
Rustic Fantastic!

24 hours sticky mode, for new entries pls scroll down.


When I was approached by Rustic, first thing aku tengok web nya. Not bad.
2nd aku tengok cookies and cake nya, hishhh…gambo2 ni yang tak tahan nih. Sib baiklah bukan bulan puasa.
3rd terus aku ngap makan! Hahahahah
Well ok, semua tu datang dari virtual terus ke spiritual.

Napa le ramai nau suka bagi aku makan nih? Makan berempat tapi yang gemuk mak nya jer. Apa kes nih. Yang lagi 3 tu kedemping jugak badan depa.

Rustic – why is the shop is named as Rustic?

Unfancy, Rustic adalah home made cookies yang simple kerna itu harganya murah dan berpatutan.

Rustic was born few years ago, asalnya dari rumah sahaja home made business, belongs to a malay boy. I feel so proud, a young boy, sudah ada kedai cookies sendiri. Me yang dah 34 years old, apa ada? Haiyahhh…

Malu jugak lah orang ke main makin hebat ke depan, aku masih lagi di sini. No, i m not complaining, I love my stage now cuma mestilah aku nak jadi macam Rustic’s owner, makin maju and maju.Bukannya makin menjadi lama ke tarikh luput.

Btw, Rustic has Cookies, Brownies and Cakes. Can be eaten there at the mini shop or u can also order online. Any package yang korang nak, boleh click2 jer. Apa ke malas bonar korang nih. Skang ni sume main ujung jari je yer. bukan ujung talian. Nampak nau lah kita ni terlalu manja dengan teknologi terkini.

Sampai makan pun pakai click click 🙂

Cookies have plain, candy, white choc chip etcs. The price is very reasonable untuk kita2 ni, untuk orang kaya pejam mata je lah bayo. Kira boleh lagi lah dibeli dengan harga tak yah korang nak ikat perut sebulan pung. Price range starts from 90sen. Sen jerrrr..bukan hinggit. But for the rest of the flavours, RM1.20 per pc. For any combination yang korang nak main campur2 pulak, ada special price.

Mau makan cake as a dessert or minum petang? Try Rustic’s famous Coffee & Hazelnut Praline,or mbe boleh try jugak Plum Crumble,or banyak pulak aku kena cakap kat korang,pi site Rustic sendiri yer kalau nak pilih flavours apa yang sesuai ngan tekak memasing. Amboi hangpa sume nak akak merah sogokkan yek.

Simple price give, per slice is RM4.20 the lowest and for the whole cake as 900g starting price at RM32.00. tak mahal lah dok? Ok ler kan kan kan?

Anw, some people tak suka cake, depa suka brownies aje kan, so there u go the choc and blonde blonde? Waa ingat rambut je ada blonde2, kek pun ado ok!

Semua cookies, cakes all home made by professional Rustic Team. The receipe turun temurun from the family members of Rustic, dipadankan to commercial line. As I said before, not many young boys or girls willing to quit from their permanent job an be the full time homemaker of cookies. Rustic has proven it!

Once u touch yourself to Rustic, mesti korang tak rasa galad amik the collect stamps card. How I wish Rustic ada branch di merata2 Cheras or mbe KLCC. Insyallah,one day one time, Rustic will be placing its shop in KLCC yeah. Manalah kita tau kan kan.


They just launched the new actual shop in Wangsa Maju. Visit them and give some supports to our Bumiputera’s entrepreneur.

Unit G13A, Ground Floor
Wangsa Walk Mall
53300 Wangsa Maju
Kuala Lumpur

Contact Rustic official line at +603 4142 6270



Did u notice, the cake that we use to celebrate Sirman’s birthday this year was accidentally from Rustic?  ahhahahah…….Mak gagau2 carik kek, last2 pakai Rustic nya. Back up plan gitu.

Thank you Rustic and it s a pleasure having you in!

Comment: 21

My No Compromise Experience!!!

