
Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out Part 2

Sticky Mode ye red readers, nak baca entry terbaru, pls scroll down 🙂

Hello and salam to all redmummy’s readers.

Ok you guys now already dah kan that ai got a ‘loan’ Dell Mini 9 yang powered by Maxis Broadband. So meh aku nak share pengalaman2 manis bila bersama Maxis Dell Mini 9 nih….

small & light so easy to carry, so handy

Sebelum tu for reference dari Maxis’s web:

Introducing the Dell Inspiron Mini 9 powered by Maxis Broadband. This small and sleek Mini 9 comes with built-in mobile broadband that lets you connect anytime, anywhere, within Maxis Broadband’s coverage area. So you can surf the net, check emails and chat online without having to rely on WIFI connectivity or external modems. That’s the power of the Maxis Broadband-ready Dell Inspiron Mini 9!

• Built-in HSPA Maxis
broadband modem
• Small and portable –
only 8.9-inch LED display
• Lightweight – only 1.035 kg
• Internet anywhere across Maxis’
HSDPA/3G/EDGE networks

At only RM99 a month x 24 months, you’ll get
• a Dell Inspiron Mini 9, and
• 6 months of Maxis Broadband Subscription
Payment mode : The amount of RM2,376 is payable over 24 months via credit card at 0% interest under the easy payment scheme from participating banks

For your convenience, the Maxis Broadband service will be automatically extended at a promotional rate of only RM77 a month after the 6th month. The monthly bill will be sent to you via email and will not be charged to your credit card. You may also view your bill at MyAccount Portal

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!
The Dell Inspiron Mini 9 is available at all Maxis Centres and selected dealers from November 8 2008 onwards.  For more information, call 1 800 82 2000.

kecil & ringan so senang menggunakannya di atas riba kaki mu sahaja, look at me, while my kids are playing around at the playground of KLIA, ai  m connected to my blog, that s bcoz aku x yah pakai wifi yang kadang2 slow, kadang2 kena mintak pword le wuiii, no need mar. aku on je lappy kecik nih, automatic the maxis broadband connects me to the internet world.

di boarding hall pun saya masih lagi connected to my blog….but do not forget your kids lah next to you, sambil2 tuh jangan lah hangat tak hengat your responsible as a mother. Kot ye pun ngasyik sangat ngan maxis mini dell kan.

Sirman and abang menjadi pencinta kepada Maxis Mini Dell 9 jugak. Wpun dalam aircraft ngah flying tak boleh nak connected kan, but they spent it by playing games etcs. At least boleh jugak buat abang dok dendiam lam flight, kalo idak asik nak lari satu flight.

Internet anytime at anywhere. Wah…sirman punya lappy masih lagi terhegeh2 nak connected with hotel’s wifi but nengok redmummy punya Maxis Mini Dell 9 tuh, hahahahahahha, takpek den nak nolong dor. Tu lah orang suh pakai maxis mini dell nih, sirman dogil. Kan dah jelesssssss ?

Read this comment from one of my readers yang terus beli Maxis Mini Dell bila ai buat the promotion on it before:

salam redmummy, sy nehh silent reader akak..ntah la..xtwu nape sy suke sgt bace setiap n3 yg akak publish..ari2 msti x miss view site akak..BTW pasal lipton hirameki da try beli n minum..mmng besh la kak..n lappy from maxis da lnggn maxis da siap call tnye bile nk g amek lappy..hikhik..bebenornye sy xde kredit kad..tpakse la memujuk my dad…akhirnye dpt jge mnggunakan kredit kad my dad..hehe..akak ni da mcm mentor sy plak..coz setiap barangan yg akak publish..smuer nyer sy try..hehehehe..bkn ape..bile bce n3 akak sy pn nk jgk merasakan kebest’an barangan tuh..hehehe..hope akak n family happy (da mcm karangan da nehh) hehehe..bye..

