
My No Compromise Experience!!!

Contest contest!! 48hours sticky mode, pls scroll down for my latest entries šŸ™‚

Lately ni kan I m a bit sad & down dgn a few things that happening around me šŸ™ . So to cheer me up, Sirman introduce me to this online games cum contest some more šŸ™‚

Sambil main games, masuk contest kalo ada rezeki menang hadiah lagi. Ai likeeeeā€¦

Aku pun terjebak la jugak, mana tak nya hadiah dia CASH totaling RM10 ribuuuuuu!!!


Ha korang pun sure exited nak join sama. So mari ikut aku menyahut cabaran The #1 Mister Potato contest.

Basically the challenge senang jer. There will be 8 different challenges in the #1 Mister Potato Contest and along the way its actually will give you a brief idea how the crispy chips of Mister Potato are made.


Termasuk mencabut potatoes, memotong, chip crunchiness and macam2 lagi. Semua proses ni nak make sure yang every chip has to be tasty, crunchy and nice gituā€¦ NO COMPROMISE!


The best part is at the end of the challenge; youā€™ll be given a chance to upload a picture of yourself dressed up as Mister Potato!

Redmummy dress up as Mister Potato??? Wait and see yaa

Aku pun bagai nak rak la buat all those challenges. Siap dapat Well Done lagi tu šŸ™‚


Level 2 challenge ni korang kena la baca sket pasal Mister Potato ni kalo nak jawap soalan tu.Ā  Jangan tak rajin plak, kalau nak menang contest, perjalanannya tak sesingkat yang kita sangka, lagipun ni 10ribu ringgit tau imbuhannya yerā€¦


Contohnya Mister Potato ni 100% quality imported potatoes from the best, and healthiest Atlantic, Dakota Pearl and Hermes Potatoes and the new pack size for Potato Crisps is 160g

Mister Potato ni ada banyak flavors tapi yg menjadi pujaan hatiku ialah yang Original and Hot & Spicy. Eh bukan pujaan aku sorang, budak 3 org tu pun sama, especially the kids suka sangat yg Original flavor. Sirman of cos yg Hot & Spicy!

Sedap tu memanglah sedap & rangup lak tu. Tapi lagi sedap kalau ko makan ngan air kopi pekat hitam sambil laying down atas sofa layan tgk dvd. Wahaiiiiiiiii!!


Dalam byk2 challenge tu, slicing potatoes yg aku syok sekali, apa tak nya rasa macam potong btul2 lak. Choppp choppp chopppp. Choping pun bukan sebarang chop ya, kena betul2 nipis & cepat2 sbb ni ade timer. Kalo lambat or salah potong, fail lorrrr


And good news for bloggers pulak, blogging contest! Yes Mister Potato is giving out an additional 100 invites along with another RM10,000 cash prize total to Nuffnangers who wish to come and join the Mister Potato Fiesta 2009. All you have to do is;

1.Ā Ā Ā  Blog about the #1 Mister Potato Contest and title it ā€˜No Compromise for Mister Potato Fiesta 2009ā€™

2.Ā Ā Ā  Tell us why you do not compromise quality in your potato chips.

3.Ā Ā Ā  Send an email to with your Full Name, IC number, and permalink of your written post.

The 3 most creative blog posts written (Pictures, music and videos will all help!) will win the following prizes;
ā€¢Ā Ā Ā  Grand Prize ā€“ RM5,000
ā€¢Ā Ā Ā  1st Runner Up ā€“ RM3,000
ā€¢Ā Ā Ā  2nd Runner Up ā€“ RM2,000

Apa lagi korang, start your engines writing!


And the final stage like ai said, you kena snap photo of you dress up like Mister Potato like ai did belowā€¦



Tadaaaaa ni la gambar ai dress up like with Mister Potato šŸ˜›


Well actually Sirman yg dressed up like Mister Potato šŸ™‚


Tapi ni Mister Potato version malas, tepek2 photoshop. For sure tak menang punya! Korang jgn ikut cara Sirman ni! Korang kena la betul2 dress up sebijik macam Mister Potato tu, barulah ada higher chances nak menang.Ā  means hangpa kena carik topi baju misai panjang bagai, jadikan badan korang mampat macam Mister Potato.

But no matter how you dress up, itā€™s up to you. The main point is being creative and do it your own style. Donā€™t forget to ask your friends to vote for you. At the end your pocket will be full of cash and you get a chance to attend Mister Potato Fiesta of the year, end of this December!

So if you think you have what it takes to be the #1 Mister Potato, we strongly suggest you head on to here right now!

So are you the #1 Mister Potato? If so, remember to dress up as Mister Potato!

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Mister Potato is brought by

Comment: 15

Neslac Excella Gold 1

48 hours sticky mode, do scroll down for my new entries pls šŸ™‚


Ibu, kalau ibu boleh bisa membaca akalku, tahukah kamu apa aku mahukan?
Ibu, kalau ibu bisa menilik hatiku, bisakah kau melihat bicaraku?
Ibu, kalau ibu bisa biarku berkata, mampukah kau mendengar?

