Red Runner…

Adik, my youngest bro came last nite wt big plastic bag!

Upah RM10 for the delivery

gini, ai kan x nak jumpa bloggers dah kan, wpun gitu tetap gak ada bloggers and readers nak bagi kami hadiah, hajat orang jangan ditolak coz bila aku nak bagi adiah, aku pun x nak orang tolak. niat dah kan…

sebagai galang ganti kalau org tu x dpt nak postkan, my 2 brothers will help me to collect the present, itu kalau umah korang kat sekitar klang valley lah, kalau nun kat melaka kelantan ganu harus brothers aku jegil mata lakkang

so setiap trip yang brothers aku pergi, ai paid him RM10, dah bertaun apa2 yang aku nak buat anto barang ke hapa, my 2 brothers mmg rajin buat, even adik beradik aku tetap upah. kalau jauh luar kl ke subang je shah alam, aku bagi 30, penat seiiii even depa melaju leh merempit kan…tp ai tried lah to avoid asking them pi luor KL, sian lah…

n what s inside, depa 2 yang over excited yer…boleh pasang telinga nak dengau apa ada lam kotak adiah tu… hikss! lawok la korang nih.

Halohai! kelam kabut depa bukak adiah ni, ai will post an entry bout the presents for Red Family soon….she s quite low profile in my blog, but that doesnt mean she s not my loyal reader.

once again, if you want to send presents to us, do deliver to my mom’s hse, but shoot an email via Contact Red to get the address. Not in the General Questions (oh kat side bar atas banner tu dah ada side Questions For Red, thanks sirman menyenangkan kami readers

But kalau x dan dan nak post, Adik can be the runner to collect straight from your main door 🙂

Adik jugak will deliver presents on behalf of me to you, insyallah…

🙂 knock knock knock!

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