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Blackmores Power+ Bottle

This is a sticky mode entry for 2 days, pls scroll down for my new entry

Satu ari aku jalan-jalan lam KLCC, ai found this product Blackmores…aku pernah nampak menda ni kat umah aku (serious, pasal ubat2 nih aku cam malas je nak amik tau kan) so ai remember yang sirman memang consume the Blackmores. Not bad gak lah taste sirman nih  yer.

Tell you the truth, aku tak tau napa sirman makan Blackmores nih, sbb dia memang pencinta Blackmores, he did explained to me but aku macam tak kuasa nak dengar, sebab tak bestlah dengo dia brief. So ai made an effort to do my own search and study on the Blackmores via internet.

Like other cases jugak lah, aku amik product muka sebab usia cam dah lanjut so ai decided to try Blackmores, ai need supplement for my healthlah. At least adalah jugak sket vitamin ke ubat dalam body aku nih.


Since aku dah masuk citer Blackmores, aku nak korang sama dok sit with me to study on the Power+ Bottle from Blackmores. Blackmores ni memang gamer kan, eventhough ko tak penah beli pun tapi tipulah kalo kowang tak penah nampak or dengo ngan this product.

Amende aku nak citer la nih…pasal aku nak korang paham ngan Power+ Bottle ni hah. Powerr+bottle ni ialah personalised colour-coded meter, powered by Blackmores…ada tunjuk 3 healths concerns.  Setiap health concern tu ada own flowerr bunga nya, yang akan berkembang membesar menjadi ‘health boosts’ melalui kawan2 dan keluarga kamu. Tu pasal ko kena dapatkan Powerr + Bottle skang n pastu get your frens to support you a bit lah.

Apart of that aku nak gaklah citer kat hangpa sume’s readerrs ni yang kalo boleh lah kan mailah join the promotion yang aku linkkan nih

Kenapa plak aku nak suruh2 ko join kan, that s becoz ada lah benefits yang kowang dapat. La nih depa dah ada more than 250,000 online members yang entitle the members to have a FREE access to online health advisors, you can get a consultation advise from the web lah. Percuma gitu.

So on lak, ko leh dapat FREE regular health updates. Alo bang, pi pasar pun kena beli ikan tau. Balik dah penat2 sakti badan..wah ke pasar perginya. Tp ko online je ko leh tanya lah macam2 n depa pun akan bagi a bit on the health advise gak. Badan kita pun even luar nampak gagah perkasa, dalam tu ko nampak la sangat kan? So kenalah tetanya sket.


u register je jadi online member, adalah dapat a free welcome kit gak. Aku pun kurang pasti apa welcome kit nya sebab berubah2 setiap masa, jadi from time to time tu mbe bulan nih orang tu register dapat welcome kit A, bulan2 depan lak orang lain dpt welcome kit lain pulak.

Aku ni target kat korang, my lovely readers, to logon to the Power+ Bottle kempen site nih, and  pastu abih loading korang drag Malaysia for the country that you are currently duduk lah, kalo ko country lain ko pilihlah kat situ ado pilihan. Dah drag sumbat lam power+ bottle tuh ko kena honestlah ko nye health skang status kat mana, aku pilih ‘sub health status n stimes get sick’ ha gituu…campak lagi sekali lam Power+bottle tuh. Ni sume korang kena memain lam web Blackmores tu yer..kalo idak kamu kang tak tau apa aku citer nih.

N so on, adalah few more steps to go, to understand on  your body badan sendiri hehehehehhe..kang aku tarbiah pepanjang kat sini kang korang malas nak click web tuh so baik korang pi buat sendiri.

So that s about it, a lovely note from Blackmores through to my red readers. Till then..tak paham kalu, kang aku jawab kat komen button, aku dah naik hapal dah pasal citer Blackmores nih. Sebenarnya if you guys don’t mind, ai need some feedback on the Blackmores, you need to click on the web and do some revisions a bit kat situ, come back to me yeah 🙂

Khidmat masyarakat pesanan Blackmores Power + Bottle is brought by

This is a sticky mode entry for 2 days, pls scroll down for my new entry

Comment: 45

Pelangi Khamis…


di balik ujan ribut taufan ku

ada pelangi 🙂


meh sesama kita gembira dan terima kasih to the God

rijiki anak-anak wpun aku tidak dpt ke Hong Kong

tapi saya mahu tersenyum seketika

pelangi khamis..


