep ai can make up and ai can sleep sleep and sleep……….!

I m going to RedGlow’s class too, eh, sapa mau pigi? jom deh maghi sesama aaaa

sebab sirman ada kat klcc minggu ni, kerana itulah sapa2 jumpa minggu ni nak amik barang, sume main touch n go je yer…

malas nya nak merangkap citeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

aku nak tidur aa

satu ari suntuk keje

balik umah jadi mak jadi bini

kol 9 malam sharp mula bukak blog, conceng temberang prungprang buat 4,5 entries for the next daynya auto publish. kol 1-2 pagi baru tidur. siap la bulan puasa lagiiiiiiiii tak cukup tidur ater kol 430 pagi tu nak bangun menanak sahur. konsep rotation aku nak buat arituh, tidak disokong, dok kira lah, aku tarik gak dia bangun sama nolong kat dapur.

Oh..Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan AlMubarak 🙂

Comment: 13

My White date…

to the left to the right but pls scroll down for my latest entries, this is a sticky mode entry for My White Date

I’m now in love with White because somebody wants to give me a luxury White bag of my choice! (I want ELLLVEEEE). Some more White kan suci, bersih & sedap mata memandang. I likeeee. But what I have to do to get it? Well, I have to go on White date! Agak2 Sirman marah dak?
ssssyhhhhhhhhhh 😉


redmummy in White 😉

and I think White can match with any color kan… so you would not go wrong if you wear White. Even my daughter’s room full of white furnitures 🙂

Ok let me tell you about my White date. I’ve been given only 14 days to make the preparation for the date. So korang sure wondering, apa yg kena prepare kan? Jeng jeng jenggg…

On day 1, 1st thing I have to do is to make sure that my teeth are White & shinny. Apa lagi  I keep on brushing lagi & lagi my teeth la. And look how shinny my teeth here 🙂 so skrg senyum pun nampak gigi hehehehhe


The next day sambung gosok gigi lagi. Of cos la kan, gosok gigi kena la hari2 dok 🙂 kalo boleh 4-5 kali sehari.


Pastu hari ke 3, I kena cari a perfect white dress utk di pakai semasa dating nanti, so here is my dream dress. Aku kan minat Tok Ti so aku pilih la white dress Tok Ti tu ha… cantik kannn…



Tapi kalo tak dapat dress tu, dress yang aku pakai ni ok dok?

But sambil2 tunggu the next day punya task aku jawab la pulak a questionaire on “Which White Are You? Patutnya which red are you la kan, ahh tapi taper la, carry on…


and I am a Witty White 🙂 intelligent wooo don’t play2 haa


It’s facial time on day 5. I’ve to choose which cleanser I want to use, which moisturizer I prefer & is it cucumber or potato I like to put on? Well it’s my day to day routine anyway, so I get to used it already maaa


Btw, I also completed the Special Task given, this is for me to get an extra special bonus points! Syok la buat all those preparations. Feel like to go on the 1st date lak huhuhuhuu


yeyyy I got a few days more to go before I fully transform to go on White date. Uuuishhh can’t wait 🙂

Well actually, I am doing this virtually on allshinywhite, jangan la korang ingat aku nak kuor dating ngan orang lain lak ya! And the good thing is, NOT only me alone have a chance to get the luxury White bag. YOU all too can have it as well. Not only bag but other exciting prizes such as iPhone 16GB, Sony VAIO P Series Notebook & Sony MP3 Player huhuhuuu.


Apa yg korang kena buat ialah play “The White Date Contest” like I did above. Of cos you have to complete all 14 days. Me tinggal beberapa hari jer. Go register & explore yourself & show how creative you are to complete all the tasks given cos the winner will be judged by their creativity! And you can play from the facebook too 🙂


Huwaaa but I still want my Red White ELLLVEEEE!!!


agak2 kalau aku tukar jadik best dak? Sapa sokong?


But they already called me White blogger maa… how aaa??

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat My White Date is brought by

Comment: 27

Identity yang telah bocor…


kau! tu yang sempat dihantar dek readers RM, tak tau lah sebenarnya berapa yang tetiba online. yes tak sebanyak korangnya hits, tp max for RM kadang only 75 or busuk2 pun 91 divas yang online at one time…

ni tak lain tak bukan kerja si




aku berani reveal siapa depa berdua…coz dalam blog gossip diorg tuh, keje korek gossip artis je kan,  meh akak merah bocorkan identity the penggosip artis…



Oh Bulan di kiri, Beautifulnara di tengah

yes…RM is a personal’s blog, bukan blog hiburan, .

RM satu2nya personal blog yang terpilih untuk Project Alpha for Malaysian Top 7 Bloggers. Beautifulnara pula adalah blog hiburan yang turut terlibat bergabung in Project Alpha. You wanna be entitled for Season 2 Project Alpha, do watch Astro starting midst Sept – BN and RM di Season 1 Project Alpha then 🙂

dont worry, tayangan ada di Astro juga di online via 🙂

each bloggers akan ada slot 7 ari, so there will be 49 episodes.

ai will update korang lah from time to time, press conference pun aku kena pi attend gak, so stay tune yer…oh kalo x silap nama show kitorg tu is Alpha Bloggers.

Comment: 18