
Red Poll from Langkawi

alah kassimmmmmmm!!!

hiksss….eh korang tolong main2 kat poll sebelah side bar ni jap boleh tak, aku x pernah letak poll kan, but that one kowang layan sket lah… thanks.

ai m still in langkawi 🙂

Comment: 9

The Apartment, The Curve

my super bloody tired  face!

the left is John from Maxis and in the middle is Ron from the Agent

my one last final update before aku ngapppppppp makan!

The Apartment Soup for appataizer

eh nampak x ai nye earring kecik tuh? hiksss

my main course, lapau aaa

my dessert, sedapppppppp, x manis. tapi aku suka.

one cute photo with Marilyn our Agent, sian dia penat bawak kami ke sana sini. n for sure ron the big chap

Ringgo and Audrey

From Left to the right

Cindy Teh

Ringo Tan

Chnthia Ong


Kimberly Low

Audrey ooi

Karen Marie

Jolene Lai

tq girls for having kak red in our get together, tq for being such a lovely sisters, comel2 seksi2 kamu ni sumer….

tq to nuffnang for choosing me.

tq to Maxis specially Susan, head of  Maxis Broadband for your trust to to blog bout your product too.

during our dinner, we had our sharing session on the Dell Inspiron Mini 9 powered by Maxis Broadband. we tok2 chat2…lam letih maya pun bergossip, but frankly the 7 girls still have their energy tapi aku cam dah penatnya halahai. hahahahahha bezanya the young girls tu wt mak orang nih.

anw ai shall blog more detaily on the mini Dell lagik but that will be posted later on lah yer. the Maxis entries are all more on our get together, the Maxis Girls Day Out. we wrapped up at 10ish pm, sirman  n kids fetched me half n hour later.

sampai umah aku kepengsanan tapi x tidur, coz aku tidur at 3ish am yer..bangun pagi ahad aku sambung lagi sesiapkan lagi entries yang ada. sekali pukul kati.

and dang! ai have an assignment to catch, matiklah dah due date tp x sesiap yet.

till ai get my official photos from the Maxis photographer, a new entry will be posted on that. gambo2 tu lagik cantik.

so now, boleh lah korang rembat satu Mini Dell, dah sesiap ada Maxis broadband, sesuai for the ladies sesangat, coz letak je lam hbag. for the boys lak lagi lah selamba bawak gitu jer hahahahhaha, serious lah, if ai have extra cash yang debak debuk, ai ll grab one.


Comment: 3

Manicure Session at the Nail Shop

tadi hapa yer..tadi dari cat whiskers naik van pi The curve lah, ha ni dalam the curve the Nail Shop. We were not on track, lari sejam lebih so sampai2 jer x ckp lah pulak for 8 of us buat manicure. so 6 orang buat dulu the other 2 datang kemudian

John the prof photographer from Maxis tu lah kejenya, ngamik gambo je kan. dah namanya photographer, kalo blogger kerjanya…

kerjanya cam aku nih lah….update blog 🙂

but kejap je aku blog pasal aku mengantuk, tp idaklah aku tidur just lelap2 mata baring sikit, penat seiiiiiiiiii!



warm it

lawa tak? very the colourful

it s Jolene’s nails lah, not mine

hahahahahaha, aku buat cuci2 jer ai dont use lah all the colours. aku x geti, mehlah aku pecah lobang, aku ni lah pestime buat manicure and pedicure, x pernah seumur hidup pun aku buat menda nih hiks…

and ai dont have long nails, aku kan x suka kuku2 panjang nih, so kemetot je lah senang keje amoi2 Nail Shop nih

my last pose dalam Nail Shop

aisay donno how muchlah roughly buat kat sini, aku x tanya pung. it s all sponsored by Maxis. pastu aku lari ke Metrojaya, kena carik benda for something, n x dak pulak but sib baik salesgirl tu baik hati bagitau aku to get it from Tesco betul2 sebelah pintu the curve tuh. hah! thank god, aku dapat je barang yg aku nak tuh terus aku pi The Apartment.

tau tak masa ni memang badan dah berlengas penat hazabnya hai. for me rather than buat manicure pedicure baik buat foot massage or body massage pun sedap. coz kita dah kena sehari suntuk ke sana sini kan, the foot massage lagilah patut digalakkan.

well ok, ai said this coz ai m already 33 yrs old, unlike the other girls they are not even 25 years old. sumenya bawah 24 tahun. penat kaki makkkk!