Contest contest!! 48hours sticky mode, pls scroll down for my latest entries 🙂

Lately ni kan I m a bit sad & down dgn a few things that happening around me 🙁 . So to cheer me up, Sirman introduce me to this online games cum contest some more 🙂

Sambil main games, masuk contest kalo ada rezeki menang hadiah lagi. Ai likeeee…

Aku pun terjebak la jugak, mana tak nya hadiah dia CASH totaling RM10 ribuuuuuu!!!


Ha korang pun sure exited nak join sama. So mari ikut aku menyahut cabaran The #1 Mister Potato contest.

Basically the challenge senang jer. There will be 8 different challenges in the #1 Mister Potato Contest and along the way its actually will give you a brief idea how the crispy chips of Mister Potato are made.


Termasuk mencabut potatoes, memotong, chip crunchiness and macam2 lagi. Semua proses ni nak make sure yang every chip has to be tasty, crunchy and nice gitu… NO COMPROMISE!


The best part is at the end of the challenge; you’ll be given a chance to upload a picture of yourself dressed up as Mister Potato!

Redmummy dress up as Mister Potato??? Wait and see yaa

Aku pun bagai nak rak la buat all those challenges. Siap dapat Well Done lagi tu 🙂


Level 2 challenge ni korang kena la baca sket pasal Mister Potato ni kalo nak jawap soalan tu.  Jangan tak rajin plak, kalau nak menang contest, perjalanannya tak sesingkat yang kita sangka, lagipun ni 10ribu ringgit tau imbuhannya yer…


Contohnya Mister Potato ni 100% quality imported potatoes from the best, and healthiest Atlantic, Dakota Pearl and Hermes Potatoes and the new pack size for Potato Crisps is 160g

Mister Potato ni ada banyak flavors tapi yg menjadi pujaan hatiku ialah yang Original and Hot & Spicy. Eh bukan pujaan aku sorang, budak 3 org tu pun sama, especially the kids suka sangat yg Original flavor. Sirman of cos yg Hot & Spicy!

Sedap tu memanglah sedap & rangup lak tu. Tapi lagi sedap kalau ko makan ngan air kopi pekat hitam sambil laying down atas sofa layan tgk dvd. Wahaiiiiiiiii!!


Dalam byk2 challenge tu, slicing potatoes yg aku syok sekali, apa tak nya rasa macam potong btul2 lak. Choppp choppp chopppp. Choping pun bukan sebarang chop ya, kena betul2 nipis & cepat2 sbb ni ade timer. Kalo lambat or salah potong, fail lorrrr


And good news for bloggers pulak, blogging contest! Yes Mister Potato is giving out an additional 100 invites along with another RM10,000 cash prize total to Nuffnangers who wish to come and join the Mister Potato Fiesta 2009. All you have to do is;

1.    Blog about the #1 Mister Potato Contest and title it ‘No Compromise for Mister Potato Fiesta 2009’

2.    Tell us why you do not compromise quality in your potato chips.

3.    Send an email to with your Full Name, IC number, and permalink of your written post.

The 3 most creative blog posts written (Pictures, music and videos will all help!) will win the following prizes;
•    Grand Prize – RM5,000
•    1st Runner Up – RM3,000
•    2nd Runner Up – RM2,000

Apa lagi korang, start your engines writing!


And the final stage like ai said, you kena snap photo of you dress up like Mister Potato like ai did below…



Tadaaaaa ni la gambar ai dress up like with Mister Potato 😛


Well actually Sirman yg dressed up like Mister Potato 🙂


Tapi ni Mister Potato version malas, tepek2 photoshop. For sure tak menang punya! Korang jgn ikut cara Sirman ni! Korang kena la betul2 dress up sebijik macam Mister Potato tu, barulah ada higher chances nak menang.  means hangpa kena carik topi baju misai panjang bagai, jadikan badan korang mampat macam Mister Potato.

But no matter how you dress up, it’s up to you. The main point is being creative and do it your own style. Don’t forget to ask your friends to vote for you. At the end your pocket will be full of cash and you get a chance to attend Mister Potato Fiesta of the year, end of this December!

So if you think you have what it takes to be the #1 Mister Potato, we strongly suggest you head on to here right now!

So are you the #1 Mister Potato? If so, remember to dress up as Mister Potato!

