Osh Kosh Shoes…

ni bukan osh kosh, ni socks PDI, memerah. lam satu ikat ada 3 pairs, ada base kaler dia merah lah tp ada ngan itam putih etcs…aku x beli lah, tp saje snap for  you..

sewaktu aku beratur yang hazabnya panjangggggggggggggggggggg kat isetan smlm, aku baru shopping arituh tp kali ni ada ‘makyong’ mintak tlg aku, so haruslah kan aku beratur untuk memenuhi keinginan makyong tuh. sambil beratur tuh aku berdiri sblh osh kosh nye kekasut budak nih…comel2 gitu

paling murah kalo x silap ai, kalo silap jangan ko marah yer, pi tengok sendiri. …lam 99 inggit. size baby tu ha..

ha tu kecik 3 from the left tuh, tu kasut baby, 99 inggit

ni size2 gegirl, she has one lah tp masa aku beli tu kat bangkok kurang mahal sket dr ni wpun designnya bih kurang jer sama…gamaknya osh kosh kat msia nih ke main mahal bonar..

the shoes ni ada kot diskaun 10%…

bayangkanlah bape lama aku beratur sampai naik jemu aku dah nengok kasut2 nih. isetan ni kadang2 bingung gak, q punyalah panjang tp cashier ni sorang jer yang jaga counter, patut letaklah berdua, so dialah jaga duit, yang sorang lagi leh jaga plastik, dahlah isetan jenis nak kena wrap ngan plastik/paper tu kan…

apapun, aku idoklah angin masa beratur nih, no point for me to membebel kat situ…harap ‘makyong’ happy, that s more important.

Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan dalam entry nih, untuk kita sesama mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan Yana, a very little girl, 3 years old. Daughter to Leen (my reader). Leen is a sister to AmiraChaos, you all selalu nampak nama and komen Amira kat sini. Buat masa ni saya tak nak tulis tahap kesihatan dan penyakit si kecil Yana (saya takutlah you) so boleh baca sendiri kat blog makciknya, AmiraChaos.


Let s pray for her…

Leen, sabar ye leen, akak tau ko sedih2 tapi jangan tunjukkan sedih lemah kat anak kita, stay strong coz bila kita kuat, anak kita pun kuat jugak.

Comment: 11

ICT Bersama Sirman

Hope Sirman is feleing better & dah recover by now.

Firstly, what does ICT stands for?

Secondly, macam mana nak buat ‘Protected’ entry yg ade password for blogspot? Or we have to have our own domain ke to do such ‘Protected’ entry?

Kak Ann

Sirman said:

firstly thanks to all the wishes & yes I’m feeling good now 🙂

1. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies

2. after some googling, sad to say that blogspot platform tak boleh buat password protected entry unless you have your own domain installed with wordpress cam redmummy.com ni la…

but good news is I found an alternative way on how to make password protected entry in blogspot. for example, head to http://ashterix.blogspot.com/2008/12/rahsia.html 😉

the steps:

1. masukkan JavaScript code kat bwh ni in between the <head> and </head> tags (ni buat sekali jer)

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.vincentcheung.ca/jsencryption/jsencryption.js"></script>

Go to Layout -> Edit HTML -> paste code atas ni before </head> tags cam pic bwh ni then SAVE TEMPLATE.

2. pergi sini http://www.vincentcheung.ca/jsencryption/

masukkan apa2 secret key kat Key box tu (this key will act as the password) then kat Plain Text lak, type la apa2, mcm you all type buat entry. bila nak siap habih type semua, klik Encrypt then u’ll see all your words will be encrypted in Cipher Text box. (tgk pic bwh ni)

3. pastu gi kat HTML Code box, select all & copy codes dlm tu.

4. pastu create new post & paste la code yg dicopy ni then publish lorrr. yehaaa jadiklah password protected entry in blogspot 😉

so setiap kali nak buat password protected entry, ulang step 2, 3 & 4. good luck! tapi jgn lupa the Key dah la!

p/s: kalo nak password protected entry bergambar cam ni http://ashterix.blogspot.com/2008/12/rahsia-bergambar.html, buat siap2 entry kat blogspot letak pic semua bagai, then SAVE AS DRAFT, then klik Edit Html & copy all code then gi ke step #2 paste jer the code tu kat Plain Text box tu and so on…

p/s2: ke ade cara lain yg lebih simple nak buat password protected entry ni ?