Dear beloved Nuffnangers,

We thank you for your patience in awaiting the judges decision to select the winner of this contest. The contest winner was a tough one for the judges to  decide as many of you wrote extremely well on the event itself. However, as all contest must have only 1 winner, the judges have finally came to their agreement for the winner of the 32″ LCD Sony TV.

The best written blog post for Friso Family Day Out post even contest goes to Redmummy for her blog post –

Congratulations Kak Red for your new LCD TV. We’ll contact you shortly to arrange for the TV to be sent to your home directly.

Nuffnang and Friso would like to thank everyone else for your participation and look forward for more exciting contests and events from us in the near future.

Comment: 67

Levi’s CURVES Media Launch!

Dayang Nurfaizah

Zahnita Wilson

Raja Atilia

yang aku recognized je aku letak nama yer…

Dayang Nurfaizah, Yasmin Hani, Sazzy Falak, Raja Atilia, Aisyah SInclair and Hunny Madu

all are wearing Levi’s CURVES

Yasmin Hani and Sazzy Falak

sapa kata depa gaduh, aku minum sama ngan depa kat lounge area, cemolot meriah jer…

2 jemputan saya yang few hours before the event ‘kak red, kitorg ada kat kl nih, mohlah jumpa”

terus aku bawak depa ikut sekali pi event nih heehhehehehehe..sib baik lah korang ni bloggers gak wpun blog korang dah suam2 kuku gamaknya aku tengok! Pasangan kekasih yang sangat2 lah busy keje ngan spital, lagi 2 taun aku jadik patient depa 🙂 Doctor Nan and Dr Shida

aku ada gak bergambo with the celebrities, tapi aku bagiklah chance adik aku ni ha sebab dia dah pesan ‘kak red, letak gambo saya ngan artis2 cantik tuh lam blog akak tau’ yelah Nan oh Nan

ai saw Cindy was alone, so she joined me and frens…

Nan: Kak, sapa amoi lawa nih?

RM: dia tinggi dari ko lah!

Nan: Kak oi, sapa amoi lawa nihhhh?

RM: Dia winner of the Malaysian Dreamgirl, her name is Cindy

Nan: Mana ko kenal dia Kak?

RM: kitorg cover story Maxis Dell sesama last year.

Nan: Kak tolong kak, nak amik gambo ngan dia, letak lam blog akak tau!


tu diah, 3,4 inci kasut2 model celebrities ni pakai kay…

katanya Curves, tapi sbb aku tak pakai jeans kan hahahahahahaha…whatever, us the only 2 bloggers covering the story of Levi’s Curves Media Launch! ada satu gambo aku ngan Cindy yang sangat best, tapi ada kat kamera Cindy, wait till she uploads lah yer..if she nak letak lah huhuuuuuuu…..

baju yang dibeli kat spore, baru pestime pakai for this event…(ye kak ann, baju yang kita sesama beli tuh)

door gift from the Levi’s CURVES launch

Levi’s phone holder – ngam2 muat masuk berry aku 🙂

thank you Levi’s….nanti aku dah dpt CURVES, aku gossip2 kat sini kay…

kasik kowang puas tengok gambo, details on the CURVES will be out later in ads tag kay…lagikpun memang ramai model nya gambo aku amik but still aku simpan peram for my next assignment yer.


Comment: 49

Zahnita Wilson – Levi’s Curves Media Launch

body Zahnita Wilson mantap! wpun sudah beranak sorang…perut ada lah sket, aku tengok belek telek abih, memang leh nampak scratchmark dia, but tak mencacatkan sket pun badan dia…wuii hai, baru aku buat entry Liposuction, kena lak attend event gini, lagilah jeles seii tengok badan2 model nih…

Saw Zahnita last oct with her daughter, n recently ai met her again during the Levi’s Curves Media Launch.

emm…cantiknya badan ko zahnita.

Kalau dia bukan artistlah kan, kompem orang cakap dia anak dara, x de gaya mak orang wuhaiii!

Comment: 74