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Mister Potato is brought by

Comment: 15

Neslac Excella Gold 1

48 hours sticky mode, do scroll down for my new entries pls 🙂


Ibu, kalau ibu boleh bisa membaca akalku, tahukah kamu apa aku mahukan?
Ibu, kalau ibu bisa menilik hatiku, bisakah kau melihat bicaraku?
Ibu, kalau ibu bisa biarku berkata, mampukah kau mendengar?

Boleh kita menembusi fikiran hati bayi-bayi kecil kita? Walau sehebat manapun seorang ibu, masih lagi terbatas untuk melihat apa yang di luar kemampuan mata hati azali.


I have big kids, I mean not as big as yours lah, but big as they are not toddler anymore. Udah 5 years and above. Guess what, bila aku surfing kat Excellence Begins Young and play around with the quiz given, rasa macam ada beranak kecik balik lah pulak 🙂

Menjelajahi dunia Neslac Excella Gold, mengimbaskan kembali kenangan saya sewaktu membelai, membesarkan Abang and Gegirl. When they were first time in my tummy, keluar ke dunia, crawling, talking, eating…sangat teruja plak aku nak beranak balik.


Anw, ramai ibu2 kat RM, ibu muda dan tua, yang punya bayi kecil, atau soon to be a mother, come join me to be part of Neslac Excella Gold. Saya juga macam kamu, kalau tak study lam Neslac’s site, I wouldnt know anything, apatah lagi zaman aku beranakkan anak-anakku dulu, the info is very minimized. I mean via internet.

Do you enforce Bedtime?

Aku click the Yes button!

u all kena tengok sendiri and take part on the quiz, kalaulah aku kenal Neslac sebelum anak2 ku dilahirkan sudah tentu akulah ibu yang paling mewah dengan soal ‘relationship with the baby’.

Dr Albert Liau mentioned “Avoid giving “go-to-sleep” orders on your child by using transition statements such as “In 5 minutes, we will dim the lights and go to sleep,” or “After brushing your teeth, we will go to bed”.


Kalaulah doctor tau, yang saya antara ibu menggunakan statement itu, adakah sudi doctor memberikan saya lagi tips untuk ibu selepas anak-anak mereka berusia 5 tahun ke atas? No, it s not too late, wpun Neslac untuk bayi2 kecil, tapi saya masih boleh involve directly dengan frenly website Neslac. I have studied a lot on Neslac, not just bcoz I m doing the advertorial but I m a mother of 2 children. Who knows, I m gonna get another child kan? The 3rd Redbaby 🙂

Korang bagi susu apa? Ok dont answer pls. My point now is to bring all of you to the world of the babies. Dalam dunia baby kita ada 3 simtoms 🙂

The Guard
Dalam badan tumbesaran bayi kita ada bakteria tapi tak semua bakteria itu jahat. Ada bakteria yang menjadi The Guard of their body, macam bakteria yang baik untuk menghalang bakteria yang jahat. Ok now u know already kan. Why? Coz I tell you. If ai dont tell you bout this, semua mesti ingat the Guard is bad.

The Activate
Setiap bayi, menjelang usia mereka 6 tahun, brain otak depa tu akan membesar seperti orang tua macam kita jugak. So permulaan yang baik harus bermula dari bayi lagi. Pasal tu lah kita kena supply these little babies with The Activate.

The Grow
Tak nak ke anak2 kita membesar dengan sihat sejahtera? Jika diberi cukup susu yang bersesuaian, pasti mental dan physical development depa ni akan lebih strong.


Dari 3 Guard, Activate and Grow maka lahirlah Neslac Excella Gold

Susu adalah makanan ruji utama buat bayi, wpun selepas mereka berusia setahun, nasi dan bubur jadi the main menu, tapi tetap susu is a must to be given. Oh, this reminds me to my kittens. Even they have stopped the breastfeeding from their mom, but I still supply them the fresh white milk which is meant for cats.

So kalau kucing pun perlukan susu, apatah lagi seorang bayi kecil.


Susu Neslac Excella Gold can be easily bought from the local supermarket, everywhere.

