Guest Writer – Kenangan dirompak di rumah sendiri..


Saya niesa, duduk kat Blok B**, VA, kite pernah jumpa kat sunway lagoon, a few months ago. Smlm (13apr) rumah sy masuk pencuri. saya ada mas tu dlm bilik blkg. saya balik dr kelas kul 2, time tu nephew ada, then nephew keluar kunci pintu semua sambil saya borak2 kat gate. mmg gate berkunci n mangga, pintu kayu pun saya locked. lepas tu saya masuk bilik tido sbb lately saya tdo tak cukup.

sampai la saya terjaga kul 4, saya dgr bunyi loceng, tp saya rasa mcm dlm mimpi. sy tutup kipas sy dgr btol2. sy msg kakak tny dia katne, sy msg lge tny ade sesape balik umah ke. org dgr pintu kene bukak. masa sy dgr pintu kene bukak tu lain mcm, kuat sgt. masa tu sy tak kuar dr bilik lge. pintu bilik sy renggang sket, gelap. sy intai je dr dlm. lepas tu sy nmpk ade org masuk bilik niece sy, sy tgk laki tu pakai baju mcm baju abg sy, sy ingt abg sy, masa tu sy dh berdebar2, sy nekad jela kuar bilik, sy pegi pintu rumah. tiba2 dorg dgr sy bukak pintu, sorg kuar dr bilik niece sorg kuar dr master room. both tak pakai topeng n lelaki.

laki yg kuar dr master room tgh pgg screwdriver, dtg kat saya ketuk tgn sy, mintak hp sy, tolak sy masuk master room suruh sy duduk diam2. sy ckp ok2. dia kuar bilik dia tarik tel umah. dia masuk bilik dia mintak saya duit. sy ckp sy takde duit sy belajar lagi. dia suruh duduk diam2 dia keluar. masa dlm bilik tu abes brg baju berterabur dh kene selongkar. sy tataw nak baut ape, sy bukak tingkap besar nk jerit tak berani sbb takut dia buat something. sy cr benda tajam pun takde. smpai la lge sekali sy dgr bunyi bell, sy nekad ape nk jd, jd la sy lari terus pegi pintu sy tgk guard dtg. sy ckp tlg2 ade org masuk rumah sy.

masa sy msg kakak tu, kakak dh tak sedap hati, dia terus call anak2 dia tny ade balik ke tak. but semua tgh kerja. dia dah lain mcm terus call saya tp dh tak dpt, call fon umah pon dh tak dpt. terus call en.bahrin ( management) mintak guard naik tgk sy. kejadian berlaku sekejap dlm 24 min mcm tu. sy tak sedar bila dorg kuar. dorg cut gate n kopak pintu utk masuk ke umah. sy dh fobia dgr bunyi loceng or bunyi kuat yg related dgn pintu. bila nk byg balik rasa mcm nak nanges, sbb pk ape akan jd kalau sy tak keluar dr bilik, dorg mesti check setiap bilik nk tgk brg ape ade.

brg yg hilang brg kemas n hp saya jela. yg peliknya laptop terang2 ada, ada 5 biji lsg dia tak amek. camera pun sama. saya rasa dorg dh tak sempat sbb tgk saya ada. hari ni pegi balai lagi utk buat pengecaman muka, muka lelaki tu sy mcm familiar. kami sekeluarga rasa mcm plumber, lately blok b slalu tade air, paip pecah tgkt5 la 6 la 7 la. tp susah nk ckp, sy pon tak ingt mane sy penah tgk muka lelaki tu. ape pun syukur sgt2 sbb sy boleh lge bernafas. tak dpt nk bygkan mcm mane dh. .. thanks kak red.


**Column Guest Writer adalah hasil nukilan cerita sebenar dari readers RM, so if you have anything to share, please Contact Red**

**In RM, it s not about redmummy jer…bout yourself pun boleh mar….

Comment: 21

Calling for you to join the Slurpee Contest…


Hey 🙂

remember on my Slurpee advertorial last month?

nak panggil korang ramai2 to join the Slurpee contest, you just need to upload a video on Slurpee kira hangpa pi lah beli minum Slurpee kat 7Eleven tuh and can win lots of prizes. For details can check out Slurpee’s site, saya juga ada submit dalam Slurpee contest tuh…so korang pun meh lah join the club 🙂

Ingat yer kena buat very the funny comedian abih buat judges gelak bahak2 and meleleh ayomato nangis heh tengok your raja lawak video tu yek. contoh video yang aku buat, kureng sket lawak lah….tapi tak kira korang kena gelak gak, abih satu Red Family kena participate, alo aku sendiri amik shot 2 kali kay, di 2 hari berlainan tapi yang ni paling kaw kaw lah leh buat…

