Sep 11 2013 Wednesday, 9:00 am
Dove Rambutmu Mahkotamu!
48hours sponsored post
Ada product yang memang aku been introduced by the clients during my advertorials path, but ada product yang memang aku pakai sesangat. So Dove hair shampoo and conditioner or all the lines of it memang aku pakai.
So one day, I went to this Dove event. Wonder apa pulak cerita Dove kali ni, bestnya coz it’s all about Rambutmu Mahkotamu!!
The event was hosted by Nana Mahzan, and the story begins dengan 2 orang rakan baik yang dahulunya mempunyai masalah keguguran rambut, but even after 10years pun, they support each other in managing the hair fall. They both telah menggunakan Dove Hairfall rescue range dan ternyata sangat bersesuaian with their hair.
Bersesuaian dengan tema yang ingin diketengahkan, tak kira pada yang bertudung atau tidak, Rambutmu, Mahkotamu – adalah satu platform untuk kita wanita berasa lebih confident, openly speak up and discussing bout the hair issue. Ada orang malu bila nak admit yang rambut mereka keguguran, ada yang bertudung pun menganggap, tak perlu disclose bout the hair issue too coz mereka bertudung but deep down in their heart surely loving to have a very healthy hair kan???
So Kempen Dove Rambutmu, Mahkotamu – adalah dianggarkan untuk mengumpul sekurang-kurangnya 10,000 aspirational statements, yang menunjukkan komitmen kita untuk stop hair fall dari terus interfering with women’s life.
10,000 sahaja statements dari wanita2 semua.
- I. Log on to Dove Hair Malaysia Facebook
- II. Click on Dove Rambutmu, Mahkotamu application
- III. Complete the aspirational statement “If I was free from hair fall…”
- IV. Lastly, women can choose if they would like to play a role in the Dove Empowerment Fund
Macam plaque yang aku pegang nih… so you can support by giving your statements too in the FB Dove Hair Malaysia. We target the women out there to join the club! Doesn’t matter anda bertudung atau tidak, you might win something 🙂
By the way for the FB apps, you can also access it via your smart mobile devices. So, tak perlu nak kena on laptop, pc…. terus dari your gadgets di tangan pun boleh.
Semua dah clear on the 10,000 kejaran yang kita nak buat di FB Dove? For your Rambutmu, Mahkotamu! My personal story bout Dove and me. Masa confinement, lepas beranakkan Zeeshan si baby kecil aku tuh, rambut aku gugurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sangat! Kadang2 sampai kutip ler waktu dalam bilik air tuh, if you remember memang aku bising mekak2 jugak waktu dalam pantang tuh yek over twitter. Masa tu aku pakai so called ‘shampoo beranak’ hahahahaha, cannot mention here, so tak boleh jalanlah shampoo tu, I asked RD to get back me the Dove HairFall Rescue Range. Memang masa dalam pantang berenti pakai tu coz sebabkan kena pakai shampoo lepas beranak tu ye.
Thank God, after 2 weeks, memang dah berkurangan keguguran rambut. Even till now pun. Kita kalau nak tau masa gugur dia hebat nih, masa shampoo lah kan, ha but slowly, kadang2 takde pun kat lantai bilik air tuh. Itulah kesesuaiannya Dove and Redmummy.
But ingat yer, harus dengan conditioner! Jangan pakai shampoo sahaja ok. Rahsia rambut sihat bersinar, kita kena bershampoo dan juga apply the conditioner.
Oh by the way, upon achieving 10,000 voices from Dove Rambutmu, Mahkotamu campaign, Dove will establish a fund to keep its empowerment efforts sustainable. A total of RM10,000 will be donated to the unfortunate to help other women, to design an original and actionable idea untuk support wanita2 yang tidak berkemampuan di dalam negara kita ni lah. Mereka akan disokong dan guided by a line of wanita-wanita ternama Malaysia, dan activist. The idea is to develop these wanita2 yang lemah untuk to do things they love and aspire, confidently.
Dove Hair Fall Rescue Range contains a ground-breaking technology, Trichazole Actives to help anchor hair firmly in place at the roots, nourishing the area where hair fall occurs. Dalam range ni ada 6 products, yakni Shampoo, Conditioner, Daily Treatment Conditioner, Hair Fall Rescue Serum, Hair Fall Rescue Treatment Mask and Leave-on Intensive Hair Tonic.
Tau tak semua products Dove ni aku ada? Bertahun-tahun dah aku ada pun. The Hair Fall Rescue Serum tu siap ada kat my working table, senang nak apply dah ada depan mata kan hahahahaa!
Dove Hair Fall Rescue System Price Range:
- Shampoo 375ml – RM 14.90
- Conditioner 180ml – RM 9.90
- Daily Treatment Conditioner 180ml – RM 13.90
- Hair Fall Recue Serum 40ml – RM 19.90
- Intensive Hair Tonic – RM 32.90
- Treatment Mask 200ml – RM 22.90
Jom reramai jadi part of the 10,000 women! To support the 10,000 voices of Dove Rambutmu, Mahkotamu campaign! #DoveMahkotamu
Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Dove is brought by
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