Oct 21 2009 Wednesday, 10:00 am
Early celebration for Abang…
Cake lagi, minggu ni penuh minggu cake. ni 2nd cake for the week, the 3rd cake yang aku order sendiri akan sampai on Thursday nite. perkh….berkilo2 lah badan mampat pasnih. kek kek kek in 1 week yang oiii! I didnt get a cake for Sirman, coz make it short, takde.
malas aku nak cite susur galur napa takde. so when this lovely cake sampai, sudah abih waktu kami celebrate Sirman’s bday. the next day we did the mini celebration for Abang.
an advanced birthday party for him. not party lah. berempat gak celebrate.
Everyone knows i ll be off to Singapore on this Friday, i wont have a chance to celebrate an 8 years old baby boy of mine, so sebagai ganti, kita buat 2 kali. sorry ye bang..mommy has to go to work.
Blogging is my work.
Someone namakan saya Ratu Blogging.
perkh…macam2 nama korang bagi aku yer.
Abang was born on 23rd October, ikut tingkap perutku. beso bonar. 3.62kg yer. untuk size badan saya yang jenis ‘cute’ hehehehehe, memang besoooooooo ko! dan aku waktu mengandung adalah seperti pumpkin..eh bukan emm macam penguin. jalan kengkang perut ke depan hahahaha
half of the cake for the red family, but half lagi aku anto to rumah mak ajah. dari portion kami red family tuh aku bahagi2 kan untuk neighbours and my kids frens. depa bawak sekolah kasi santap ramai.
The deliciously cake to the Red Family, fully sponsored by Anis Magic. TQ heart to heart from Red Family. Get in touch with Anis via her blog or email at anishartini@yahoo.com . All the best to you Anis, berebut2 budak2 membelasah accessories cake tuh, abih licin!
Ada jenis cupcakes dia hok baby ngah tidur, alahai comelnyaaaaaaaaaaaaa….! btw, when Anis asked for the design of the cake, i m very simple……surprise me please.
so korang, anybody nak surprisekan RM lagik?
come come…
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