Comment: 27

Kelas masak lagik :)

hah ko dah jadi kelas main memasak plak arini kan…aku kan dah bilang, aku x de entry sesangat, idea x flow ujung2 tahun nih. tunggulah pas xmas, lagilah pancit aku dibuatnya. so kelas memasak smlm, lagi simple…

kacang boncis ni fav kami 4 beranak, fishball memang ari2 wajib kena ada utk abang, n carrot sebagai pengaler gitu hiks…buat goreng kering. kalo basah kompem x laku!

selar kecik aku buat masak pindang, ni pun fav anak2 jugakkkkkkkkkkk!

ada ayam goreng n ikan masin, sbb takde lauk pedas, cili api tu potong kekecik and taruk kicap utk sirman..dia sorang je yang makan cili api tuh…

dan macam biasa jugak, itulah jugak lauk dinner fifin dan suaminya…

skang ni dinner before 7pm. sirman tu asal balik jer lapo lapoooo nak makan terus, dan dia jugak sibuk nak membaca kosmo, ater kami ni bukan beli paper kalo x de sebab pertama ini dan juga sebab kedua ini kay..


Comment: 12

7, 8..lapan lagi!

round one

abang buat exercise….tersemput2 napas dia menahan

round 2, dah pancit….

gambar2 ni memang dia mintak aku snapkan, coz dia cukup suka tengok gambo2 ni lelalaju, ala2 flip card tu lah, kalo tengok gaya gini nan adolah laju nyor.

arini entry cam kurang je kan hiks…

kan aku dah bilang, aku ni ngah mood2 cuti la weiii

Comment: 9

Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out Part 2

Sticky Mode ye red readers, nak baca entry terbaru, pls scroll down 🙂

Hello and salam to all redmummy’s readers.

Ok you guys now already dah kan that ai got a ‘loan’ Dell Mini 9 yang powered by Maxis Broadband. So meh aku nak share pengalaman2 manis bila bersama Maxis Dell Mini 9 nih….

small & light so easy to carry, so handy

Sebelum tu for reference dari Maxis’s web:

Introducing the Dell Inspiron Mini 9 powered by Maxis Broadband. This small and sleek Mini 9 comes with built-in mobile broadband that lets you connect anytime, anywhere, within Maxis Broadband’s coverage area. So you can surf the net, check emails and chat online without having to rely on WIFI connectivity or external modems. That’s the power of the Maxis Broadband-ready Dell Inspiron Mini 9!

• Built-in HSPA Maxis
broadband modem
• Small and portable –
only 8.9-inch LED display
• Lightweight – only 1.035 kg
• Internet anywhere across Maxis’
HSDPA/3G/EDGE networks

At only RM99 a month x 24 months, you’ll get
• a Dell Inspiron Mini 9, and
• 6 months of Maxis Broadband Subscription
Payment mode : The amount of RM2,376 is payable over 24 months via credit card at 0% interest under the easy payment scheme from participating banks

For your convenience, the Maxis Broadband service will be automatically extended at a promotional rate of only RM77 a month after the 6th month. The monthly bill will be sent to you via email and will not be charged to your credit card. You may also view your bill at MyAccount Portal

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!
The Dell Inspiron Mini 9 is available at all Maxis Centres and selected dealers from November 8 2008 onwards.  For more information, call 1 800 82 2000.

kecil & ringan so senang menggunakannya di atas riba kaki mu sahaja, look at me, while my kids are playing around at the playground of KLIA, ai  m connected to my blog, that s bcoz aku x yah pakai wifi yang kadang2 slow, kadang2 kena mintak pword le wuiii, no need mar. aku on je lappy kecik nih, automatic the maxis broadband connects me to the internet world.

di boarding hall pun saya masih lagi connected to my blog….but do not forget your kids lah next to you, sambil2 tuh jangan lah hangat tak hengat your responsible as a mother. Kot ye pun ngasyik sangat ngan maxis mini dell kan.

Sirman and abang menjadi pencinta kepada Maxis Mini Dell 9 jugak. Wpun dalam aircraft ngah flying tak boleh nak connected kan, but they spent it by playing games etcs. At least boleh jugak buat abang dok dendiam lam flight, kalo idak asik nak lari satu flight.

Internet anytime at anywhere. Wah…sirman punya lappy masih lagi terhegeh2 nak connected with hotel’s wifi but nengok redmummy punya Maxis Mini Dell 9 tuh, hahahahahahha, takpek den nak nolong dor. Tu lah orang suh pakai maxis mini dell nih, sirman dogil. Kan dah jelesssssss ?

