
Prudential – I m so healthy!!!

My healthy Prudential entry is a sticky mode for 48hours.

Do scroll down for updated entries. Thanks to the healthiest readers!


It comes to my finale of PRUhealth note for all of you my RM’s lovely readers. Saya tahu korang mesti cam aku gak dulu ‘alah talk briefing pasal insurance, tak mau lah boring lah’ tu pasal aku yang kena jadi spokperson PRUhealth , bila aku cakap baru korang dengo.

Kang bila aku letak Fiona Liao kat sini kang, abih sume mencicit lari.

Eh aku tak lari pun masa dia briefed on the PRUhealth 🙂

So basically, kamu ingat yer, serendah RM100 per month utk package under PRUhealth insurance, bukan mahal mana pun. The more u insured, the more bonus kamu akan dapat. Forget about your company ada medical benefits, lupakan jugak kalau kamu sangat2 sihat hingga kamu rasakan kamu tidak perlu untuk enroll to any insurance.

No it s wrong.


Kita hidup perlu ada matlamat. Yes everyone will die, tp kita tak nak lah mati dengan meninggalkan nama yang busuk and langsung tidak ada harta sedikit pun untuk waris kita. Some more kalau kita parents, camne ngan kesihatan anak2. Kita tak tau sooner or later ada ahli keluarga kita yang perlukan medical insurance kan…so do your calculation, with 100 ringgit boleh merubah perjalanan hidup masa depan mereka…

btw, seronoknya bila masa kita check up and dengo to gain information on the PRUhealth , rerupanya for 9 of us kami juga diperiksa untuk mengetahui siapa yang paling sihat dan siapa yang perlukan rawatan kesihatan sewajarnya…

Wow! Never tot of that.
Oh ingat yer, with PRUhealth
•    it gives you bonus waktu ko sihat walafiat
•    it covers your hospital bills while are not well
apapun, you still gain the benefits!

Oh chop! Nak remind you all gak yang kat overseas, PRUhealth is very worldwide, if korang nak dapatkan medical check up kat US lah contohnya yer, rawatan will be covered exactly seperti yang korang dapat di Malaysia’s hospital, up to 90 days per trip.

Blur lagik? Get your PRUhealth , available when you buy the PRUlink assurance plan or PRUlink education plan dari Prudential. Hok nih sumer aku dah explained briefly kat 3 previous entries, otherwise can study further kat PRUhealth ‘s web.

So overall saya bukan sahaja gembira dengan mendengar talk by Fiona, tapi juga saya gembira kerana…


saya dicheck up by a TCM certified physician


saya juga dapat massage seluruh badan…ah nikmatnya! Ai need to re-visit Villa Manja,Spa, Bungalow 41, Jalan Damai, Off Jalan Tun Razak!


juga dapat ketenangan nikmat di Villa Manja sambil makan yang enak2, thanks a lot Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad!


bisa juga ketemu the whole team, behind the scene, Prudential, Nuffnang  and 9 bloggers frens yang terpilih for the Audition of Your Health


juga cenderahati ikhlas from PRUdential…wuii kami sangat dimanjai dan diwarnai with token2 berharga for our health! Ai definitely go and vote for PRUhealth !


tak cukup dengan itu, RM200 Jusco’s voucher for my winning as the healthiest blogger by PRUhealth on that day! Wahhahaha…never tot of that….

Finally ai won something selepas berbulan2 masuk macam2 advertorial contest hikss.


Redmummy as the healthiest blogger among the 9 bloggers invited for this event. Yahoooooooo!


Kennysia won for the best sporty man that day, mau taknya dia sorang je yang pakai baju sukan hahhahaha, orang lain pakai baju casual mar.


besides, the man next to me is the one yang mendapat the worst markah untuk health check up nya! Aaaa…ai should share my tips with Saimatkong hohooooooooooooo!


yey! All of us the 9 bloggers (1 had to leave early, KY). They 9 bloggers yang harus kamu terjah blog mereka untuk dptkan lebih info menarik if you feel like to read their judgement on PRUhealth too.

Left to right:

Redmummy the healthiest 🙂 , Saimatkong the unhealthiest

Kennysia, Ringgo, Kyspeaks,  Snowhite, Huai Bin, Lilian

so all, let s think again untuk those yang masih lagi terpinga2 tak tau insurance mana yang korang nak terjah, nak cekup for your life time coverage, study memolek, you can make a comparison tp perlu diingat yang mana pun korang check, it will end up to PRUhealth , coz saya sendiri study cam nak rak dulu sebelum kuor duit beratus inggit sebulan for my health and education insurance specially for my children..