Salam Redmummy, I m your silent reader, ai love reading your ads in your blog, but for the maxis mini dell that you have just promoted, ai don’t have a credit card, so I asked my father to buy for me, under his card. Thank you so much for the promotion, I got the maxis mini dell already – Mizzelle

Abang and Sirman dah kemaruk dengan Maxis Mini Dell, actually selain kecil & ringan, senang dibawa, sambil makan sambil main2 tuh just buang masa kejap memang seronok pakai. Tu sib baik aku x bawak naik atas boat masa pi island hopping arituh, kalo idak, bukan holiday namanya dah…huhihiuuuuu

Sebenarnya waktu saya diminta pulangkan semula Maxis Mini Dell 9 nih, kita dah tau it was on loan basis, tapi saya macam sedih je nak berpisah coz saya dah ‘mesra’ dan sangat selesa samanya. In fact my whole family members, pun seronok pakai lappy kecik cinonit nih tau.

Wpun Maxis Mini Dell memberi jasa nya yang banyak waktu saya di Langkawi dan Singapore, very handy kan, tp saya kena lah terima hakikat that semuanya hanya pinjam ? huwaaaaaaaaaaa….

wpun kami sedang berdating, tapi kami juga mahu makan sambil berceloreng and having our internet fun, of course ai got to use it lah kan…

and its so cute,  even gegirl loves it & dia rasa cam ala2 toys dia jer 😉 Buat harta pinjaman mak dia cam harta dia sendiri….budak kecik pun suka tau ngan maxis mini dell nih.

Kecik moleknya hai Maxis Mini Dell nih kan, kecik dia sampai boleh masuk muatkan dalam my hand bag kan. So korang, ai know that you are so jealous seeing me with my mini dell, though it s only on loan, but at least saya dapat penghargaan from Maxis sebelum orang lain memakainya. If u remember ai used to blog bout my Dell PC last time in this entry (link to put)….

Ngomelan Sirman yang menyebabkan Dell menghantar a new kibod
”the PC itself so far so good BUT is this what you call “quiet” keyboard!!??? i don’t think so!!! i’m having a very hard time to sleep whenever my wife start typing ketuk ketak ketuk ketak… i think i should move the PC out from the bedroom!”

p/s: that was my wife typing at 100wpm, or probably this keyboard is meant for people like me who type 20wpm 😛

dan aku juga berangan-angan dulu: ingatkan Dell nak ganti ngan laptop rupanya ngan kibod gak hikss…

n my statement yang nak dapat laptop baru tuh fuiyooooooooo, akhirnya dapat jugak wpun lah kan aku x dapat permanently. Mbe Maxis will consider that, as an active blogger, ai need to get all the gadgets and facilities in my hand, but having Maxis Mini Dell 9 for 3 weeks, are more than happier than tak dapat hapa2 kan…

So frens, do visit Maxis web if you feel the Maxis Mini Dell 9 fits your criteria, eh cop…the lappy actually fits you, it s how you apply in your internet life application.

Cuma satu jer ai tak suka, kibod dia kecikkkk sudah nak type laju2 tp dah laptop nyer kecik dok takkan kibod nak besar lak 😛 but you all gonna love it, trust me!

Khidmat masyarakat pesanan Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out Part 2 is brought by

Merry Xmas to you too!

Comment: 14

MamyPoko Pants Value

Sticky mode lagik, ..latest entries baca kat bawah yer.

Salam and Good day to redmummy’s readers…

The new launch of Mamy Poko Pants Value M size 22 pcs

RedMummy is a mother of 2 children, age 7 and 4 years old. I used to be a loyal customer to MamyPoko, for both of my kids when they were wearing diapers…a little note from the eyes of a mother…Abang and Gegirl started using the MamyPoko’s diapers since they were little baby, dari size new born, S,M, L and XL size, they have tried it before. It comes in 2 styles: MamyPoko yang korang leh zerettt zerettttttttt tampal tuh and Pants Extra Soft, sarung je dari bawah macam seluar. Lagi sonang kan?

