Friday, 10:30 am
gegirl…pinjam jap dolly ko ek, ko dah tidur, so mak nak buat model cupcakes sat…
alah pinjam bapak ko lah, bapak ko arini mak nak model kan…
some have already heard bout the cupcakes, tapi aku dulik hapa lah kan kalo korang dah dengo kemasyuran cupcakes adik kecil nih. still gak aku nak tempek lam nih. tp dik, akak nak buat sticky mode tak leh le yang…tu ha atas tuh, kang marah kalo aku turunkan ads dia.
personally, knowing her in person, her sister Leen, her little niece (hows yana right now?) aku tak pernah expect budak rugged ala2 rocker nih bley dok dapur. jangankan masak, apatah lagi buat cupcakes. so betullah sekali lagik kata orang, jangan ko sesuka nak judge orang, ntah2 yang ala2 gaya ganas tu lah ke main hebat masak kat dapur.
duh! dah leh kawin nih kan….
anw, back to her business, she s on 2 months leave, Amira nak carik duit poket sket lah. even after she finishes her leave pun, dia nak jugak sambung buat cupcakes nih. That is whay Little voice is created. ai was given 6 pcs of pink cupcakes
but sebab the cupcakes sampai only after 10ish pm, ai couldnt eat it. dah tentulah sirman jadik mangsa. napa pulak aku x leh makan, aku jilat sket jer. coz it has passed my makan time. ai dont eat anything after 8pm yer sweetheart semua.
The review yang made by the manager of RM…
satu ayat je boleh tak?
and the next day bila gegirl bangun, ai gave her a piece, but she refused to eat. aik napa ko?
gegirl nak bawak skul boleh tak mummy? nak makan ngan teachers and frens.
wuii ok ok, bolehhhhhhhh!
so Amira kusayang…1 tidak cukup 6 lagik tidak cukup
kena bagi 2 dozens baru cukup!!!
The taste is wonderfully fantastic, delicious, sirman gave 5 star out of 4. amboi…berlebih2 pulak star ko bagik kan. They have 3 types of flavours – choc, vanilla and orange. Even Amira is quite an ametuer, tapi lets give her a chance to demo her very best service to you. I saw red cupcakes in her blog, that should be mine.
tapi she probably has her own reason pi bagik aku kaler fink kan…again, she wants me to feel the flavour of other colours. feel katanya. Well, i dont really understand pasal cake, ai donno lah camne nak buat cake, tp ai read through her blog, she can use all the smarties, hersyes, choc chips as an adding or toping, she doesnt do fondant. oh tak boleh ek? baru nak jaki suh buat kan… 🙂
For icing, she use the buttercream, choc plak dia pakai Hersyes or Van Houten. emm…not bad. Anything u wanna know and ask bout the cupcakes, from the miny tiny hand of Amirachaos, do drop her an email at, n please please please visit her lovely cupcakes blog. She s our very young sister, yang mokak2 carik duit halal. i like her effort, dia x mengular x kaco orang, dok umah buat cupcakes lagik bagus. good job amira.
The cupcakes price, RM45 is the minimum charges for 25pcs. mini cupcakes plak for 20 pcs, can go for RM35. (min order is 40pcs, kalo aku order 20pcs dia x nak anto, dia campak tepi jalan jer tauu). The types of boxes pun ado gak, so harga pun lain2 jugak yer, and do give her at least 4 days notice before the actual date of delivery. deliver pun ikut tempatlah, ada gak yang kena charge, kalo sblh taman jer, pejam2 mata je lah dia anto tak yah le nak charge kot dok.
Ai know ppl would say…
alah ko tuh kalau kak red promot spender pun ko beli
so i m promoting Amira’s cupcakes, could u please give her some support too?
Thanks to everyone, and thanks to amirachaos for sharing your cupcakes with Oh ye, kalo buat cupcakes tak boleh letak kacang ek? almond nuts tuh kalo makan ngap2 lam cupcakes mesti sedap kan? orang tak buat lagik, apa kata korang buat plak…amira? can u? Akak cabar ko nih… 🙂
one more thing, akak nak order the mini cupcakes for 40pcs,deliver to VA on next thursday nite 29th, cartoon theme can do. It s for gegirl’s teacher’s day celebration at her kindy. serious order nih. kita review one more time on next fri ehehhehehe.
Category: [
Ads, Cupcakes, Holiday, RedMummy ]
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