Sunday, 11:36 pm

as i am typing this entry, im staying up wt sirman to observe abang’s condition. he is attacked wt to say ek? aku pun tak tau la nama scientific nya apa, seriously i dont like this doctor, cakap segala medical terms ngan aku (shah jiranku..nan moscow bro ku, u two pleaselah dont tell yr patients yang bukan from medical line anything in medical terms, mapuih mak x paham).

we were lepaking at my mom’s house, aku yes ngah sibuk bongkar baju budak2 ni coz nak dibagi orang bila abang came to me ngan mata itchy nya. suddenly the whole face turns to red colour and kuar la bijik2 gatal bagai. makabah asked me to rush him to clinic, my fav clinic dah tutup plak so terpaksa la pi to our back up clinic.

make the story short, this clinic ramai gila la pulak orang, bukan menggunakan kuasa mak, bukan menggunakan kuasa red diva power rangers superman bagai, but i asked politely from the staff nurse if, IF the doctor can attend my son first since his condition at that time is quite bad. very2 bad! the nurse yang tengok pun mmg riso wt abang’s eyes, so i managed to cut the q..he s a little boy, kalau aku yang kena haruslah aku tunggu q. i have no choice.

doctor check sana check sini, jam2 tu gak bagi makan ubat. he gave us one referral letter, just in case things get worse, we will hv to rush him to the nearest hospital. wt or wtout referral letter pun, aku pun tau nak buat apa..but at least i got the easiest way to explain to the next doctor, just in case.
one day MC for abang, dan2 tu gak badan dia cam excited jer, i can read his mind, seronoklah tu x yah pi sekolah… due to this, he has to sleep wt me tonite…skang ngah berdengkur tidur lena, dek penangan ubat yang drowsy. He looks better already, Being Normal, anak kalau dapat MC mak leh kawtim x share MC?
…bertuah la badan kalau dapat tumpang MC abang.
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Abang ]
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