Mom’s Meeting…

hey! i met 2 frens here

nurul the white shirt (along, padan muka ko x leh kejar nurul huhuuu!)

rose umi mia – the rugged mom wt new hair style berhighlight bagai weihh

amboi sirman kaki sampai naik atas kerusi

the other side of the table, the loving couple bergumbira sakan

actually we the 3 moms x nak sirman and gegirl mengaco cakap2 cerita mak orang, sib baiklah sirman cam paham2 je dok kat meja sebelah gitu kan…

this was waiting for abang’s tuition class abih, nak jumpa aku kena waktu gini. yang lain, sila take note ye, jumpa saya di ttdi on saturday kalau nak jumpalah. can kill our waiting mood.

anw, about my new private blog, tell u kan only the ppl that i trust can get the access, sebab apa tau, alangkan no names mentioned in my pun orang cuba nak sabotaj aku. even there s no case, coz i won that case already, but i have to take extra precaution, coz i ve the right to reveal everything, and to tell the truth is not that ez, cant be direct, it has to be done in the private blog.

Some of you have received the invite, saya masih lagi mencari kepercayaan to those yang belum dpt the invite yet.

At that location, they know and i placed all evidence, but inside this blog, aku akan tetap speak out. Yang paham tu pahamlah, korang yang x paham tu napa nak pening kepala. my blog is very muhibbah and majmuk, selain dari lalats, this blog is also famous wt all Reds things, shoes, perfumes so on…

oh ada sebab kenapa kami met up, tu pasal aku x nak gatherkan our meeting wt orang lain wt these 2 ladies. we hv some stories to be discussed. Aku pun dah agak dah bila makcik2 ni meydey2 aku a day before. anw, i miss them too coz they miss the red diva hokey! ahakss…statement hangat di pasaran. very the lesbo! Ni kali ke 3 kami bertenggek sesama, we took turn to belanja each other, kalo dak korang ingat dulu asik aku je kena pau ahhahahahahah…

My next week slot looks like been booked already, but u can try to get a slot to meet us. No hal maaa, oh yes, ai m a celebrity blogger, so what? Serverfreak and Nnang loves me so much, hikss!

Memang bunyik cam sakit ati riak je kan, but korang gak yang cakap, kalau idak x kan aku nak mengaku. sapa2 yang bagi komen tu, korang carik sendiri pasal aku pun dah x ingat, u can search from the bottom of this page ada Search bar, and hit lah apa wordings google pun, kuor lah nanti…

Comment: 15

TTDI wt Red WRM…

2nd time ai naik keter sirman..huhuuuu

keter jimat minyak ni digunakan juga untuk ke ttdi. haruslah jimatkan minyak keter mak merah lakkan… tapi actually x jugak u, anak2 yang mintak naik keter daddy, sebab aku yang sangat diva ni, aku suh sirman pi ngamik keternya sementara aku siap2kan budak2 ni, by the time sampai bawah, Red WRM dah ado! keter sirman parking jauh sket dr our block tu pasalnya.

x taulah gegirl suka lak pose camni lately, adalah tu kan dia belajar memana tu dr umah neneknya.

n seperti minggu2 dan bulan2 yang lalu, setiap kali kelas tuition sabtu petang, setiap kali itulah diorg 2 ni akan tidur lam kereta…

n aku lak ari sabtu wah best kenyang tidur. bangun tidur bangun tidurrrrrrr huhuuu..plan nak pi spital dibatalkan bila orang yang kami nak lawat tu dah discharged thari tadi. but kena masuk admit balik on monday. no matter what, i need to visit that patient next week.

bila dah balik dari ttdi kan, sirman tanya whether ai nak drive tak Red WRM tu kan, mestilah aku nak tp tak gak dia bagi2 hahhahahahhaha…cepat2 jer balik kan sirman cakap, kang janganlah pulak blog kata ai x bagi u drive keter baru.

alah…. orang x kisahlah, u bawak Red BMW ke Red Merz pun ai x eran, aku lebih selesa je dok sebelah, bila kita dah pi kerja ari 5 kali seminggu so kalau sirman drive over the weekend aku mmg lah bersyukur rahmat. kalau boleh anto pi keje pun lagi best, but mustahillah kan.

independent pun kita kena lah berpada2 gak…

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Purple pinkish to Red girls…

pearl – im wearing your New York HRC’s shirt! muahsssss

3 min before heading to ttdi…


Comment: 7

Charles & Keith, Pavillion (3)

The only red hbag from CnK yang aku nampak, but it s more to sling bag, nak pakai for casual pun macam x nice..the price is about RM60 ke RM70 aku lupa lah plak…

dah memang aku nak ngamik bila Ms Pretty Tall memujuk rayuku jangan ngamik, the shape is so biasa2 ajer gitu kan..tol gak ye dak.

then aku x ngamik lah, left CnK wt one pair of shoes only, will visit again, mbe next month

masalahnya kat pavillion gitu, tu yang kuasa weii nak pergi, kalo lam klcc tarak lah kisah jugak

Ms Pretty Tall is so excited to get her CnK in KL, kalo idak asal turun spore je berkotak2 lah dia kena beli

n we got crazy idea to snap few photos at the lobby of pavillion while waiting for Mr Bachelor beli air…

Red, when is this post will be published in your blog? we wanna see us in your blog!

Probably on Saturday girls

see…i ve set it up to Saturday, kalau korang nak belek on the CnK’s collections, check out to the first 2 posts before this entry ye…

Enough wt CnK’s posting then…the shoes price range here is between RM80 to RM200. i will post my cnk’s shoes bila aku pakai.

Comment: 8

Charles & Keith, Pavillion (2)

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