Comment: 14

Baloon Sinuplasty for RM…

berry 199

korang rasa berapa percent antara korang ni memang sihat 100%? yes korang tak tengok apa isi dalam badan korang so u wud say, aku ok jer, takde sihat apa2 so batper nak amik insurans. ok ni cite bukan pasal insurance. but ni citer pasal health kita lah yerk. i know i  dont have a good health condition, sebab tu lah:

1. aku amik personal insurance, not only for me but to us the Red Family

2. i had to quit and pencen from most of the heavy sports that i played before.

i have 2 health prob, one is asthma and one is sinus. for sinus i have like 100 yrs already! hahahaha, giler lama ,umur baru 35! but asthma i got it heavily since 2,3 yrs nih…so tu pasal aku pencen sports. x larat lah asik nak kena puff puff jer. i m on medication right now. not to worry bout it.

but for sinus or malay name it RESDUNG. ini memang never ending story lah. i ve been carrying this sinus issue since hemm…mbe 17-18 yrs to be exact. korang namakan lah apa jenis traditional medication aku x penah buat, rokok kayu, kain putih yang dibakar, homeopathy, A LOT!!  specially tang pagi mandi jer memang kena, pastu kena aircond kena, pi umah orang yang ada kucing pun aku kena. oh masa first few days having my kemek and reddy pun aku kena gak, but now dah immune. too cold pun leh kena, tetengah tidur pun bley kena, makan udang terlebih pun leh kena, halahai, korang yang ada resdung know the feelinglah.

but the good part is when i was pregnant for my 2 children, for 9 bulan X 2 pregnancies langsung tak kena. wonder why? ai dont have the answer for it even doctor pun takde scientific answer on that too. mbe coz of the hormon baby yang aku kandungkan so i dont face it all.

berry 197

takkan nak suh aku beranak tetiap taun pulak ko nak avoid sinus issue. then i was introduced with clarinase and zyrtec tablets. that helps me  a lot, but only for temp. but at least adalah jugak ubatkan. but sampai bila nak rely on this medication, of cos i want to get rid off this problem. to have a healthy life.

So, one day my honeybossy called me into the room and telling me that he just went to visit his good fren in the hospital, a fren of him just did this Baloon Sinuplasty. He encouraged me to do it immediately while i can so that it wont bother me anymore. 2 days after his advise, i went to meet the ENT from this local hospital…

Basically, not all patients need to undergo the Baloon Sinuplasty process, so they sent me for the ct-scan. Make sure korang tak pregnant ye bila buat ct-scan nih, and after looking into the xray…ok doctor yang ada lam RM boleh tau lah yang you can see lots of fluids in my circle of face. kat bawah mata, pipi, dalam hidung aku dah bengkak sebengkaknya. Definitely i have to go for the minor surgery of Baloon Sinuplasty.

I remembered last few years, my ex boss, Momo went into the same process too but not same as mine. he was on medical leave for 2 weeks, his noise is like bleeding all the time, he s in pain and etcs. but for Baloon Sinuplasty, you dont have to go to that process.

I was told, under this surgery, i can come back to work after 24-48 hours!

that s cool.

berry 203

Sinus surgery with balloon sinuplasty may be performed as an outpatient procedure. Because the procedure involves the insertion into the nose of balloon catheters, guide wires and other devices such as irrigation catheters, illumination systems and navigation systems, individuals might become uncomfortable and find it difficult to remain still. Thus either local or general anesthesia is usually administered.

The physician inserts the sinus guide catheter into the nostril to gain access to the sinus ostia (passage) under endoscopic visualization. An endoscope allows the physician to see through the nasal passages to the sinus cavities to ensure that he/she is inserting the catheter into the proper location. A sinus guide wire or sinus illumination system is then introduced into the targeted sinus via the sinus guide catheter. The sinus illumination system provides a targeted fiber optic light transmission that helps the physician place the sinus guide catheter in the correct place.

Once access to the intended location has been confirmed, a balloon catheter (a tiny balloon inside a catheter) is introduced into the sinus cavity via the sinus guide wire or sinus illumination system and positioned in the blocked ostium for inflation. Once the position has been confirmed visually, the balloon is opened to unblock and reshape the narrow or blocked ostium. The balloon is then deflated and removed. Next, an irrigation catheter is advanced over the sinus guide wire or sinus illumination system to flush out the sinus of any mucus or pus. Finally, the sinus irrigation catheter is removed from the sinus to allow the sinus cavity to drain any mucus and/or pus. It is claimed that the linings of the sinus and nasal passages are not disturbed during the procedure and that little to no blood is lost.

or study over here too also can, else google jer, korang leh dptkan roughly idea on the surgery.

after checking my event schedule wt NN, so that i m available, and telle with my honeybossy’s schedule,  i decided to do the little minor surgery, very2 soon. this is a permanent process, not yang akan come back to horror your life after 2-3 yrs, i know bout that issue. bcoz it s permanent, of cos i m taking it. BTW, tunggu sampai aku dah abih process buat baru aku bagitau on the location of my hospital lah yer, plus the cost, memang pitam gak lah tengok costnya but it s under coverage mar….