Cam spring lak getah pinggang MamyPoko Pants Value nih, toing toing…sedap dipakai kat pinggang babies 🙂

MamyPoko helps your child from the beginning of their age; it starts wt lay down, sitting, crawling, standing, even walking. The weight for MamyPoko diapers can go up to 25kgs, so baby yang obesity memang takde masalah pakai MamyPoko. Hey look at abang when he was 1 yr plus, so chubby, pakai diapers biasa memang ketat sket lah, pakai MamyPoko ni senang, sarung je x yah nak risau. Yes the price is quite expensive if you compare wt other diapers product but look at the bright side, the brand comes wt good package. Takde ruam wpun tido semalaman dipakai…

with my 2 models, wearing the MamyPoko Pants Value

So today ai nak cakap further on the MamyPoko Pants. 2 things that you need to remember pasal MamyPoko Pants:
1.    Laju dan Senang disarung: ater….convenience ko, x yah nak baring2kan anak ko, terus sarungkan jer, dah tentu lah kalo aku diberi pilihan, aku amik yang pants version.
2.    Fitting     :  design nya x de bocoran, no leakage gitu, yelah compare yang biasa kita pakai style open tuh kan

sebabnya kalo ko pakai yang Open, sebelum minum susu, then bila dah minum rasa ketat, and baby pun rasa x berapa comfortable kan, dah tuh lak kalau tukar Open diapers lepas susu, after few hours, jadik loose pulak and boleh caused leakage. Paham kannn??

korang ingat senang nak suh anak bertiga ni modelkan product yang ai dok suka nak promote nih, anak2 buah ku dengan penuh ketidak semangat blur bila nak ngamik gambo, tp bila aku bukak diapers MamyPoko Pants Value nih, boleh lah melenting x kasik bukak…eiii korang nih!

Memanglah hangpa dok kata kak red MamyPoko ni mahal lah, tapi depa ada baru launch the New MamyPoko Pants Value yang mana harganya lebih kurang je ngan yang open tuh, which is 68sen sekeping. Sangat2 affordable to everybody. Ok meh kita buat kekira sket, kalo yang yang diapers open biasa tuh harganya lam RM0.55 sekeping, tapi ko tambah je seposen/15sen gitu, leh dapat dah yang pants. Alah pejam mata je lah bayo x mahal kan. MamyPoko ni bagus, dia tau kita nak pakai pants tapi depa x nak jual memahal, so very good customer service kan.

Dayana happynya dia bila pakai MamyPoko Pants Value, suit her, M size

Aku ulang demo sket lah yer…kepuasan bila dah pakai..ha gitu, senang je kan, Dayana suka jer bila disarungkan, sauk kaki kanan dulu, pastu kaki kiri, kemasan betul2, the liner biru tuh kena kat depan yer jangan korang terbalikkan plak bila sarungkan.

Tadi dah bersarungkan, so meh aku demo plak camne nak bukak itu diapers kay, kan belah tepi kiri kanan the MamyPoko Pants Value nih kan, pelan2 koyak, alah rentap abih pun x per, bukan boleh pakai dah pas nih kan. Koyak on the left/right side kay.

Tengok, gini sudah koyak nya, pastuh korang nak tunggu apa buang lah. Tapi nak buang pun jangan main campak jer, ni MamyPoko x ajar, tapi meh aku ajar, lipat gomol2 cecantik rolling kan, n dush lam dustbin. X delah tong sampah ko penuh santak, lgpun anak2 kita ni tukar diapers banyak kali sehari kan.

They are not just launching a new product  MamyPoko Pants tapi depa pun ada gak buat  promotion like a Fami Buzz campaign, you may get the sample through MamyPoko Club or join the MamyPoko Fami Buzz.

Amenda lak Fami Buzz tuh? It s the virtual place for you to be the 1st Free trialist pastuh becoming the Opinion Leader. Ko orang pertama yang akan dapat try the product and most importantly it is FREE! Bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa weiii.

Macamana pulak nak participate to be in the Fami Buzz?