Boleh kita menembusi fikiran hati bayi-bayi kecil kita? Walau sehebat manapun seorang ibu, masih lagi terbatas untuk melihat apa yang di luar kemampuan mata hati azali.


I have big kids, I mean not as big as yours lah, but big as they are not toddler anymore. Udah 5 years and above. Guess what, bila aku surfing kat Excellence Begins Young and play around with the quiz given, rasa macam ada beranak kecik balik lah pulak šŸ™‚

Menjelajahi dunia Neslac Excella Gold, mengimbaskan kembali kenangan saya sewaktu membelai, membesarkan Abang and Gegirl. When they were first time in my tummy, keluar ke dunia, crawling, talking, eating…sangat teruja plak aku nak beranak balik.


Anw, ramai ibu2 kat RM, ibu muda dan tua, yang punya bayi kecil, atau soon to be a mother, come join me to be part of Neslac Excella Gold. Saya juga macam kamu, kalau tak study lam Neslac’s site, I wouldnt know anything, apatah lagi zaman aku beranakkan anak-anakku dulu, the info is very minimized. I mean via internet.

Do you enforce Bedtime?

Aku click the Yes button!

u all kena tengok sendiri and take part on the quiz, kalaulah aku kenal Neslac sebelum anak2 ku dilahirkan sudah tentu akulah ibu yang paling mewah dengan soal ‘relationship with the baby’.

Dr Albert Liau mentioned ā€œAvoid giving ā€œgo-to-sleepā€ orders on your child by using transition statements such as ā€œIn 5 minutes, we will dim the lights and go to sleep,ā€ or ā€œAfter brushing your teeth, we will go to bedā€.


Kalaulah doctor tau, yang saya antara ibu menggunakan statement itu, adakah sudi doctor memberikan saya lagi tips untuk ibu selepas anak-anak mereka berusia 5 tahun ke atas? No, it s not too late, wpun Neslac untuk bayi2 kecil, tapi saya masih boleh involve directly dengan frenly website Neslac. I have studied a lot on Neslac, not just bcoz I m doing the advertorial but I m a mother of 2 children. Who knows, I m gonna get another child kan? The 3rd Redbaby šŸ™‚

Korang bagi susu apa? Ok dont answer pls. My point now is to bring all of you to the world of the babies. Dalam dunia baby kita ada 3 simtoms šŸ™‚

The Guard
Dalam badan tumbesaran bayi kita ada bakteria tapi tak semua bakteria itu jahat. Ada bakteria yang menjadi The Guard of their body, macam bakteria yang baik untuk menghalang bakteria yang jahat. Ok now u know already kan. Why? Coz I tell you. If ai dont tell you bout this, semua mesti ingat the Guard is bad.

The Activate
Setiap bayi, menjelang usia mereka 6 tahun, brain otak depa tu akan membesar seperti orang tua macam kita jugak. So permulaan yang baik harus bermula dari bayi lagi. Pasal tu lah kita kena supply these little babies with The Activate.

The Grow
Tak nak ke anak2 kita membesar dengan sihat sejahtera? Jika diberi cukup susu yang bersesuaian, pasti mental dan physical development depa ni akan lebih strong.


Dari 3 Guard, Activate and Grow maka lahirlah Neslac Excella Gold

Susu adalah makanan ruji utama buat bayi, wpun selepas mereka berusia setahun, nasi dan bubur jadi the main menu, tapi tetap susu is a must to be given. Oh, this reminds me to my kittens. Even they have stopped the breastfeeding from their mom, but I still supply them the fresh white milk which is meant for cats.

So kalau kucing pun perlukan susu, apatah lagi seorang bayi kecil.


Susu Neslac Excella Gold can be easily bought from the local supermarket, everywhere.

Jangan lupa surf the site, ada Flashcards section for the babies to play around, tak yah dah lah nak beli2 Flashcards kat luar, main direct ngan baby kat laptop atas katil or tepi playground is such a wonderful memory kan.

Besides, you as a parent, mommy and daddy boleh view how is your kids development tracking slot. Are they on track, tersasar jauh tak dari what u expected? Get it yourself involve in the Child Development Tracker!


Dan pastinya saya tau ramai suka join contest kan? But this is very simple contest, the first 1 thousand readers yang enroll yourself dalam Design & Decorate in Excellence Begins Young Facebook Fan Page, can get the photo printed, and frame and also sent to you by Nestle.

I went through the site, aku nampak yang single muda2 pun anto gak gambar depa, ada yang anto gambar kucing pun boleh. So be the first 1000 to create one photo now!


Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Neslac Gold is brought by

Comment: 19

2 secret things, not for you to know!



my 2nd time went to the Boss office

i wont go there for nothing, kalau nak amik barang ke hapa, i ll send my runner, i will not go physically. but kalau sudah ‘we need you here for a meeting’ harus sahaja ikut kata the Boss.