Mak Ajah aku bising gak bila aku nak buat surgery nih….maunya x bising coz aku pi cakap ‘nak buat susuk idung mak, kasi mancung kaw kaw’.… letih asik terbersin jer…18 taun dah aku usung ulat lam idung ni gamaknya!

Comment: 29

Selepas rahsia RM dibongkar di HMetro…

berry 213

Lama ke bila nya ek aku tak letak gambo ngan gegirl, my gf yang sukaaaaa sangat bergambar. we usually went out from house together2, but she will then send by Sirman to kindy, aku terus pi kerja.  Sirman x kuasa lah nak layan kitorg the girls nya pangai yang suka bergambar, nak suh amikkan pun kadang2 malas je pakcik tu, katanya pagi2 kan.

dahlah pagi tu dia balik2 dari anto Abang from school bawak HMetro tekejut badak melompat aku baca. jangankan korang, aku mmg tekejut ko bacaa….sbb byk fakta yang tidak tepat. mbe masa aku jawab i was in hurry, i was late for a meeting  wt the reporter by berpuluh2 minit, coz aku kena kidnapped ngan NN for one event. unplan one. rasanya the interview was done last month, quite a while gak.

so tu yang ada fakta yang tergelincir but saya dah betulkan dalam entry ini yer. tolong baca betul2 entry nih coz fakta2 yang tak correct harus diannounce.

berry 217

Sweet little girl…

for that morning, i woke up very early, 545am ke gitu coz nak terkencing, dah alang2 bangun takkan nak tidur balik, so aku siapkan bfast anak2 aku and siapkan abang to his school. pastu aku baring jap buat lelap2….Feeling balik kerja semalam sangat best, bila dapat sampai rumah waktu matahari terbenam. dah berminggu sangat aku asik balik malam coz kena buat MFB treatments. As i said, my therapist is on leave, tapi aku ada sebab lain jugak, so kira nikmat betullah dapat sampai umah awal. itupun tak dapat nak callo sharp, after 6pm gak redah jem tun razak.

berry 222

went to Mesra shop to get our lunch, i grabbed 2 pcs of HM for our portfolio, giler aku dok sorokkan from my keligs to know. but ingat diorg tak smart ke hahaaa, pagi2 buta kawan2 opis aku dah start spreading the news. macamlah ni first time kuor dah berpuluh2 time pun kuor newspapers, but sebab ada gambo aku kat front page tuh iskk…

btw saya letak semula correction dari HMetro yang silap diperdagangkan…just in case korang malas nak baca entry yang aku dah repaired tuh. tak sedaplah kalau orang ingat fakta2 tu betul…

1. saya bukan pemenang untuk Top Parenting di Singapore, but yes I was the finalist.

2. Janaan RM10k per month bukan setiap bulan, kadang2 bulan ni lebat kadang2 bulan tu tak berapa lebat. Max i got is  more RM10k yes it s true.

3. Income doesnt come from Nuffnang only but also from the personal advertisers yang come straight forward to us.  Yes i m contracted with Nuffnang but for some reasons saya juga boleh ambil certain product as a promo/iklan in RM.

4. Tak ada lagi versi 8 -10 entries per day yer, tak mampu dah mata dan plotak menahan. skang max pun 5 entries jer, paling koman 3 tu kira kawtim adalah. but weekend mmg lam 1-2 entries per day jer. wkends orang ramai rehat. Versi 10 entries per day tu dah lama aku pencen sejak 2 yrs ago rasanya. so long ody.

5. RM’s potluck with readers was held on 2008 not last year.

6. Tips dari number 6 (from HMetro) sepatutnya applicable to those yang suka buat entries banyak, yang satu entry per day pun x per. x semua orang boleh jadi macam RM. aku giler menulis 🙂 tak sangka lak reporter pi letak. adoii.

7. RM’s readers blom 4 juta, baru 3 juta lebih jer, and Sirman’s age is 37 this year, motip laki aku umur muda 2 taun jadi sebaya aku plakk

8. RM ujud dalam blogging sejak 2005 ye bukan 2008, tapi dari blogspot berpindah ke domain sendiri adalah pada tahun 2008.


Lega actually bila dapat tulus kan sesuatu, tapi untuk jutaan lagi pembaca HMetro yang mungkin tidak singgah di RM, wallahualam, i cannot help it, so this is the best yang saya boleh buat. fyi, this doesnt mean saya kena kerja ringan yek, sentiasa jugak ingat masa berada di bawah dan terus usaha2…sebenarnya aku x yah nak buktikan apa2, coz my loyal readers yang dari zaman blogspot korang dah tau susah payah aku naik. kendong anak kulu kilir pi event, dari start amik gambo pakai motorola phone cokia tu sampai ke DSLR sirman ado, dari sesenduk bawak ke setempayan.