Follow these steps:
Follow these steps:
1.    You have to login to MP Club & click on Campaigns page
2.     Isikan data peribadi dan jawab soalan yang diberikan, soalan dia kacang2 lah.
3.    Successful candidates will be announced dalam MP Club tapi hanya 100 pax jer yang available ye.
4.    Those yang berjaya, akan dapat 1 regular pack MP Pants Value dengan informative leaflet to try on.

5.    Pastuh korang introduce kat your frens and families, suh depa contact the Uni-Charm and depa pun boleh dapat the free sample gak.  Aside, korang akan dapat jugak jemputan to share your experience in MP Club.

Semua udah paham idok nih? Sonang baitu!
A bit on the T&C:
1.    Uni-charm will select participant based on criteria
2.    Those yang terpilih boleh mencuba product and introduce to your frens. Kawan2 korang leh dapat 2 pcs of sample MamyPoko Pants Value, once depa submit nama yer…

Ni model ketiga aku, yes dear, it s not easy to get the kiddos to pose for camera, but as long as they are happy wearing MamyPoko Pants Value, mak nye lagiklahhhhhh happy.

Senang citer, untuk mak2 or ayah yang x kuasa nak pakaikan diapers nak baringkan depa lah sarung tampal, with MamyPoko Pants Value, with one pull, it s done! Specially bila anak2 yang baru dapat kaki (baru nak berjalan) susahlah nak dok setempat, kita nak pakaikan diapers pun depa dok boleh lari pusing satu rumah kan, so nih senang jer, ko sarungkan je macam nak pakai seluar. Udah siap 🙂 mak boleh sambung masak kemas umah, abah leh dok dendiam tengok tv.

MamyPoko senang je nak dpt from any supermarkets, very famous brand that comes with very expensive value. I recommend all of you to get a try of MamyPoko if u never tried before, no harm of trying coz once u dah suka pakai, u will be a happy parents. Kadang2 baby ni bangun malam coz rimas ngan diapers yang dia pakai, why don’t u try for once dulu…belum cuba belum tau 😉

Do visit MamyPoko’s official website, very user frenly 

say yes to MamyPoko, join us the redmummy’s family with MamyPoko Pants Value!

Khidmat masyarakat pesanan MamyPoko is brought by

Sticky mode lagik, ..sorry gang, latest entries baca kat bawah yer.

Comment: 29

Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out Part 1

Sticky Mode: sila scroll down untuk entry terlatest yeah. Thanks.

Salam and Good day to redmummy’s readers!

Remember on my entries few weeks ago on the Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out? Yeahyeah…u do, coz korang sakan seronok tengok kak merah with the Mini Dell 9 inch 🙂

Our Girls Day Out, started as early in the morning of sweet Saturday of 22 November 2008 at the Pavillion. Each one of us dapat a gadget of Dell Mini, loaned from Maxis, tq dear Maxis :). My first time meeting all of 7 girls, they are young, energetic, sexy and happy go lucky. While me the only 33 years old mom, not hot not chic hahahahaha…well enaf said, Maxis mini dell make us more closer to each other actually.

My new 7 Frens…..

So like a star to Maxis, we walk from the ground floor to the next destination, carrying the mini dell, so comfy, sedap tau bawak x yah nak rimas komplen berat ke hapa. Maxis should give us one as a courtesy mar….

Our first stopped is at the My Diamond. Ai want diamondddddddddddddddd!!!

pastuh dengo lak the rep from My Diamond’s bagi briefing. oh gosh, they are so expert in diamond. X tercatch up pala otak aku nak tangkap apa yang dia dok explain. Apa yang aku tau ‘baklah meh diamond barang sekarat 2’….

sambil menunggu teman-teman bloggers lain berlibur mencuci mata dengan diamonds yang ada di My Diamond, saya mengambil sedikit masa to do some live broadcasting blogging. Ai need to make sure that this mini dell is surely can be used or hanya setakat cakap2 kosong by Maxis

n it s true….just press the broadbrand icon, ai m connected to the internet world 🙂 huhuuuuu…..hapa lagik, dah dapat mini dell depan mata ada internet connection some more takkan nak tengok je kan, ai did some live update from my diamond to my red blog…..

you ve gotta trust me dear, sangat senang dan cepat untuk connect, macamana Maxis promote dalam web depa macam tu lah gak ko akan rasa bila pakai….it s easy to carry, while doing your diamond shopping…

see? Saya pun beli sepasang earring merah dari My Diamond, sambil blogging pun kan boleh shopping jugak. Kamu tidak jeleskah? Hiksss….

