Miu Miu

Clutch from Miu Miu and Gucci…


kak red…bukak la cerita handbags pulak….

Ok ok, aku bukan tak nak bukak yang, masalahnya aku takde handbags baru yang dibeli selepas the jumbo jumbo 2 bijik arituh. tapi korang punya pasal, sebab aku kena buat something2 di Miu Miu dan Gucci, makanya aku amik gambar sket for you girls, and the boyssssssssss….

Abang Fesyen pun nak cerita handbags kan?? nahhhhhhhhhh

The clutch atas tuh from Miu Miu, skang aku macam nak beli 1, 2 bijik lagi clutch, not red colour. the grey atas tuh macam ahcunnyaaaaaaaa! but wait, i m not gonna buy now. Will wait for the first day of Miu Miu punya sale this Decemberrrrrrrrr!


Ini Miu Miu hitam lawaaaaaaaaanya. Hitam setampuk ko. Dia punya buckle silver tu, wahhh….


First time pulak aku dengan si amoi SA nih…biasa Kelvin je yang entertained mak merah…she promised to buzz me, for the opening of sale! Nanti ai datang masuk lagi on Dec yeah oh yehsss!


This yellow clutch pun lawaaaaaaaa. But dia more to macam purse pun ok gak. But dok kira, tunggu sale kay. Contrast colour takper, ai suka jerr. Lagi terang benderang 7 batu orang dah nampak clutch ko tuh…


Habis di Miu Miu kita tengok di Gucci. Pun clutch jugak. Yang aku pegang tuh boleh buat shoulder, hand carry, clutch and also sling one….lawooooooo! Eh sumer lawa, nak kuor duit je nangis sket.


aaaa yang brown leather pun lawo!


…blue black and brown leather tu macam mak haik, dahlah badan mak kocik, dah macam leh isi pampers anak jer bila bawak Gucci tuh…so not me…


Cute kan….dedua cantik. I prefer brown than black. Tak berapa sangat suka black, cukup2 lah black yang ada skang nih pung….

I m waiting for my new bag coming in on midst November. so lateeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Tunggu bila dah sampai kat tanganlah yek…

Today aku nak pi melepak kat Anya Hindmarch, depa panggil for tea 🙂

Tea di tengah hari Jumaat adalah very the happening. Provided korang pi lunch dulu lah yek…semoga i wont buy anything in Anya Hindmarch coz aku dah tau, ada 1-2 bijik yang aku sudah berkenan plakk!

Mungkin sorang reader aku akan beruntung ikut sama aku ke Anya Hindmarch hari ini…we ll see how it goes 🙂

Btw, Gucci SAs ni dari dulu baik yang senior mahupun junior, very the kurenglah. eii…dulu ada sorang yang secocok ngan jiwa laraku, kawan2 aku yang tak bawak designer handbags pun feel lam Gucci ni semacam jer service. Apatah lagi aku yang membawak, rasa cam nak lempang2 buat belacan je ngan depa nih. eiiii!

Comment: 37

2 black babies…


an old season collection of Miu Miu

Check out the latest Shop@RM



My very first Selvatore Ferragamo in black, the last final black in hand hopefully. Not really keen in black, dah macam banyak nau ada kaler hitam kot….aku dah beli ni lama lah, but baru mula pakai sebelum Syawal dulu, cuma takes time to blog it. I dont really blog all of my designer handbags though.

Having a blog with good great income, just from the blog (if u happen to read my story in Harian Metro last April and in Kosmo recently) u would understand. Alhamdulillah with the earning i m able to buy and so far i have collected 47 designer handbags.

Only 23 handbags are in my hand, the other 24 sudah dijual and more is going to be adopted by you, only via Shop@RM.

Kelakarnya this one, sampai sekarang belum pakai2 yet…yer soon soon.

Comment: 14

Dream for the bags or the Italy…


It s my dream bag, but macam tak lah berapa dream pun. coz i want the Argilla colour, yet they dont have it in KLCC. To get the Argilla’s colour, have to buy from oversea, so this going to be my dream bag till donno when. i have 2 classic of Miu Miu already, tak tau lah tapi aku memang suka brand nih. sume brands lain pun aku suker, i have most of the brands oredy, but it s like so addicted when u have 1, u need another 1.

The price for small Nappa Charm is RM4460 and big size is RM5900. it s a lot of money but if we buy kat obersi, u are saving like 1-2k (depending kadang2 sale sampai 30% off macam aku dapat kat Harrods London). I found one in US is selling at a sale price, for small size cost for RM3522, tak termasuk shipping to Malaysia.

Dream for Nappa Charm in Argilla…






these are some of the bags yang Diva Darling beli from her PS job while she s in Italy….sigh! sapa le yang kirim belikan nih….ada banyak gambar lagi tapi dia sempat bagi aku nih jer tengok….


Thank you Diva Darling for the PS job for RM’s readers…(tu yang sleeveless biru tuh is Diva Darling). She comes back to Malaysia at least once or twice a year, dok menetap kat UK and if you want anything from UK, just give her a buzz, she will help to get it for you.

