Bloggers during Ning’s Dewa…


Chit chatting with the big boss of Universal Music Malaysia, Mujahid (next to him is Pah)


oh my, i m so damn fat! ok that s Juan Danza, setiap kali event Universal, he never forgets to invite me


 always kena chong and cheng with Jejai!



Hilalhutang dinner date for me and Rose!

longgggggggggg time no see Daydeck!

Kak Ina and son too!


 Rose GBM my companion, Jejai and Zaid


1 of my Indian blog readers, Param – time to open up a blog for you, and his frens.


this time jumpa Hilal looks moreeee handsome ahhahaha!


DD yang gelemer on stage with Ning, i dont hv the photo, tengok ler sendiri kat blog dia yek

nanti kem salam kat Aizuddin yek, gambar dia and fren yilek lor


 Isaac, Zaid, Alice, RM, Kak Ina and Jejai


months of waiting, finally dapat jugak pakai the silver clutch of Anya Hindmarch


with my new red Ferragamo. not so flat, ada ler heel sket wpun seinci 2 jer….


 i like this dress, but i think untuk grey colour je dalam koleksi maternity aku ada like 4,5 pcs, silap beli ke silap pandang tak tau lah, banyak le pulak kaler kelabu heh.


The maternity dress nih i mintak Diva Darling to ship for me from UK. hard to find the modern and stylish maternity dress in KL, so i spent quite a lot for getting the dresses. More will be coming in, told you i spent a lotkan. Nemai, if tak pregnant lagi on the next one, this can be lanting2 to my preggers readers jugak. Diva Darling is a personal shopper paling best from UK aku suka deal with.

To my twitter frens, sorry for been so quiet, i think mau over 2 weeks jugak aku tak menjerit kat twitter, thing is i only blog during the weekends for weekdays entries, sometimes satu2 weekend tu aku spend buat sampai 2 weeks punya entry. then at nite during weekdays, ada kala aku tak bukak lappy langsung, only tengok my sponsored posts to do list jer.

Tapi i baca gak twitter, cuma dah malam2 bila nak tidur, but soooooooooooo super lazy to respond.

Korang anggap je lah yang aku lupa password twitter hahahah…..

Thanks bloggers yang kita lepaking during the Ning’s Dewa. Jumpa lagi di lain event 🙂

Comment: 40

Redmummy turns 36!


Thanks Nuffnang!


Thanks to my gf, the best buddy!


2 Chanels and 1 Miu Miu for self.

but of course, best is i m gonna be having another child.

Happy Birthday to Redmummy and thanks all for the lovely wishes over FB, Twitter, BBM, SMS, Emails and of cos from the page of this blog too,

Memboyot di usia 36 tahun 🙂

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Launching of Dewa by Ning Baizura…





the man standing in black shirt, is the husband – amik video for the wife













Dulu waktu Chris suaminya masih bekerja di KLCC, sokmo gak aku nampak Ning together with the husband during lunch hour but selepas suaminya mengambil keputusan untuk manage Ning on full time basis. dah lama tak nampak dah kat KLCC. well dah lakinya tak kerja kat KLCC lagi dah kan…


 Ning’s family members


Dewa at RM29.90 menampilkan 8 buah lagu baru. suara soprano Ning is one of the best…i may not her die hard fan, but i do adore her. She used to jatuh bangun terduduk and bangun kembali. I dont look at the black side of her at all, tapi aku suka tengok kemajuan Ning, walau dah pernah jatuh, tapi tetap bangun kembali. Berkat lagi sokongan kuat ibu dan suaminya.

Look at the bright side, orang yang macam ni juga aku jadikan contoh coz kita takkan selamanya di atas, kalau tersungkur, pun janganlah rasa dunia dah tamat for you, stand up and fight it back.

Satu lagu yang bikin ku sama bergerak badan sewaktu di Zouk, Mama Papa 🙂 . Catchy sedap.

Tapi paling aku suka. Rasaksa. ini berulang kali didengar :).


pertamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kali dulu masa jumpa Ning, i takde blog lagi, i blum kahwin pun yet, met her at the Midvalley, she was walking alone, in style. Gaya jalannya, dengan tallnya with her high heels, spontaneous aku terpanggil her. and at one glance, she angkat kening and smiling at me….

Thanks Universal Music specially to Mujahid’s team, Juan, Pah and Emryll. I did blogged bout Ning kalau ada terjumpa kat mana2 event and of cos, her wedding yang very the ‘joget lambak’  masih lagi dalam ingatan. Best! cerita Ning’s wedding ada di blog lama, reminds me to my old fren, Vernon, di mana kamu berada skang yek….

So anw, all the best to Ning Baizura. Get yourself a copy of Ning’s CD – Dewa. Dalam bahasa sanskrit bermakna Cahaya. Teringin pula nak tengok Ning mengandung kan…bercahayamata sendiri 🙂

Like her FB Fanpage and follower her Twitter @ningdalton


Comment: 21

Lilac and Gold Brown…


apa ke pucat nau kaler ni dik?

ni light grey kak red

macam white jer nih. akak kan tak pakai white.

grey dah habislah kak...


ni cantiknya! jumbo takdak?

ada medium je kak, tu pun last piece, display


wui..meletupnya lilac nih

ni kalau kak red pakai maternity yang merah or black, memang naik seri betul kak

yelah ko…harga membunuh boli kat butik klcc ko nih


i hope my contact would be able to get me the Jumbo in lilac


or if ada sesapa dari mana2 dunia jumpa this colour in Jumbo pun. i LIKE jugak…

i sold lots of my handbags and i rolling back the cash to top up for the Jumbo. That s how the bag business people do, u dont feel ‘sengkek’ or rasa macam alahai banyaknya cash rolling. No…

cos i pun top up sket jer coz almost every weeks or months i am selling my other bags. Best thing is,i dont mokak2 nak raba2 laki aku mintak belikan. There s no such thing at all.

Comment: 26