Tuesday, 3:00 pm

a day before, she berried me – babe, ai bought the mini HP!!
menci koo!
mak nangisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
nak jugokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

ringan tu mmg lah ringan, aku dulu buat testimonial maxis mini dell with internal broadband kan, so dah get used. aku antara nak satu antara 2 ni jer, either red mini dell or hp mini nih gak, tp bukan model liza, mine is either hp model 1100 or model hp mini 2140. price masih sama wt red mini dell RM1699
what happen to my bling bling?
hold on, have not decided yet, aku ada few days lagi to think bout the bling bling.

the best part of mini hp than mini dell is the kibod. kibod hp memang sejibik beso size sama macam kibod pc lappy kita. unlike mini dell, ya allah, kekekcik alam, for speed typist mmg sakit jiwalah pakai mini dell tuh. alo aku pun dah buat review on red mini dell, aku tau lah apa yang best apa yang tak best…
processing part for both, bih kurang sama jer, but sirman said, red mini dell lagi ada pangkat tinggi sket than the hp…some more it has red colour. hp tarak merah, itam melekat. but with model hp 2140 ado kaler silver gitu….
congratulations liza for your mini HP.
btw fyi, the hp 1000 liza ni dah discontinued, read here. they currently have model HP1100 and of course HP2140.
bley lupa nak amik gambo liza hiks..aku terpaku ngan mini hp dia tu pasalnya…

di persisiran belakang aku jer, sama kecik ngan ehhehehe tetttttttttttt! wahh, jeles seii! Why do ai need this gadget, aku nak luaskan pengembaraan blogging world ku….setiap taun kita perlu ambitious, and buying this is part of my blogging investment jugok. bling2 tu bukan investment, tp adiah utk diri sendiri, hasil dr blogging gak 🙂
so which one yang korang choose?
1. Mini HPÂ model 1100? price RM1499 – details click here
2. Mini HP model 2140? price RM1699 – details click here
3. Red Mini Dell model ? price RM1699 – details click here
Drop the bling2 first, either with or without bling2, i will still have to take the mini lappy. bling2 is only an additional accessories, for the time being lah.
Sirman is using his power to influence me getting the No 3. Tapi aku bukak chance korang bagik aku idea pls?
No 1? No 2? or No 3? why and why?
Category: [
Dell, HP, PC, RedMummy ]
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