So berusahalah yerk, park your blog n register to Nuffnang and insyallah ada lah satu hari nanti rezeki kamu menjana pendapatan hanya dari blogging sahaja.

Comment: 57

My best Hada Labo…

I love skin care products, or even make up, so this entry is specially created for a 48hours sticky mode basis 🙂

Prolog: anak yang cinta pada kecantikan wajah ibunya, wpun tanpa make up tapi dia tak tau maknya pakai skin care terbaru, ater…nak bagi ala2 comei 🙂 Sirman yang sokmo berahi melihat wajah isterinya yang semakin hari semakin jelita, wah katanya yek, ai x main lah puji2 diri sendiri. cakap direct je sirman kat blog ko, apa nak malu, bukan bini orang lain…

anw, the 2 boys in my life, kurang mengerti dengan dunia kewanitaan yang saya pegangi.


Rahsiaku adalah – Hada Labo

I m very sure, most of you memang tak ramai yang tau pasal Hada Labo ye dok? Asal usul Hada Labo- it comes all the way from Japan and ape ke pulak meaningnya, ahah! Hada is Kulit and Labo is Makmal.

Tell u the truth, aku memang suker jer ngan skin care product from Jepun nih coz aku tau and percaya sangat yang orang Jepun suka produce skin care products menggunakan barang dari alam sekitar yang definitely sangatlah sesuai ngan kulit Asian kita nih.

Apa yang paling menarik  bagi saya mengenai Hada Labo adalah falsafah jenama ini.

Like its philosophy “Perfect x Simple” “Sempurna x Mudah” Hada Labo memegang kepada slogan hidup “tidak lebih, tidak kurang” dimana barangannya di kilang di bawah kawalan makmal yang ketat dan semua bahan yang boleh membebankan kulit seperti alcohol, warna, haruman dan minyak mineral disingkirkan. Hanya ramuan yang berkesan untuk kulit dimasukkan untuk memastikan ia memberikan hasil yang baik.


Hero dari rangkaian yang akan ku perkenalkan hari ini ialah Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion. Produk ini adalah lotion no 1 di Japan dan mencapai rekod jualan 1 botol setiap 4 saat. Wow inilah rupanya rahsia kecantikan wanita Jepun. Bayangkan kalau 1 jam, sudah berapa botol yang berjualan?

Korang mesti ingat Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion adalah pelembap. Salah. Lotion dalam skincare di Jepun adalah = toner.

Cara guna?
it is very simple process…you just wash your face ngan cleanser.


Rinse thoroughly 🙂


Tuang 3 – 4 titik of the lotion of Hada Labo of SHA Moisturizing Lotion kat palm tangan ko…

To the Japanese step lotion adalah amat penting. Ia memastikan kulit anda is moisturize and hydrated so that barangan skincare anda yang lain akan dapat menyerap jauh ke dalam kulit anda dengan lebih berkesan.


Pat di sekeliling muka sehingga kering


Pat everywhere – your forehead, neck, hidung, semua inci muka ko lah yek…

Mula-mulanya dia ada sticky2 sket. Oleh kerana ia ngak ada alcohol anda perlu beri sedikit masa untuk ia meresap ke dlm kulit anda. Setelah ia kering hasilnya = kulit gebu, licin dan amat lembut.

Check out how the Japanese do it here in youtube

Dan Sirman yang hampir 10 tahun kukahwini, sendiri melihat kulit wajahku semakin gebu dan tulus. Gegirl yang mendapat kecantikan azali, pun dari ibunya. i didnt apply the Hada Labo to her yet, but tunggu sahaja si kecil membesar bagai anak dara yang terhangat, mesti kami will share the same skin product, yakni Hada Labo. I guess if you apply the best product, you get the best result. Though lots of you are taking the botox lah vit C lah, but if you wanna help your skin, gunalah product yang tidak ada chemical yang tinggi.


You can get Hada Labo at any Guardian outlets at only RM40.90 . It is very affordable; The  Hada Labo’s Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion helps to you to get a silky smooth skin back.

Try it, pasti tak menyesal. So far saya dah buktikan the best of the skin care to you, so tunggu apa lagik sik ibu dan bapak2 sekalian.

Jom target sapa pakai dulu the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion, muka siapa yang paling ada kesan. Ni serious nih aku nak tengok korang submit korang nya comment kat aku bila korang dah get it kat Guardian hek. RM40.90 only.

Note to remember, you men oso need to jaga your skin muka, so dont expect the women jer yek, share it with your sisters, mothers and even your wives :).

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai Hada Labo visit:

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Hada Labo is brought by

Comment: 165