Nak carik agent Prudential? Oh senang jer……….

you can simply leave your comment here, someone from Prudential will approach you 🙂

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Prudential is brought by, for easy reference, you may find previous Prudential posts via these links:

1. For the life for the future

2. Not for one day investment

3. Redmummy’s first choice

Comment: 36

Which Hyundai R U?

Hi hi all, beri laluan to my sticky mode entry nih yeah…

for new entries do scroll down

bila masa pulak aku takda new entries, mesti adooooooooooooo!


Jika kamu diberi pilihan memilih kereta yg mewakili diri kamu, agak2 kereta apa yg kamu pilih? ai’m sure korang sure pilih kereta yg maha hebat & mewah2.

For me, ai always wanted a 4wd or suv car. ai think those machines really represent me with its tough & huge chassis, powerful, better security, comfortable & good performance becos i’m also like that. Bukan la dari segi saiz, tapi dari segi keazaman saya yang tinggi, my family is my top priority, my responsibility to protect them as well as my comfort zone whenever with them, kerjaya & blog sama seimbang dan tenaga & usaha yang bersungguh2 utk sentiasa berada di atas. Sounds alike kan 😉


So apa sahaja kereta pilihan kamu, berusaha lah utk mendapatkannya cos me myself will definitely trying harder to get one!

Talk about kereta pilihan ni, Hyundai Malaysia sekarang sedang mengadakan peraduan ‘Which Hyundai R U?’ maksudnya korang kena pilih kereta Hyundai model mana yg betul2 mewakili diri kamu? With a lot of models to choose from, which one is u? from compact to saloon to suv even mpv. Among them are i10, getz, matrix, accent, avante, coupe, sonata, tucson, santafe & grand starex.


Ooo hadiah2 dia ialah…
• The Best Photo Prize is RM38,000 European Trip for 2 inclusive of pocket money.
• First 10 voters who voted for the winner gets an ipod touch.


Ok dah teruja dengan hadiah dia kan? Apa lagi jom la kita join the contest. Senang jer…

1.    Register as a photographer or a voter at whichhyundairu
2.    Take a photo of yourself with a Hyundai car which u think best represents u, and post it to the whichhyundairu
3.    Then vote everyday. Sbb as a voter pun entitle to win the prizes 😉

The photos can be as creative as they can, free to do anything and everything with the cars, except for touching any racial, religious or politically sensitive issues.
i) Visit any of Hyundai showrooms to snap a photo of your Hyundai.
ii) Borrow your friend’s / neighbor’s / relative’s Hyundai.
iii) Any Hyundai on the street.

T & C
• 1 participant can upload maximum 1 picture in a day (24 hours).
• As a voter, he/she is allowed to vote for 6 pictures in a day (24 hours).
• Closing date is on 22nd July 2009
• Each voter get to cast 6 votes per 24hrs. Vote wisely as the first 10 voters who voted for the eventual winning photo will get the iPod Touch!
• Announcement of winners will be at Hyundai roadshow @ 1Utama, LG Oval, 25th July 2009 at 830pm


Hyundai is brought to you here by Hyundai-Sime Darby. They are now the sole distributor of all Hyundai vehicles in Malaysia. They now having a wide range of cars, and Hyundai is already the choice of brand of Malaysian!

‘Which Hyundai R U?’

ai’m Tucson 🙂

Kamu readers, bukan sahaja bisa vote, tapi bolehlah beramai2 join the contest, saya mahu melihat dan temu kamu di One Utama, jam 830 malam nanti, Sabtu depan tau!…jemput ke sana yeah 🙂

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Which Hyundai R U is brought by

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Celcom BlackBerry

Beri laluan dulu to my Celcom Blackberry for 48hours sticky mode, scroll down utk entry terbaharu kayyy!


As u all know or might not know, we both, me & sirman are BlackBerry user. Currently ai’m using BlackBerry Curve 8310 with Celcom plan. Tapi sekarang ni tangan cam gatal nak tukar ke Storm la pulak…

Ai’m sure korang wondering apa la yang syok sangat pakai BlackBerry ni? well apart of we the BlackBerry users look elite hehehhee & its cool & slick designs, cuba korang tengok benefits dia ni ha…



Yang paling ai suka ialah dapat access Email (office emails, emails even yahoo/gmail emails pun easily access) & do Browsing at anytime as well as chitchat with IM in real time. And do you know that BlackBerry users have their own IM community which called BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)? How cool is that?


