
Waktu hijau dan waktu merah…


i had to take a cab from work to somewhere

bila aku sampai kat tpt yang aku dah buat appointment, dah tutup ko!! yenadeii sungguh!! yet aku dah set nak datang, sungguh monci lah bila deal ngan depa. ini dah bape kali depa buat gini. tp kali ni lg teruk, apakan daya, service depa je yang aku leh affordable la nih so ai had to call help from RedGlow…

n the next day, i went to the next station, recommended by RedGlow..kalo kutau sesiang lg aku ke sana tau!


had prior engagement again for my blogjob…Pinky the Nuffie Aussie back to serve Nuffnang Malaysia for a while. sonok ek…cuti 2 bulan summer dpt balik msia, serve kat own country pastu abih cuti sambung balik belajar n keje. btw the Celcom gave away half price memang giler betullah! the q was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long, sampai main road aku nampak. sampai sudah Tim hilang ke mana kitorg mencarik. biskut tollah pakcik tuh.

rasanya tak penah lagi aku buat adv Celcom, wish to get 1 one day.

coz i m a user.

btw tahniah pada mereka2 yang berjaya mendapat the half price of new Berry by Celcom tu yek…mak x leh tukar lor. kalaupun aku nak add satu lg berry kat my 2nd line. tu pasal aku hoping im getting the Celcom’s advertorial.

eh penah ke aku buat ek hahahaha tetiba nampak ada tag Celcom, tp version lain tu kot. aku sendiri lupa mar…need to check back my adv list.

halloooooooooooooooo Celcom.

anybody home??


n best pulak sejak berjimat belanja, aku tak sedor pun yang i m running out of cash. bila nak dekat sampai nak membayo alamak, ngam2 je kooooooooo…sib baik ada belen2 coins hohoooooo. sirman fetched me from the place yang aku kemaruk pepenat menunggu tuh.

weih aritunya protected entry yang korang tengok, big pay aku dapat tuh, ingat aku dpt merasa ker kak long? nan adonyaaaaaaa, sumer dah campak lam asb. sirman sangat strict kali nih!

btw demi utk mengawal financial, n not to spend so much everyday, hari2 nak shopping jer wpun takde sale, so aku terpaksa letak cash lam purse sangat2 sedikit. sapa2 yang nak lunch ngan aku tuh, sila kita makan kat food court je yek, akak ko tengah bersungguh2 saving for at least 6 months nih.

sesekali bolehlah yor…but 6 bulan nih mmg sangat kritikal.

Comment: 12

The giant dressing table…


tengok dressing table ni, photo was taken from the 3rd floor of BSC. it s not small size untuk kita manusia. it s the giantttttttttttt size! ko berdiri bawah meja dressing tu jer yer…

bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, unik2.


n everything here semuanya memang besau2 size giant. event the books, table lamp, books cabinets, semua memang size besarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. hohoooooooooo!

i didnt go down to check on it coz was rushing to go back home.

if you happen to be in BSC, do drop by at their concourse floor and tengoklah apa yang best jual dalam nih, think this is for xmas get away too.

oh BSC is Bangsar Shopping Complex.

Comment: 17

One day for 3…


the red eyeshadow plus black, add up with gold to avoid the ‘merah nya mak merah’ so much…


so 3 of us went to somewhere, to cover my blog event. didnt bring gegirl, she s been kidnaped by Mia and her mom to watch Princess and Frog. agak susah jugak nak lepaskan anak sendiri kat orang except to our family members but since Rose is among my trusted GBM frens, n Gegirl adalah merayu2 jugak nak ikut pergi. so sirman and I bagilah jugak she ikut.

Abang is so happy to follow us, but he tot to follow mommy to work in KLCC, rupanya blog event.


sib baik sirman brought the small camera, so abang spent his time by taking photos and video from his camera. he is more interested ngan amik video, juling2 mata aku mendelete, banyak giler ko video dia amik. rimas tol aku tengok.


i should bring my laptop here, feeling so bored waiting for ppl ….not to elaborate further lah bout that…but we had to wait quite long time for the project to start.


bergelen teh tarik masuk dalam perut. sampaikan aku spent RM73 kat satu shop beli milo roti majalah tah hape2 lagi….being shopaholic yang pantang lepa masuk kedai ada je barang nak dibeli…sirman sampai cakap…

kat tempat yang tah hape2 pun you boleh membazir shopping ek

dont blame me, blame the ppl yang tak punctual yang buat saya kena spent something…


i tried to pujuk abang amik gambar together2 sebab kita memang banyakkkkkkkkkk sangat masa. but dia tetap main lari sana sini sinun. wah hangin boliang tol budak ni kalau kena amik gambar. dia bih suka pegang camera dari kena pose sengih senyum for your viewing pleasure.

sib baik gak ada abang, kalo aku ngan sirman jer, mau lagi kedaung. ko pandang aku, aku membebel kat telinga ko lagi and lagi..

oh saya membebellllllll sepanjang hari for this case.

past is past…kerja jalan

project siap

chow and to get our gegirl back. she s happy with her girls day out wt fren Mia and Aunty Rose. Abang was frustrated coz he s not enjoying his day so much, except belasah camera amik gambo video gegiler…

Comment: 17

Superly tired…






i was in and out with my family for 2 days in a row, pastuh RM ni pun kedaung. sib baik ada Tupperware’s adv huhuuuuuuuuuu….but i tot i can upload more entries and photos tonite, tapi mata aku dah sipi2.

so take these photos first, while attended a private launching by our new sponsor in Project Alpha Season 2. i ll talk and post photos bout it later on. selit gambo RM and photographer je lah dulu yer….oh yes, u read it, Season 2 yer…ha sapokah bloggers yang terpilih huhuuuuuuuuuuu.

btw to parents out there, if you can participate to this contest would be good. it s a big event, my adv on that is out quite late, coz too many advs of mine masih lagi on q, so please grab a chance to participate and bolehlah block out your date coz ada session wt RM too. i must announce it cos by xmas ramai dah pergi bercuti yet the closing date is so soon.

wow, makin lambat aku slowkan entries makin bertubi2 hutang stories nak kena kuor lah, so pls be patient, i owe u lots of potpettttttttsss!

Comment: 10

Jap yer…kebizian…

jap jap jap…

hah sorry for being so silence, i m very very very the packed. back from the event last nite, i spent wt family watching dvd but half way aku terlelap tidur. at 3ish am in the morning, aku terbangun n remember i had something urgent to upload, n pagi ni memang bz jadi mak and wife lah. buat tu buat ni.

settled cooking and lunch, will be out shortly to Cyberjaya.

Those nak adiah menarik from the advertiser, pls drop by at Hassan Cafe in Cyberjaya, at 4pm to 8pm,  ada simple game boleh masuk and menang digital camera.

See ya there!!!

Comment: 9