Red Jacket to TTDI…

saturday morning, abang and sirman went to TTDI, for abang”s mandarin tuition class

if you are new reader in redmummy’s blog, my son, Abang – a Year 1 student from a local Chinese school is attending his mandarin tuition every weekend, no exception (unless ada hal2 berbangkit lah like pi holiday, demam, etcs x de lah we go to TTDI)

he miss his Loushi

excitedly ni bangun mandi, oh pagi tadi his sahur memang paling ringkas, duduk at the dining table, sambil mata tidur tp mulut mengunyah

hangin je aku, kang tersedak ke, x kunyah betul2 mak kau gak yang kecoh kang

opss, patah balik terlupa nak hug his Red Mommy!

For fasting month, sirman x boleh nak melepak lah lam any mamak’s restaurant, so he spent his 2 hours by reading newspapers inside the car. Me and Gegirl lepak kat umah, for bulan puasa ni, kami ‘cuti’ from visiting TTDI.

We live in Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras but kenapa abang’s tuition class nun jauh far kat TTDI.

Coz of these reasons (ni mak habak lagi 19juta kali lah ye)

1. Ai want a one to one class (one loushi with only abang a student in the class)

2. Ai ve known Loushi since few years ago (was my mandarin tutor before)

3. Loushi is a good teacher, she s not Malaysian, born from Beijing China, got married wt Muslim Malaysian man, and live happily here wt her 4 kids (she s a fulltime tutor for mandarin class, from age 7 years to 37 years)

4. Anak aku sekolah cina lah dedua, makpaknya x geti cakap cino, so kena le anto tuition jejauh pun x kisah 🙂

Sounds far from VA, Bandar Sri Permaisuri to TTDI, tapi kan ada highway n tol mahal 5 inggit pi balik tuh…bila lagi nak tolong gomen and keringkan poket sirman. after all, the tuition class is for our beloved son.

We dont have any issue on the kisah jauh dekat VA-TTDI 🙂

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Doll for DollyGirl…

Gegirl’s birthday is next week 9th Sept

but this makwe had been bugging for her birthday present like emm since a week ago

all the kain baju kasut selipar bag from Bangkok for her, she said that s not birthday present

(engko dok umah ngan makcik engko, banyak lak songeh ko skang kan..very the demanding)

so ai got her this Doll from this entry

yes she surfed the toys r us web, to look for her birthday present

n me yang kerja kat KLCC had to go down to get the one that dia dah pilih telek

life is very simple huh?

the kids surfed googled, and parents kena pi beli


abang monyok bengang coz he didnt get his birthday present

we bought one for him from Hero, not so expensive macam yang birhtday girl dapatlah kan..

tapi tetapppppppp gak muncung

tunggu your birthday lah bang

gonna get too

siap lah mandi ngan doll nya set bagai wuihaiiiiii!

siang sabtu, she bangun mandi ngan doll and all the maknek toys bagai…

sampai bapaknya halau, daddy nak mandi lah, get outttttttttttttt!

gambo gegirl of course ai have to censor!

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Wasted entry Yey!!!

ahah…the Bangkok’s photos

make your guess for photo no 2, apakemendenya tuh?

huhuuuuuu…. 🙂

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I want baby doll!

ai m so broke, aterr spent so much kat Bangkok kan..

so ai need some cash in hand now

this is the doll that ms gegirl been asking for her birthday

she (by helping from her parents lah of cos) surfed the Toys R Us web, and dia dok mengidam this toy

This cost RM74.95

called her terus suh amik yang lain

aku rasa tak berbaloi to take that one if ai can get cheaper price n lagi banyak benda in the doll set

so by using my ‘mother’s power’ ai got this at only RM62.90 .

lagi jimat…

ai m so a good spender…


wow, where s my Eclipse Card…ai need new shoes for this week 🙂

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The Nite That I Feel Hotttttttt :)…

Friday nite, as usual our dating nite…x kira lah bulan puasa ke idak kan

but wt the traffic, like ai told my fren

Friday + Raining = Jem yang Nikmat!

ai went back home, change the office attire to my casual ‘costume’ 🙂

sirman sampai 15min later, he parked his car and zoommmmmmmm we jump into my sparkle grey

had rsvp done kat Sri Melati Restaurant, for our buka puasa

the most glamorous restaurant lah boleh kata kat dunia Bandar Sri Permaisuri

but ai saw new restaurant is opening soon – Pappa Rich

haruslah ke Papa Kaya pasni

ai hv ordered the usual menu, tapi saje gatai kot nak tambah2 menu kan..

white seafood tomyam, the best but skang udangnya makin sket la pulak

oh yes, being redmummy, kalo x puas hati aku komplen to the manager

next time dia take note lah tu kalau aku datang, tambah2 sket binatang lam tomyam tuh

idak kang…ke Papa Kaya aku kang

baby kailan ikan masin

azan berkumandang, our nasi x sampai yet, so we gatah the kailan sampai separuh

serious weii…the baby kailan dia mmg sedap la! this one ai dont hv to complaint except portion sayur engko napa makin sket?

my telur mata kerbau sampai sesuku sudah nasi ku hampir nak habis!


n his sizzling beef, sampai lagi 2,3 suap sudu ku nak abih jugak, but sirman settled it alone

that s not my fav though

being a member of Sri Melati’s restaurant, we entitled for 10% discount, paid RM45 only

and move our butt to Hero (the famous market in the world of Bandar Sri Permaisuri kononnnnn)

barang basah dapur ku dah abih lah…bulan puasa kan kerjanya memasak hari2, tu lah pasal  the Friday, kami makan buka puasa di luar, oh abang puasa gak penuh (he and gegirl buka puasa ngan toknek), so he earns RM40 for 4 hari berpuasa already. except the 2nd ramadhan, dia ponteng num ayo paip …

ai m crazy mummy, some ppl said

ai may look so young to become a mother for 2 active kids (33 is young?)

ai may look so ganas and garang to you hikss

but actually, u gotta read and understand me via this red hot blog

nanti korang pahamlah, that ai m only a mother a wife and a career lady

of course to become a full time blogger

want to meet me in person? oh…go google from my agent’s blog 🙂

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