Diva Darling is now having a break in Italy, hari2 dok text aku for the latest bags over there ….muahahahhaa, ye aku akan sampai Italy tu gak, one day yek…bilo tu nantilah, surpriseeeeeeee!!

ngehh 🙂 kira duit tabung dulu…

Comment: 18

Miu Miu Vitello Lux…


yellow and blue


Fumo, Argilla, Brown, Oren….betul ke idak nama2 colours nih…probably lah, aku malas betul nak check nama2 kaler depa, but cantik!

ini Bow Bag from Miu Miu, tengah in skang nih, can be hand carried, can be shoulder and can be sling crossbody. i was asked by a fren to check on the bow bag, sumpah aku dah tried banyak kali before pi Europe harituh, she s trying to influence me to get this one for myself. but sampai skang aku cuba try, it doesnt go IN to me at all…

even dalam purse forum depa dok meriah pakai nih, i still dont like it. i m happy with my red coffer and lilac vitello lux. 2 Miu Miu models from 1 name already. Honestly, i love this Miu Miu brand, sangat2 suka, but having bow bag is not in my list at all….

unless aku dah kaya kebana macam si Posh, sampai lebih 100 hermes dia hah bolehlahkan, main amik beli pastu pakai sekali. oh nehi nehii…..


Love this orange, HOLLAND!!! muahahah…tetiba minat oren kan, padahal laki aku yang sokong bonar ngan Holland tuh. weih….mau tak suka, abang ipar aku ada kat sana tuh, ngan Sirman pun dulu seconded kat sana so dia sukalah sokong oren oren nih.

anw, dalam banyak2 kaler, oren ni yang cun melecun to me, pakai ngan contrast kaler biru terang benderang, walaweiihhhh! cantik nih kalau pakai lagi ngan baju kurung kaler2 yang berlawanan giler, pakai baju kurung hitam or suiut hitam, memang very the HOLLANDlah!

ok oren! harganya in RM for mini bow bag mak lupaa ahehhehehe but for the regular size of bow bag is RM5360 in KLCC. 720 Euro and 630pounds for mini bow bag and 940Euro or 830pounds for the regular size of bow bag. hamik ko! complete aku kuorkan isi booklet yang ado.

Enjoy Oren! Belanda menanglah!!

Comment: 11

Miu Miu Coffer Sacca Con Pattina!


Miu Miu Coffer

i have been aiming for this bag, emm 6months or mbe more….this was my last purchase of hbag when we were on vacation last month, bought it in Harrods, London. it was RM5880 in KLCC boutique but beli kat oversea terus memang murah some more aku ada Harrods card, so i got big discount!


i m so so lucky to get it in red colour, they dont have red in KL even Paris pun takdak, certain countries bawak diff colours. so when i saw it in Harrods, ko ingat aku nak pikir 18kali? it s red, a must colour to have for RM and dahlah tuh my dream bag pulak, coffer.


it s a small/medium size. for my size, i cannot carry anything in large or oversize bag, my mistake dulu pi beli LV Benauvelle yang beso, sudahnya pakai pun 3,4 bulan sekali jer. sekali aku bawak pi KLCC, sebatu orang dah nampak. udahlah merah, vernis pulak tuh iskk…nak jual balik tak leh coz aku dah engraved Redmummy kat strapnya….sah pakai sampai vintage and sumbat lam muzium nanti.

sengaja once in a while aku citer handbags lam RM, not like i m telling u every details of my handbags, but this is like a dream bag, so in love with it at the first sight and of cos for the best one aku citelah kat sini. Kawan2 aku makan hati ngan kaler merah menyala nih coz it s hard to get it.

to be specific, the colour is called Lacca, the bag is grouped under Matelasse’ Lux for Sacca Con Pattina.

ini adalah entry lepas geram to myself!

mahupun Sirman jeling bila aku buat entry nih….come on lah suami, not that I open the protected entry. laki aku tak sukalah entry2 macam nih, pantang besau dia, tapi asalnya pun aku memang show je menda yang aku beli. ha kepit ketiak kepit uban, kepit bulu mata palsu pun aku show2 kan? so what the heck…dia risau ada pihak yang buat onar lagi if kuor lagi entry macam nih…buat tak buat itu hak orang, ini hal aku, i dont disturb people, orang sakit hati dengki PHD tu dia nya pasal, not for me to judge. bukannya aku mintak sedekah orang sponsor beli apa barang pun, it s all from my khudrat, siang malam blogging, ngan kerja tetap aku lagik dan bukan jugak aku tak de buat charity or amal jariah, not for u to know jugak.

zip it kay! the morale of the story u work hard, u gain something, u share the joy and people can go and buy directly over there, suh je lah kawan2 korang belikan kat Europe sana tuh, kalau kat KL mahallah, kalo nasib korang baik macam aku ha dapat big discounts lagi kat London tuh. good luck!

Comment: 28