Read this comment from one of my readers yang terus beli Maxis Mini Dell bila ai buat the promotion on it before:

salam redmummy, sy nehh silent reader akak..ntah la..xtwu nape sy suke sgt bace setiap n3 yg akak publish..ari2 msti x miss view site akak..BTW pasal lipton hirameki tuh..sy da try beli n minum..mmng besh la kak..n lappy from maxis tuh..sy da lnggn da..org maxis da siap call tnye bile nk g amek lappy..hikhik..bebenornye sy xde kredit kad..tpakse la memujuk my dad…akhirnye dpt jge mnggunakan kredit kad my dad..hehe..akak ni da mcm mentor sy plak..coz setiap barangan yg akak publish..smuer nyer sy try..hehehehe..bkn ape..bile bce n3 akak neh..cam best..so sy pn nk jgk merasakan kebest’an barangan tuh..hehehe..hope akak n family happy alwayz..tc.. (da mcm karangan da nehh) hehehe..bye..

Salam Redmummy, I m your silent reader, ai love reading your ads in your blog, but for the maxis mini dell that you have just promoted, ai don’t have a credit card, so I asked my father to buy for me, under his card. Thank you so much for the promotion, I got the maxis mini dell already – Mizzelle

Abang and Sirman dah kemaruk dengan Maxis Mini Dell, actually selain kecil & ringan, senang dibawa, sambil makan sambil main2 tuh just buang masa kejap memang seronok pakai. Tu sib baik aku x bawak naik atas boat masa pi island hopping arituh, kalo idak, bukan holiday namanya dah…huhihiuuuuu

Sebenarnya waktu saya diminta pulangkan semula Maxis Mini Dell 9 nih, kita dah tau it was on loan basis, tapi saya macam sedih je nak berpisah coz saya dah ‘mesra’ dan sangat selesa samanya. In fact my whole family members, pun seronok pakai lappy kecik cinonit nih tau.

Wpun Maxis Mini Dell memberi jasa nya yang banyak waktu saya di Langkawi dan Singapore, very handy kan, tp saya kena lah terima hakikat that semuanya hanya pinjam ? huwaaaaaaaaaaa….

wpun kami sedang berdating, tapi kami juga mahu makan sambil berceloreng and having our internet fun, of course ai got to use it lah kan…

and its so cute,  even gegirl loves it & dia rasa cam ala2 toys dia jer 😉 Buat harta pinjaman mak dia cam harta dia sendiri….budak kecik pun suka tau ngan maxis mini dell nih.

Kecik moleknya hai Maxis Mini Dell nih kan, kecik dia sampai boleh masuk muatkan dalam my hand bag kan. So korang, ai know that you are so jealous seeing me with my mini dell, though it s only on loan, but at least saya dapat penghargaan from Maxis sebelum orang lain memakainya. If u remember ai used to blog bout my Dell PC last time in this entry (link to put)….

Ngomelan Sirman yang menyebabkan Dell menghantar a new kibod
”the PC itself so far so good BUT is this what you call “quiet” keyboard!!??? i don’t think so!!! i’m having a very hard time to sleep whenever my wife start typing ketuk ketak ketuk ketak… i think i should move the PC out from the bedroom!”

p/s: that was my wife typing at 100wpm, or probably this keyboard is meant for people like me who type 20wpm 😛

dan aku juga berangan-angan dulu: ingatkan Dell nak ganti ngan laptop rupanya ngan kibod gak hikss…

n my statement yang nak dapat laptop baru tuh fuiyooooooooo, akhirnya dapat jugak wpun lah kan aku x dapat permanently. Mbe Maxis will consider that, as an active blogger, ai need to get all the gadgets and facilities in my hand, but having Maxis Mini Dell 9 for 3 weeks, are more than happier than tak dapat hapa2 kan…

So frens, do visit Maxis web if you feel the Maxis Mini Dell 9 fits your criteria, eh cop…the lappy actually fits you, it s how you apply in your internet life application.

Cuma satu jer ai tak suka, kibod dia kecikkkk sudah nak type laju2 tp dah laptop nyer kecik dok takkan kibod nak besar lak 😛 but you all gonna love it, trust me!

Khidmat masyarakat pesanan Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out Part 2 is brought by redmummy.com

Merry Xmas to you too!

Comment: 14