Jangan lupa surf the site, ada Flashcards section for the babies to play around, tak yah dah lah nak beli2 Flashcards kat luar, main direct ngan baby kat laptop atas katil or tepi playground is such a wonderful memory kan.

Besides, you as a parent, mommy and daddy boleh view how is your kids development tracking slot. Are they on track, tersasar jauh tak dari what u expected? Get it yourself involve in the Child Development Tracker!


Dan pastinya saya tau ramai suka join contest kan? But this is very simple contest, the first 1 thousand readers yang enroll yourself dalam Design & Decorate in Excellence Begins Young Facebook Fan Page, can get the photo printed, and frame and also sent to you by Nestle.

I went through the site, aku nampak yang single muda2 pun anto gak gambar depa, ada yang anto gambar kucing pun boleh. So be the first 1000 to create one photo now!


Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Neslac Gold is brought by

Comment: 19

One white stupid lady…


aku nak buat bodoh jer lah, aku kan pompuan bodoh yang dungu dan senang dikata-kata. so let me be a stupid lady for a while (macamlah selama ni pandai pun kan)


wa pocitau

gambar kena mainkan peranan gak, kalau gambar ko ngah jadi bodoh ngeng ha nanti entry pun sama lah jadi ngeng. for me lah. for u ai donno. ai kan dungu.

ini tips tak rasmi saya untuk laporan khamis.

n move on, apa kata korang tolong aku perabihkan order kat site nih. nyamnyammmmmmmmmmm! dibawakan oleh De Lyna Cookies, home made cheese tart n cookies.



antara 2 tu kan, ini Cheese tart ya rabbi sedapnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! aku siap bawak bekal pi opis lagi siap ngap sambil driving. amik la korang rasa. amik kat gambo ni apa korang dpt, pi order sendiri kat site Erna and Lely. sedap sangatttt!

Price range lam 65sen sebijik, hok beso RM1.25 ikut theme and order gak yerr.

Udah abih, nanti mau order. delivery bagai korang tanyalah Erna and Lely the tokeys for the cookies site ni. love it! tips lain, makan jangan sampai kenyang. kalau kenyang boleh santak sangat and bikin perut pulas2 jugak yer.

Comment: 20

Clinique makes you look better, longer…

Hi – All entries plus RM’s episodes for Project Alpha are at the bottom of this entry,  Clinique is a sticky mode entry for 48hours 🙂 Thanks all!


Do you remember, almost a year ago, saya pertama kali menggunakan Clinique? From the air paip user, and spent more than RM500, for the first time spending on Clinique’s items. That was the first time saya spent skin care product.

It was the right choice. Lots of you have commented in these entries:


Redmummy, please come to Clinique Pavillion with an empty face

no need to make up? Yeyyyyy! I love going out without make up, tq Julin!

korang kata and sokong bila saya menjadi user Clinique. Dan doa kamu supaya saya menjadi ‘part of Clinique’ became true. I ve been called by Clinique through Nuffnang, for the skin care test 🙂

It was a very nice morning, few weeks ago, saya datang menadah muka, was welcomed nicely by Julin from Clinique and was then introduced to my Senior Consultant for the day Susan Kaur.


Ok ok back to my my experience di Clinique Pavillion, I m quite ‘terer’ already lah skit pasal Clinique tapi bila 3 jam lebih duduk dengan Susan Kaur, ai said to myself ‘wow, I never knew that after a year, kulit ku sudah berubah’.

guess what, dulu saya adalah oily skin specially on the t zone area. But selepas setaun, kulit saya sudah tidak ada oily lagi, cuma ada sedikit dry. But the gebuness of cos lah maintain, katanya pakai Clinique dah kat setahun kan.


Being Clinique’s customer, tak pernah saya rasa tak puas hati with the service, sebagaimana saya dilayan baik di Clinique’s Isetan KLCC, begitu juga di the one and only Clinique’s store di Malaysia. Takkanlah aku nak tadah muka tak belajar apa2 kan, ai learnt everything from a to z.

Below are the list of product dari Clinique yang suits me, yang  sesuai untuk saya.


macam banyaknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kak red weii nak kena tepek kat muka!