Comment: 4

Cat Whiskers, Sri Hartamas

so after makan kat The Pavillion tuh kami naik van yang disewa khas oleh maxis, bawak kami to Sri Hartamas, for shopping at the Cat Whiskas. Maxis x bagi banyak pun allocation, just RM50 but banyaklahhhhhhh syukurkan. kiralah darab 8 dah berapa. so kalo nak beli lebih, Cat Whiskan bagi additional diskaun lagik.

gambo2 kat bawah ni sume apa yang ada dijual kat Cat Whiskers…

from the red frens…Cyhthia and Jolene

Ringo is one of the finalist for the  Malaysian Dreams Girl

berani mati tol dia pakai baju gini, tapi lawaaa, sesuailah ngan badan dia yang kurus tinggi melampai tu kan

Cynthia and audrey, tu sume menerai baju baru x udah

saya hanya ambil sehelai baju jer, yang akan kupakai di Langkawi 🙂

banyak baju yang aku berkenan, x de size, dah abih, kaler x ngamceng…oh banyak pancaroba gitu. so saya settled with one dress je lah. aku biasa ngan cat whiskers bangsar, dah lama jugak x ke sana….adik mr reporter, jom jom, eh jom tu bila akak ke bangsar lah yer.

sebab saya yang pertama abih soping, so aku sempatlah transfer gambo dari camera ke mini dell, upload gambo sket2 lam blog. gitueewww.

ok aku nak tidur dah (by the time aku siapkan entry ni ah kol 3 pagi ahad)…gigih x gigih. menjawab x soalan ko dik?

ada lagi entry baru pas nih, dont worry 🙂

Comment: 2

Stage – make up session

so next is to the Stage, of Pavillion…lepas berdiamond liplap tu lah..

aku terus pakai new earing tu yer…dah2 lak budak2 bloggers tu pun dok cucuk pakai je kak red

kami berlapan diajar on the make up from the basic to the details, from the brush to the eyeshadow

ha tempek jangan x tempek

our make up consultant’s name is John (aisyah darien x amik gambo dia lah) oh darien tu sorang lagi agent, lelaki cute comel je orang nya. keje dia pegang our cameras and snap zasss zosss.

cute je karen menelek muka kak merah nya hahahahahha

aku pilih smokey eyes gak, aku sukalah kaler garang2 tuh, pasal tu lah aku pilih kaler tu gak. up to us nak conteng kaler hapa…sebab dah boleh pilih, mak amiklah itam2 gitu kan

mascara adalah satu benda yang aku paling nyampah pakai but ai pakai gak lah, kang melopong

ha dah siap, very the heavy make up

one personal photo at the Stage, Stage itu beg merah ai tu, adalah mini dell tu lah..

Stage’s collection, lipsticks, gloss

foundation, compact and loose powder

nail colours, eyeshadows

cute2 nya colour eyeshadow nih ….

brushers, cleanser

brushers kat sini pun mahal gak lah, ingatkan dpt special price ke hapa hikss

the 8 bloggers with the agent, maxis and staff of The Stage

pastuh kami pi makan, just depan tu gak lah the Thai Express

kami semua lapar, semua amik heavy meal termasuk aku lah kan white tomyam ngan nasi putih jer…

n kami naik van yang agent and maxis rented for us, bersumbatlah sumer….

ai blogged from the Pavillion to Sri Hartamas…napa? sebab my dell has the built it modem mar… 🙂

canggih kan….

masa ni sume bertenaga lagik, memasing sume pakai high heels except aku lah pakai wedges jer. dah tau menda gini kena banyak pakai kaki berjalan sana sini, wah x sanggup mak nak pakai kasut tinggi weih.

oh we do get gak door gift from Stage, tq so much yeah, nanti ai blog kan utk korang kay.

Comment: 3