Dec 31 2008 Wednesday, 9:00 am
Imbasan Diary
Jan 2008
1. After months of waiting, sirman balik from Texas, for the first time in his life, dia botakkan rambutnya hiks…ada health prob lah rambut dia tu pasal kena botak mar…
2. Abang mula sekolah Year 1, a Chinese school and sekolah agama in the morning. Gegirl mula masuk kindy, also in chinese kindy.
3. Work related, ai was seconded to subs company, promotes as an Associate to HR and Admin, the company was based in Menara TM/KLCC and JB.
4. Travel to TTDI every wkend for abang’s tuition…
The Jan entry was posted in my old blog.
1. Saya menjadi mangsa Cari Forum, gambar ku bersama artis2 during Ning’s wedding disebarkan tanpa kebenaran.
2. was launched on 9 Feb 2008.
3. TV3 came to our red house for Maria Talk Show’s shooting.
1. After months of survey, we bought a new house, CV.
2. Senihost mengecewakan saya…the bandwith has to be upgraded.
3. reached the 300ks hit.
1. Planet was launched
2. My Mak dikejarkan ke HUKM, admitted for few days.
3. I heard the good news, to be called back to the mother’s company, aku tidak mahu lagi kena seconded to JB or Menara TM.
4. My red collection, red house appeared in TV3, Maria Talk show.
5. We change the hoster to , fully sponsored by them. Senihost tuh, hancur! not recommended to anyone.
6. Ai won the chess tournament, 3 years in a row (game2 lain malas nak elaborate coz aku lebih in love dengan chess)
7. Gegirl was rushed to HUKM, aternya demam dia x berkebah2 sekian lama.
8. Ai was in JB for the nusajaya’s project, didnt meet any readers or bloggers there (chose not to).
9. My last day in JB was the last day with the secondment company, happynya.
1. Our first family holiday, just to PD, together ngan adik beradikku.
2. I served the big shot ED in the company, another promotion for me as the high level ES of the company.
3. The nuffnang income is getting higher and higher. alhamdulillah.
4. Short trip to Singapore since sirman dah memang awal2 ada di sana, met my sporean readers bloggers and frens.
5. Abah and Along my big bro went for Umrah
6. Friso Gold, the first ads under Nuffnang appeared in this red blog
7. A company trip wt red family, holiday to Lumut, kami singgah juga di Pangkor.
8. Nuffnang income start to hit 4 figures.
1. Friso Gold second ads was up.
2. hits 500ks visitors
3. Daddy’s Day for Sirman
1. Nana, my sister, had to go for an operation tukar valve jantung, currently using cow’s valve. will undergo second operation mbe lagi 10-15 years.
2. Redmummy @ Kak Red @ Red Diva turns 33 on 11th
3. Private blog was launched, only for selected readers have the access.
4. Oreo ads was up.
5. Red family pi short holiday to Melaka, A Famosa (tinggal di hotel A Famosa adalah satu kesilapan paling besar!)
1. Nuvafemme ads was up.
2. Levi’s ads was up.
3. Rad family short holiday to Kuala Gandah, Pahang.
4. Promotion for Syam Bangkit ads was up.
5. After years of waiting, we bought a new PC Dell, paid from the Nuffnang income.
6. Sirman and Redmummy, went to Bangkok for our honeymoon , no kids. Frankly speaking, saya hanya soping barang saya ciput2 jer, semua barang yang dibeli adalah for families, frens and my blog readers sahaja. The list goes up to more than 50 recepients.
1. Abang buat pertama kalinya berpuasa, he missed 3 days.
2.’s windscreen car sticker was launched for poll, printing for readers will be done on 2009.
3. Gegirl turns 4 years old on 9th
4. Mak pi umrah.
5. Bingkisan Salam Syawal was launched, will appear again during fasting month of 2009.
6. Promotion for Ayuazizi’s Tart ads was up.
7. Redmummy menjadi respondent for Nuffnang Sharing Session.
1. Red colour is our red family raya concept for this year.
2. Redmummy and family bercuti ke Penang
3. Mia Satay ads was up for 2 months.
4. New banner for was launched, created and courtesy by Vagg
5. Another banner for was up, created and courtesy by Nadh.
6. Kem Kotex ads was up.
7. Sirman turns 35 years old on 19th.
8. Madagascars Tickets from Nuffnang to redmummy’s readers was up
9. Redmummy was featured in an online magazine, Live and Inspire
10. Abang turns 7 years old on 23rd.
11. Redmummy lodge an official police report for the lalats issue in my red blog. A reminder to all old and new readers, sticky bar on the right side of this blog. Leave comments nicely, sesiapa yang membuat ‘hal’ tak kira di luar di dalam blog merah, saya tidak akan teragak2 mengrelatedkan kamu dengan current police case, or the next report too.
1. Gegirl had her first concert (under her kindy), Hey Mickey show.
2. UMobile ads was up.
3. mencecah satu juta visitors.
4. Lipton Hirameki ads was up.
5. Redmummy with Maxis Mini Dell special appearence.
6. Red family went for our short holiday trip to Langkawi.
7. Maxis Mini Dell Part One and Two ads were up.
8. Mamy Poko ads was up.
9. Redmummy with Friso Nuffnang special appearence.
1. Redmummy appears in The Sun, NST, Razor TV Singapore, Yoyooh and twice di dalam Kosmo.
2. Redmummy representing Malaysia for Brands Blogger Challenge in Singapore.
3. ICT Bersama Sirman mula diperkenalkan di blog merah.
4. Semua hadiah2 untuk readers, pemenang for any contest di blog merah, telah lama langsai. Contest lain akan menyusul pada 2009..
5. Event paling besar dianjurkan oleh with collaboration dengan the 5 GBMs, Potluck Gathering with was held di Taman Putra Perdana, peristiwa paling manis di
photo credit to Bojeng…slamat jalan 2008
No new resolution for 2009, saya kurang minat berangan-angan ke, bercita2 ke hapa la nih, biar ikut flow. ada job ada mari ada ads, ada blog sedap janji idup tenang aman. ada kerjaya, ada family, anak-anak sihat keluarga bahagia sudah cukup nikmat.
Saya harap pembaca saya kian berkembang, semoga makin dikenali, supaya jejak langkah saya lebih cepat dicapai. Wpun ini blog saya, mungkin ada antara kamu yang mahu menyelinap kisah2 di blog merah. kisah yang ‘kurang enak dibaca’ x yah lah kita jaja di sini, yang dah lepas tu apahal nak ungkit2, cite hal elok2 je sudahlah.Yang dengki khianat tuh x yah lah kita riuh, boring.
So bolehlah kita share sesama, saya mungkin terlupa. Ada duka ada gembira ada sonok lam blog nih, let s share a story.
Since hari ini hari terakhir 2008, saya biarkan entry ni agak lama kay….
Selamat Menyambut 2009!
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