Iskk sayang oi, beauty is not only painful but to make you look better and longer. Amiklah contoh saya sendiri, seorang yang dahulu muka sememeh, but with the 1 2 3 steps, apa jadik?

Susan started the skin care check first, tengok apa yang aku pakai earlier supaya depa leh retrieve balik mana tau kena ada changes kan. Best kat Clinique nih, they have your record. Wpun aku sokmo beli kat Clinique Isetan KLCC tapi dalam sistem depa sentiasa ada my record everywhere, anywhere boleh tau apa product yang aku pakai.


Wpun saya datang tanpa make up apa2, tp pagi tu pun aku datang ngan takde calit apa2 gak facial skin care product Clinique. Kira kuor umah tu kosong giler, moisturizer ke sunblock ke, bedak pun memang kosong tak pakai…


bersih suci tak muka ai la nih? Wuii itu selepas wajahku digodam dengan 10 items from Clinique. Bersih kan?? kan????????? nampak sesuci bayi merah kan? Weiii , betullah, you gotta agree with me, kalo dak kang aku tak nak cite pasal the best of Clinique. Ok semua angguk yer….right, let s move on. 🙂

So apa yang aku pakai dalam bebanyak tuh…simple as it be.:

1.    Make up remover (ingat ye wpun kamu tak pakai make up, tp kamu tetap gak kena remove muka korang tuh ngan bedak2 halus mulus yer, even bangun dari tidur pun, kena gak pakai tau)

2.    Liquid Facial Mild – sedap aa pakai nih, dulu aku beli amik yang hok soap, pastu dptlah freebies dia kecik size, tp la nih dpt yang bapak bagak, ai likeeeeeeeeeee!

3.    For Clarifying Lotion 2, a year ago saya pakai number 3 coz I had an oily skin, but setahun dah berlalu, kita tukar amik number 2 pulak. Eh ni kena pakai ngan cotton ball yer, jangan ko pi tadah kat tapak tangan plak.

4.    I can skip terus pergi ke Moisturizer, but in between I applied the Derma white brightening moisture mask and Derma white lab bright fortifying complex


Siap dah buat skin care takkan aku nak balik ngan muka kosong, so Susan yang baik hati make up kan ai with their light make up. Basic tu korang dah tau dok, base, foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, blusher, eyebrows, lipstick etcs..


Geram lah ngan make up skang nih, aku rasa nak kaup jerrrrrrrrrrrrr sumer product Clinique nih bawak balik, tak kiralah yang skin care or the make up set. Macam2 tol koleksi make up depa, yang baru yang lama yang buat muka ko panjang tirus lurus bulat, semua comes in 1 package.


Ya, thank you to Susan for making me look better and longer. Longer ke mana? Longer lambat sket tua lah. Umur dah 34 taun tp tak nak lah cam umur 44 taun, biarlah umur 34 tp wajah nampak younger or sesuai ngan oh ok lah tu umur 34 ha gitu bila orang cakap.

Best kalau orang tanya:

eh you pakai apa? Takkan air paip?

oh tak mainlah air paip, dulu leh lah, skang I dah pakai Clinique wpun baru setahun jadi loyal customer Clinique marrrr


Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer  is to be used after the 1,2 steps, before the step number 3. Ingat ye step 1 is the mild soap, step 2 is the clarifying lotion and step 3 is the moisturizer, tak kisahlah gel or lotion. But nak senang ingat Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer is like a serum, to be applied on your face, avoid eyes area.


The best of this pasal Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer boleh mempercepatkan lagi proses exfoliate skin muka kita supaya kita boleh mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada kulit kita yang dahulu kering, kasar dan tak bermaya. Selain dari Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer, Clinique has also come out with 2 additional products of Turnaround franchise:

One is  Turnaround Instant Facial, ini macam mask gitu. A 5 minute pampering mask that  can be applied on our face. Pakai for 2 to 3 times a week, apply gently kat cleansed face, jangan kena kat mata yer, leave on for five minutes, cuci ngan warm water and gently massaging over skin slowly. Wuiii! Aku suka gak nih, ada aku beli ni masa baru2 benda ni kuor dulu kat Cinique.