Our next destination after having our Diamond bling bling, headed to the Stage of Pavillion. Muka kena touch up kena make up. Nampak nau lah kan kami ni x berapa pandai jaga muka bermake up. Ai like it….tapi sblom tuh korang kena lah cabut make up asal yang kita pakai. And dangggg! That s my natural tak beauty langsung 🙂

The professional make up from Stage, ngajar kami the 8 bloggers on belek telek muka memasing. Hemm….sangat2 payah rupanya nak menebalkan make up or menglighten kan muka yang dah x lawa itu. Muka saya lah…muka girls lain tuh masih belia, the 7 girls are not even 25 years saya sangat particular lah bab make up2 nih…

Our official photographer lupa nak snapkan gambar ai yang ngah sibuk bermake up sambil memblog. My mini dell is on my lap, tu yang dia x perasan sambil pakai lipstick, aku berenti kejap layan blog, sambil tuh layan lagi make up yang x udah-udah.

Blog sambil bermake up tuh plak datang dari Dell Mini yer…. korang sibuk2 x de wireless, aku senang2 je berconnection with the Maxis broadband. N after almost 3 hours, we finally finished our make up session plus blogging via Maxis Dell Mini 9 inch.

lepas 2 sessions, the diamond and make up, perut memasing dah lapar tahap gaban cipan…sangat2 hungry kay. Kami dibawa ke Thai Express to get our late lunch…Ai got myself the tomyam and white rice. Dan sambil menunggu tomyam enakku sampai, saya dan teman2 melayan blog memasing…dahlah mini dell ni kecik, ko bukak je letak atas meja, connected terus. You bettter get one now from Maxis, if you are so interested. Coz ai am 🙂

Kim – you shouldn’t show that site to me! Oh my goddddddddd!! hey hello, dont think dirty lah, that s her blog and she s showing me her magic via her blog, kelassssss lah ko kim!

who said old lady cant get along very well with the young girls?? After having our express lunch, we hopped in the van, yang provided by Maxis. Headed to Sri Hartamas for our shoppinggggggggggggggg!!!

hey man, you think sambil shopping x boleh blogging, x leh nak access to the internet world? Come, let s read further, saya tunjukkan sama kamu.

My red collection! Wahahahahha tq maxis. Oh btw, this time around, kami berjoli sakan soping di Cat Whiskers Sri Hartamas….the 8 girls can choose anything that we want, Maxis gave some pocket money, and kalo x cukup kami tambah sendiri lah kan…

aku rehat kejap from the shopping to update my blog, told ya, selesa ke x selesa dengan dell mini nih? Korang nak akak buktikan apa lagik. Memang best la deiiiiiiiii!

Sibuk je lah si kim nih, orang nak tengok site masakanlah, ko nak gelakkan aku plak. You know what, kang sambil soping moping nih aku leh gak tengok apa menu aku nak masak esok untuk anak2 dan suami aku. Hanya di jari sahaja gunanya mini dell nih, kelasssss!

Yihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ai ve done my shopping and blog!
Same time lak tuh, senang to carry senang to shop senang to blog

aterrr…dah abih sehari suntuk berjalan kulu kilir, makan lah make up bagai, ngan soping diamond and kain baju kasut, mestilah kita nak pamperkan ourselves gitu kan. So we went to Nail Shop at The Curve. Sambil jari jemari kaki tanganku diulas dek Nail Shop, saya melayari internet dengan penuh taksub. Dapatlah pulak duduk kat kerusi cenggini, aku memang boleh tertidur seiii….