Sekarang ni the latest model of BlackBerry is Storm. terliur la pulak aku tengok… patutkah aku replace Curve with Storm?


With all the ISPs come up with their own package plan for this gadget, which one should I chose? Ni nak bagitau korang la ni, Celcom now has good offer that gonna make you a happy Storm user 🙂


Frankly speaking & ai made some surveys of cos, this is the most affordable plan offered in Malaysia. If you compare with other ISP, some of them are selling at higher price and with 24months contract period some more! Celcom has 2 packages – RM 1,699 and RM1,399 & only with 12 months contract. And with monthly commitment at RM148 or RM250 permonth, you gonna get unlimited Internet & BlackBerry Services usage.


Oohh did ai mention that this Storm has Tactile touch screen also? Ala sama macam any smartphones skrg ni la kan, semua dok pakai touch screen kan tapi phone ni boleh MMS, buat SMS forwarding, boleh edit document, battery boleh tukar2, buat video recording, tukar2 media card, voice dialing dan boleh guna sebagai broadband modem without doing any modification, just out of the box! Takyah susah2 pikir cemana la nak “Unlock” menda ni 😉


So You Be The Judge

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Celcom BlackBerry is brought by

Comment: 26

‘Express Yourself’ & Win Cash!!!

Sticky mode entry for 48 hours, please scroll down untuk entry2 terbaharu RM!

Pernah dengar Corntoz tak? Aku pun macam korang jugak, ni ha baru first time dengar. Ingat kan new kind of popcorn hehehe 😛 tapi rupa2nya snek jagung baru dari keluaran MAMEE yg berperisa lazat iaitu perisa Keju Cili, BBQ dan Ayam Panggang dan dijamin halal!

Corntoz_‘Express_Yourself’ v2_html_mff6eb0

Abang & gegirl sket punya suka mengunyah snek baru ni sampai lupa nak makan nasi la pulak. Lebih2 lagi bila depa layan katun sambil makan snek ni, langsung tak hirau mak bapak depa dah. Si bapaknya pun sama, sambil layan tv series or DVD, krup krup menguyah sampai bini pun tak dihiraunya! Sedap sangat ke snek ni? Tapi bila aku try, hehehe patut la depa makan tak henti2 hehehee… enak, rangup & lazat berperisa!

Dan sekarang ni sampai 30 Jun 09, anda berpeluang memenangi hadiah Wang Tunai dengan hanya berbekalkan satu pack 60g Corntoz.
Hadiah tempat pertama ialah RM 8000
kedua RM 5000
dan ketiga RM 2000

Syok2… apa yang perlu anda lakukan ialah “Jadi diri anda yang sebenar dan luahkan gelagat unik anda menikmati snek Corntoz ini”. Senang jer

Corntoz_‘Express_Yourself’ v2_html_m26bd3913

Pertamanya, pergi cari Corntoz kat mana2 kedai. Sekurang2nya satu pack 60g, harganya is RM1.29 each.

Keduanya, klik mouse anda ke

Ketiganya, record kan diri anda dengan cara tersendiri dan unik bagaimana anda menikmati snek Corntoz ini!

Utk merekodkan kan video ni, utk anda yg ade webcam & microphone, anda boleh rakam terus dr website sendiri. (anda boleh memilih utk meletakkan props utk menyerikan lagi rakaman tersebut)

Bagi mereka yg tak de webcam pulak, jgn risau, anda boleh merakam gelagat Corntoz anda & uploadkan ke YouTube. Jgn lupa submitkan link YouTube tersebut ke

Jangan risau pasal voting system tu sbb pemenang akan dinilai oleh internal judges based on creativity not popularity 😉 I’m sure korang semua ni penuh dengan creativity masing2!

Ha ni cuba tengok gelagat Abang & Gegirl melayan snek Corntoz ni…

So apa lagi korang, go grab your Corntoz & start recording your own video! Don’t let anybody else grab the money!

Its may be ugly or embarrassing but hey! who knows, u could be RM8000 richer!

Express yourself the Corntoz way!

Btw, korang leh la browse all the videos yg dah di upload kat Some of them kelakar giler hehehheheee & full of creativity!

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Corntoz Express Yourself is brought by

Comment: 3