Another one is Turnaround Body body smoothing cream. Ini specifically utk badan kita, macam for shoulders, legs, nees. Kan kita nya dead skin cells susah sangat nak ilang kan, so kita pakai Turnaround Body body smoothing cram akan buat kulit kita lebih soft, silky cream dia tu spreads over the entire body tanpa meninggalkan kesan greasy. Best to be used twice a day and jangan ngada2 letak ni kat muka plak coz dah tentu ni untuk badan kita yer.

jadiknya takde lah nampak dari jauh 3 batu ‘oiii budak muka dot dot dah sampai’

ada pehem????


Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer harganya RM250 for 50 ml and untuk 30ml harganya RM190 adalah sangat valuable for a long term process to our skin. For you, since you are reading RM’s blog, aku buat special announcement, to those yang dapatkan this Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer skang nih, dari 28th September to 11th October 2009, at any clinique Counters, kamu akan dapat the promotion to receive a FREE * All About Eyes 7ml. Means kamu beli Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer, percuma sahaja dapat All About Eyes. Wah ini pun aku pernah ada pernah beli and in my collection. So I know what s the best.

Sebaik kamu membaca entry ini, sudah hampir sebulan aku menggunakan Turnaround  Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer, kamu nampak tidak perbezaannya? Memang ada, kalau korang dok depan mata aku live, lagi leh nampak clearly. If last time kalau saya tak pakai make up, gerun gila tengok muka aku kan, hahahahah skang serius memang you can see the different.

The power of Turnaround  Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer!


Part of that, Clinique bukan sahaja sesuai digunakan untuk kita mak2, yang teenagers pun sangat sesuai. Those yang ada jerawat2 batu pun sesuai tau. Masa aku lepak 3 jam kat Clinique Pavillion nih ada teenagers lam 20 taun or less depa ngah buat mask ngan Sulin, another Senior Consultant of Clinique, ha bolehlah you all bawak anak2 korang or adik2 sapa pi Clinique yer.

Tak kira mana2 kaunter, you will be treated nicely by them.


N one tip yang saya belajar, always leave your house with sunblock! Pada anak2 kecil kita, wpun depa pi sekolah, sedari depa umur 10 taun, kita kena pakaikan diorg sunblock. Aku memang dulu menyampah nak pakai sunblock tp lepas dah tau kesedaran diri on the important part of sunblock, hari2 aku belasah sunblock. Wpun kita kerja kat lam ekon, still you are getting the sunlight what……

ingat ye, Gegirl umur ko 10 taun mommy akan pakaikan ko sunblock Clinique (sirman, jangan protest, like mommy like daughter yer)


Udahlah muka nampak berseri, baju pun sesuai dengan konsep Clinique arituh… Sama lah jugak ngan dress ai yang cantik nih, ai got a comment that people pun suka ngan concept dress saya yakni ‘ibu yang tak muda sangat tapi nampak muda through Clinique’s product’


You can find Clinique at any big malls in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and all over the world, but di Malaysia hanya ada satu sahaja Clinique store, stand individually located di 4th Floor of Pavillion. For those visiting Isetan KLCC and the Pavillion, do mention Redmummy, u might be getting lots of freebies 🙂

Untuk lebih seronok bersama Clinique, you can always visit their frenly website. Oh yes, saya juga adalah Personal Shopper untuk kamu for Clinique’s product, tak sangka kan…taun lepas aku seru2 Clinique panggil aku, dan setahun kemudian aku disambut ‘hijau’ oleh Clinique…


actually ramai antara kita salah paham, we tot Clinique is very expensive product, like so much mahal sampai kita tak mampu langsung nak membeli. It s not. Clinique actually is value for your own money. Contohnya macam 3-step skin care system tuh, only cost you RM1.62* per day jer but depending on the usage lah. So untuk harga yang tak sampai 2 ringgit je untuk mentouch up muka lebih kemas berseri dan cantik. Why not?

Redmummy for the looking better mode 🙂

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Clinique is brought by

Comment: 57