Later, was a private dinner for all 8 ladies in The Apartment, The Curve. Menunggu appetizer sampai, aku menitik titian blogging, usai makan, aku melayari Mini Dell sekali lagi, pabila main course pun tiba, dan abih bersantap, ai took back my mini dell….my dessert was an ice cream, one spoon to the mouth n the fingers are typing quietly to my mini laptop.

That was my day with for the Girls Day Out. We wrapped up our get together at 1015pm, with the mini laptop bag in hand, happy and tired. But the most important thing, saya mengenali adik2 bloggers yang berbangsa cina dan manis, walaupun saya dikira tertua di kalangan mereka, dan the only malay lady, tapi mereka menggangap saya seperti kami telah lama kenal lama….

Dell Mini sangat sesuai dihatiku….

Credit to our official photographer from Maxis, Mr John of

Khidmat masyarakat pesanan Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out is brought by

This entry is a sticky mode, pls scroll down untuk entry terbaru. Thanks.

Comment: 26

Red Mood…

this entry is out at 8pm kan….right now ai m having a very big meeting…tu pasal tajuk ala2 Red Mood jer gitu. apa kisahnya kan aku pun x tau lah, arap2 a very good great news for my 🙂

anak2 kalo boleh ari2 nak suh aku beli Dunkin Donuts, smlm  eh tadi.. aku ada project kat Ave K, tapi project aku x menjadik plak, so ai rembatlah DD for the kiddos. memang makanan bfast pilihan depa lah.

pahtuh went to Pos Malaysia, ngamik gambo kaki2 orang…

pastu naik atas, masih lagi lam waktu lunch x tau nak buat hapa, kalo tido kang naik sombab lak mata den, and pose for my readers. the black suit from Agenda JJ, ada kalo aku pakai brand ado2 ko kesah, kulit ai ok jer… 🙂 ikut memasinglah kan, kalo mampu pakai mahal2 gah tu, kalo depa nak show lam blog pun boleh, ok jer for, nanti aku dah kayo aku lak beli pakai tuh hiks…

n my colleagues suh aku pose pegang ini cerita...Thanks to Nuffnang and Friso for the opportunity though they didnt mention our blog’s name. elok sangatlah tuh, kalo sebut kang, ado gak gang2 kat sana tuh yang tau blog add aku hikss wpun separuh dr tpt tuh tau aku adalah 🙂

stimes the promotion is good 🙂

kalo x de promotion camne orang nak tau kenal blog ko kan, tp aku x naklah dikenali dek ‘cerita2 hangat’ ado ko? x dok kot. as long as orang tau blog aku yang ‘macam2 ada’, the red diva thingy tu of courselah main issue in my blog, tapi asal ko nak carik isu a b c, semua ada lam blog nih gitu….kasut ado, perfume ado, travel ado, kisah anak2 ado, sekolah cino ado, all in one package.

except politics, ai refuse to blog bout it deeply 🙂

A little bit of Red Family’s story during Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out in NST online. (

kenapakah aku ulang tayang cite NST nih 2 kali arini, pasal pagi tadik tuh sirman yang add upkan link and gambo untuk entry yang sudah siap awal2 kubuat malam tadi (bape kali nak ckp aku blog memalam dar…siang aku carik rezeki halal). so untuk malam nih, for malam nih nya entry and esok tu kuor dari hasil garapan aku menaip sendiri gitu. tu pasal entry pagik tadik tuh takde details pun aku mengomel on NST. ha paham, x taulah napa aku explain kat korang, janji aku menaip dari hati suci gitu.


apa2 jer lor.

Comment: 9

Blogger parents in NST

Red Family in NST Online

selain dari contact red , you may get in touch with me via

aku memang setia dengan alompak aku tuh, tapi dek kerana banyak emails korang aku jumpa lam spam box yahoo, so sirman gigih paksa gak suh aku pakai the new email add, officially for blogging:

One more, Red Reddies tu dah memanjang, kalo nak panjangkan lagik list tuh, lagik sekali akak bilang, shoot email, then nanti ai add you in RR kay.


Comment: 14