
Dell LCD Monitor 17″ up for grab!


Dell monitor LCD 17 inch up for grab, menda ni pakai bape kali je lah, coz abang tak suka ber CC dari biliknya. he prefers to be connected to the internet world from our laptops jer. i donno what else to do with this, sungguh tak tau dah. so im letting this go.

paduka sirman mahu jual at RM250. self collect yek.

do Contact Red ye if berminat. kalau tak berminat pun x per, aku tak rugi apa2…cuma sangat wasting bertepuk kat meja study abang, tp aku tak biarkan openly pun monitor LCD nih, aku tutup ngan cover monitor gak. jangan jadi macam printer aku, lagi sodih, pakai bape lama jer pastu simpan peram. sampai sudah la ni tak berusik. bukan tak nak pakai tp dah takdak space yang oi. tak tau lah kalo aku dok jepun camne, umah sana lagi lah siksa sketnya mahal sempit giler.

so slowly i m letting go lots of my stuff. sungguh Dell Monitor LCD 17″ Model S1709Wc ni Red Family tak pakai.

Comment: 7

Cybercafe at home!


muka kalau ngah belajar pun takde concentrate giler macam ni tau….hasilnya kalau mengadap games!


btw, the lenovo is now officially belong to Abang. tho dia ada own PC in his own room but sebab dia nak dok gak depan tv depan mata makpak dia, i gave the Lenovo to him.

Gegirl memang ada own lappy jugak. it was belong to her dad before, but since Dad is now using Dell,’s laptop, so the old HP is given away to her.

Sirman bagi HP to Gegirl

Abang dapat Lenovo from Mummy

adil lah kan…


i m still using the Dell PC, for my blogging job…

cos i m gonna get ……………….a new lappy tooooooooooooooooooooooo! yaribbaaaaaaa!!!

ko hengat aku nak bagi Abang tu Lenovo tu sesuka jer kalau takde sebab. hikss….get yer, bukan buy. whohooooooooo! love my blogging life! now no more buying concept but wait for the sponsors to come and approach us. i m gonna utilize it till max, why buy if there s always a chance to get it for free from the sponsor with the relationship ‘win win situation’.


oh ye, rumah aku skang dah memang macam cybercafe pung 🙂

i actually has gotten a new lappy from the sponsor which to reveal bout it later, so sapa nak beli Lenovo ku itu? mau mau?


Comment: 28

Mini HP vs Mini Dell!!


a day  before, she berried me – babe, ai bought the mini HP!!

menci koo!

mak nangisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

nak jugokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!


ringan tu mmg lah ringan, aku dulu buat testimonial maxis mini dell with internal broadband kan, so dah get used. aku antara nak satu antara 2 ni jer, either red mini dell or hp mini nih gak, tp bukan model liza, mine is either hp model 1100 or model hp mini 2140. price masih sama wt red mini dell RM1699

what happen to my bling bling?

hold on, have not decided yet, aku ada few days lagi to think bout the bling bling.


the best part of mini hp than mini dell is the kibod. kibod hp memang sejibik beso size sama macam kibod pc lappy kita. unlike mini dell, ya allah, kekekcik alam, for speed typist mmg sakit jiwalah pakai mini dell tuh. alo aku pun dah buat review on red mini dell, aku tau lah apa yang best apa yang tak best…

processing part for both, bih kurang sama jer, but sirman said, red mini dell lagi ada pangkat tinggi sket than the hp…some more it has red colour. hp tarak merah, itam melekat. but with model hp 2140 ado kaler silver gitu….


congratulations liza for your mini HP.

btw fyi, the hp 1000 liza ni dah discontinued, read here. they currently have model HP1100 and of course HP2140.

bley lupa nak amik gambo liza hiks..aku terpaku ngan mini hp dia tu pasalnya…


di persisiran belakang aku  jer, sama kecik ngan ehhehehe tetttttttttttt! wahh, jeles seii!  Why do ai need this gadget, aku nak luaskan pengembaraan blogging world ku….setiap taun kita perlu ambitious, and buying this is part of my blogging investment jugok. bling2 tu bukan investment, tp adiah utk diri sendiri, hasil dr blogging gak 🙂

so which  one yang korang choose?

1. Mini HP  model 1100? price RM1499 – details click here

2. Mini HP model 2140? price RM1699 – details click here

3. Red Mini Dell model ? price RM1699 – details click here

Drop the bling2 first, either with or without bling2, i will still have to take the mini lappy. bling2 is only an additional accessories, for the time being lah.

Sirman is using his power to influence me getting the No 3. Tapi aku bukak chance korang bagik aku idea pls?

No 1? No 2? or No 3? why and why?

Comment: 35

Bila tengkukku mula sakit…


saya sedang menabung

untuk setiap sen

bagi mendapatkan ini untuk diri sendiri

insyallah….gigih simpan seposen demi seposen yer…


blogging is my part time job

blogging is also my side income

tapi kadangkala, aku amat capek menggunakan Dell PC so aku terpaksa pakai laptop Sirman and do it casually from the bed, sambil nonton DVD yang sirman pasang…

itu desire saya yang pertama…

my May’s earning is out on July, n that s the best payment ever from Nnang yang saya buat for bertubi2 advertorial job.

tapi tu ler, jam2 tu lah July road tax keter aku pun nak mati kannnnnnnnnnnnnn! saje je tau…

Comment: 16