But wpun saya adalah product and among the top bloggers in Malaysia, one thing yang kamuĀ  harus paham konsep saya:


I will not share what s the purpose of the meeting for sure. Of course lah, aku sangat kedekut dengan info and relationship aku, anything u wannaĀ  know aku boleh jawab tapi kalau part2 confidential, nama pun pnc kan, mana leh announce oi.



The second:

I will not share with you, what s the figures for my advertorial jobs. What am i m getting is not the same with the regular bloggers. so jangan ingat dia dpt advertorial Minyak Panas, aku pun ada gak Advertorial Minyak Panas,Ā  then ko pi korek kat budak tu harganya and assume that s my price. NO.Ā  Sebagai menjaga periuk nasiĀ  as a top blogger, we have our own price and package. we are not the same with other bloggers.

I found out some ppl pi korek kat some ppl on how much do i earn from each advertorials. Wah wah! semua main jalan belakang je kan nak kepoh tau…!

So let s photos speak for me. ada lagi gambar2 yang mahal tapi aku tak leh letak lah…….sirman ni pun amik tak agak2 kasi cover.

Meet the Nuffies during the Nuffnang Blog Awards, 3 bus ko team Malaysia anto the bloggers, and client for the event!

Anybody wanna see Redmummy in Singapore?

Comment: 20

Dont be jealous please…


gambo ni pendekkan sebab aku crop n sanggup tutup bibir ngan watermark hahahaha, coz aku lupa pakai lipstickkkkkkkkk! lam hbag punnya set make up leh tertinggal plak kat opis. pucat giler muka wpun sudah bermake up santak.

ai had a driver on fri, sending me to work and fetch me too. some companies kan Friday cuti coz Saturday is Diwali, same goes to Sirman. so dia jadi my driver n uruskan hal2 umahtangga. sebab dia cuti, Friday’s kain baju dia tolong basuhkan yer. alah basuh sumbat lam machine jerr, sidai ye kena tenaga dia.


almost 2 hours lunch with a blogger’s fren for his PHD research on blogging. ini kali ke3 aku menjadi subject for students dalam PHD lines depa.

soalan2 yang biasa ditanya jugak

even reporters pun menyoal bih kurang samaĀ  gak konsepnya.


fetched by Sirman and Gegirl, rushed to Nuffnang’s office for my meeting. ado gambo lam opis nnang, tp nantilah disembur lam nih. ngah menyusun entry wkend yang light2 jer. for heavy issue is to be posted during weekdays.


tetiba 2 gambar ni cantik yoooo. sah lah dari camera Sirman. camera berry aku blur kusam, tak cantik tp dari kamera kusam tu lah aku sumbat untuk buat entry.

korang nak tau tak, wpun ramai yang pandang saya sebagai Ratu Advertorials tapi saya ada buat research some bloggers yang ala2 sestatus ngan saya, contohnya ‘status mak’, tidak menyokong penuh kemasyuran or nikmat blogging yang saya dapat. macam ada unsur kedengkian gitu. Nampak sangat tak leh menerima mak merah ni adalah macam all out in blogging, hallo, aku bukan dok goyang kaki ye naikkan blog ni. aku bertatih2 dari 1sen sampai ke sini.


hahahaa pompuan pompuan. melaungkan ‘i am the mothers team’ tapi ko dah tau aku ni Redmummy, selagi boleh depa tak nak selitkan aku padahal aku adalah contoh utama yang patut depa cakapkan dalam isu itu. hikss. i got kakis yang menyampai2, ai went there and visit, wpun sambil memasak, aku bawak Lenovo aku ke dapur to do quick review. wpun ngah buat advertorial job, aku boleh gak membaca korang nya entry tuh.

actually, this so called mother’s group sorang 2 jer yang dengkikan ai, tapi yang lain tu dok ribut gak ‘apesal ko tak cedok info dari RM, yet she s the main factor and target in blogging line skang nih’. ha napa ek? dengki ek? hikss

Blog2 camtuh jangan haraplah dapat masuk slot Blog Review kat RM. but i just dont care, coz ai have a permanent commitment with Nuffnang and the clients already. Tak baik lah idup mendengki, tu pasal hati busuk dah tak dapek apoo šŸ™‚

anw, aku sekali lagiĀ  kena announce, Follow me on Tweeter at redmummydotcom . follow meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…..

Comment: 23

Ratu Advertorials…




Kak Red, saya ada nickname baru untuk akak, saya SR akak sejak 3 tahun lepas, saya tengok improvementĀ  blogging akak, memang satu je sesuai nama ni untuk akak…

Ratu Advertorials!

ye ke kowang? agree with that nick name? bertuahnya nick name itu, sehingga aku dipanggil mengadap for the ‘exclusively’ project.

Yey!!! Ratu Ads gitu….cam best jer hiksss. baru aku perasan, as of today,Ā  i hv done more than 50 Nuffnang Advertorials Special Dedicated Entries.

nak tuntut ilmu dari saya tak?? mai mai, sembah mak ratu meh.hohooooooooooooo!

sekali lagi aku giler!

Comment: 30