
Short Note: My social network on the go…

Sebab ramai nau bising kat mana nak dapatkan the BlackBerry Storm 9520, dengan easy plan for up to 12months, at RM216pm boleh serbu di cawangan2 Celcom di Lembah Klang. Good thing is dalam key featuresnya ada Wi-Fi, so kalau kat oversea senang sangat nak browsing internet. takdelah rasa nak bayo memahal kan, yelah data kalau loading dari BlackBerry kat oversea kan ikut currency rate negara yang kita pergi jugak. Cool, i like it. being blogger, Wi-Fi tu lah nyawa untuk update blog di waktu berada di Paris ke Bandung mahupun Siam ke…. so get yourself the BlackBerry Storm 9520!

Comment: 10

Short Note: I dream for Blackberry Storm 9520

wish sangatlah one day dapat dapat merasa pakai Storm 9520 nih. nanti aku dapat pakai nih aku promote lagi kaw2 kat korang hek. aku pun aim sangat nak tukar berry lama mak merah tuh but tu lah tunggu gak promosi2 yang best, nampak ni yang paling kena ngan selera ku. paling easy access to my blog. ada video recording weih….punca aku tak rajin letak video lam RM coz my current berry takdak video mar, so Blackberry Storm 9520 seperti sudah menjadi jodohku.

Comment: 27

Short Note: Celcom Blackberry Storm 9520

i m happy to announce that I am a Celcom Blackberry user, bih tu korang ingat aku moderate komen sepanjang hari tu camne? dr situ lah yang yek…..but good news is, Celcom has just launched their Blackberry Storm 9520. Boleh menaip dengan kelajuan dan confidence, size memory yang bagak beso, up to 32GB, oh best ada Wi-Fi, my current berry doenst has Wi-Fi, i like this Storm 9520! dengan camera 3.2 megapixel pastuh ado gak video recording! waliauuuuu! mak nak satu. Celcom – 1 for Redmummy pls! udahlah aritu q pepanjang tapi tak gak dapat2.

So for more details, do check out Celcom’s site and follow my twitter @redmummydotcom for the promo on Celcom Blackberry Storm 9520!

Comment: 15

Waktu hijau dan waktu merah…


i had to take a cab from work to somewhere

bila aku sampai kat tpt yang aku dah buat appointment, dah tutup ko!! yenadeii sungguh!! yet aku dah set nak datang, sungguh monci lah bila deal ngan depa. ini dah bape kali depa buat gini. tp kali ni lg teruk, apakan daya, service depa je yang aku leh affordable la nih so ai had to call help from RedGlow…

n the next day, i went to the next station, recommended by RedGlow..kalo kutau sesiang lg aku ke sana tau!


had prior engagement again for my blogjob…Pinky the Nuffie Aussie back to serve Nuffnang Malaysia for a while. sonok ek…cuti 2 bulan summer dpt balik msia, serve kat own country pastu abih cuti sambung balik belajar n keje. btw the Celcom gave away half price memang giler betullah! the q was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long, sampai main road aku nampak. sampai sudah Tim hilang ke mana kitorg mencarik. biskut tollah pakcik tuh.

rasanya tak penah lagi aku buat adv Celcom, wish to get 1 one day.

coz i m a user.

btw tahniah pada mereka2 yang berjaya mendapat the half price of new Berry by Celcom tu yek…mak x leh tukar lor. kalaupun aku nak add satu lg berry kat my 2nd line. tu pasal aku hoping im getting the Celcom’s advertorial.

eh penah ke aku buat ek hahahaha tetiba nampak ada tag Celcom, tp version lain tu kot. aku sendiri lupa mar…need to check back my adv list.

halloooooooooooooooo Celcom.

anybody home??


n best pulak sejak berjimat belanja, aku tak sedor pun yang i m running out of cash. bila nak dekat sampai nak membayo alamak, ngam2 je kooooooooo…sib baik ada belen2 coins hohoooooo. sirman fetched me from the place yang aku kemaruk pepenat menunggu tuh.

weih aritunya protected entry yang korang tengok, big pay aku dapat tuh, ingat aku dpt merasa ker kak long? nan adonyaaaaaaa, sumer dah campak lam asb. sirman sangat strict kali nih!

btw demi utk mengawal financial, n not to spend so much everyday, hari2 nak shopping jer wpun takde sale, so aku terpaksa letak cash lam purse sangat2 sedikit. sapa2 yang nak lunch ngan aku tuh, sila kita makan kat food court je yek, akak ko tengah bersungguh2 saving for at least 6 months nih.

sesekali bolehlah yor…but 6 bulan nih mmg sangat kritikal.

Comment: 12

Celcom BlackBerry

Beri laluan dulu to my Celcom Blackberry for 48hours sticky mode, scroll down utk entry terbaharu kayyy!


As u all know or might not know, we both, me & sirman are BlackBerry user. Currently ai’m using BlackBerry Curve 8310 with Celcom plan. Tapi sekarang ni tangan cam gatal nak tukar ke Storm la pulak…

Ai’m sure korang wondering apa la yang syok sangat pakai BlackBerry ni? well apart of we the BlackBerry users look elite hehehhee & its cool & slick designs, cuba korang tengok benefits dia ni ha…



Yang paling ai suka ialah dapat access Email (office emails, redmummy.com emails even yahoo/gmail emails pun easily access) & do Browsing at anytime as well as chitchat with IM in real time. And do you know that BlackBerry users have their own IM community which called BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)? How cool is that?


Sekarang ni the latest model of BlackBerry is Storm. terliur la pulak aku tengok… patutkah aku replace Curve with Storm?


With all the ISPs come up with their own package plan for this gadget, which one should I chose? Ni nak bagitau korang la ni, Celcom now has good offer that gonna make you a happy Storm user 🙂


Frankly speaking & ai made some surveys of cos, this is the most affordable plan offered in Malaysia. If you compare with other ISP, some of them are selling at higher price and with 24months contract period some more! Celcom has 2 packages – RM 1,699 and RM1,399 & only with 12 months contract. And with monthly commitment at RM148 or RM250 permonth, you gonna get unlimited Internet & BlackBerry Services usage.


Oohh did ai mention that this Storm has Tactile touch screen also? Ala sama macam any smartphones skrg ni la kan, semua dok pakai touch screen kan tapi phone ni boleh MMS, buat SMS forwarding, boleh edit document, battery boleh tukar2, buat video recording, tukar2 media card, voice dialing dan boleh guna sebagai broadband modem without doing any modification, just out of the box! Takyah susah2 pikir cemana la nak “Unlock” menda ni 😉


So You Be The Judge

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Celcom BlackBerry is brought by redmummy.com

Comment: 26