Early Promo

1. PAC

korang kenal rima rashidi tak? penyanyi lama…baya2 bih kurang aku gak lah, tp dia tua 2,3 taun dari ai yang over nampak nau muda ni kan…

so she s actually bought the pigments, all 4 stacks dia borong.

another one stack aku tak anto lagi, tp stock memang dah ada…

itu satu, sale on pigments (RM90 per stack) and palette eyeshadow (RM150) will be out this week…

2. Victoria’s Secret

kemudian i m gonna have Victoria’s Secret sale too! itu ada few batches from my 2 different client gak, sapo copek dio dapek yer….

aku tak leh nak tunggu korang gaji semedang, abih tuh, satu ari suntuk aku kena buat entry sale je lah pulakkan…

3. Biore Cleansing Oil

kemudian ada sale biore of course tu long term sentiasa adoooo, click it the form you can have it all…(RM60)

4. Info on VSHUB

rerupanya ramai yang tak paham pasal vshub service to RM’s readers nih…halahai. apa ko kena buat, ko pi je lah mana2 online web kat US tuh hah…apa yang ko berkenan any brand, YES ANY BRAND KAIN BAJU HBAG KASUT, then u contact me, u nak yang tu nak yang nih…I will get it for you.

Seperti contoh lah kan…

ko nak handbag Coach nih, harganya kat online is USD200,  tapi kat Malaysia lak Coach butik jual RM1600. so yes ko cakap jer kak red saya nak order lah kat US tu nya coach coz kat KL melampo mahal. ok boleh no prob…tp dont expect ko dapat harga USD200 (RM714), coz paham2 lah aku kena bayo shipping, kena bayo sales tax nyonyet bagai. probably the price yang aku caj ko is RM1200, ni aku bagi contoh jer lah yooo….so gitu. tapi ko untung lagi lah coz still barang tu murah than msia. paham???

kalo ko rasa baik ko buat sendiri, ha silakan lah…mmglah ko buat sendiri pun ko bayo sendiri tp ko kene gosok ngan cc ko, ko kena gak carik shipping company yang nak deliver kan kat ko…

ni aku offer coz aku yang susah payah do the belian for you.

n payment is twice.

50% to be deposited bila ko nak buat booking order tuh

50% lagi bila barang tu dah sampai for kastam clearance

these 2 transactions took 3-4 weeks, kira busuk2 ko nya gaji sempatlah nak cover utk 2 kali nya payment. macam 2 kali gaji lak tuh…shipping is all done by vshub!

ha paham dok?

Some of the online web kat US yang korang nak godam2 beli barang yang murah di US tapi mahal di Malaysia…

and so  many more….syaratnya, ko email aku gambar details of the thing plus serial number bagai…once confirm kita akan ada email communication and pastuh ko deposit kita buy for you. gitu….dok pun hangpa surf kat VSHUB’s web, situ pun banyak US online web mar….

Hit your order now for PAC, Biore and VSHUB!!
Hok VS, sila lah sabau lu yer…

Comment: 3

Purple Shu Uemura and PAC


gila kan, takdak flash cam gini gayanya matakuuu


tengok apa jadik ngan flash….dari atas nya zoomm


n amik depan2 with flash sisir gitu hahahahhaha…

semua pakai Pigments PAC

eyeshadow and mascara je from Shu

IMG13661 IMG13662


ai went to Shu, to collect something from my belian yang kopak last week…sambil nunggu Didie layan customer, aku godam lagik make2 up dari Shu tuh….

aku adalah pengguna tetap Clinique and Shu, so basically kalo nak tadah muka, aku pi menadah jer kat Shu and Clinique, jangan pi masa sale lah, susah depa nak melayan…

n best part lagik aku suh dia do something with my eyebrows, calit2 ngan kaler pensel Shu tu lah…


seiii tebal weii bulu kening aku ko godam weiiiii

lipstick from PAC, tp aku tambah gak ngan gloss Shu…. 🙂


tangan aku kan gatal, datang2 pi usik eyeshadow merah dia, yang tak berapa best, pastu dah gelabah bila asalnya was purple colour ha camne ni pi gatai kan sangat nak letak merah..

so he rescued me, actually bley jer buat sendiri, ater dah jadi customer diaorg, wpun aku beli utk 2 orang kawan aku, RM1010 tuh…automatic bila ada masalah make up pi jer kat turun bawah.

tak yah nak pi jejauh to RedGlow 🙂


setelah ditouch up…

patut amik gambo masa aku kaler kan yang merah dia…merah dia tak best aaa, best lg merah PAC and merah Make Up Forever Professional…


ai m also a member of Shu too

ada lagi satu card yang aku ngah tunggu, jinggut tol bila lah nak dptnya…

sapa mau menumpang kasih sayang di Shu, lai lorrrrrrrrrrr

calling calling lah ai 🙂

Comment: 7

Nak bobommmmmmmmmmmmm!


a fren gave me these set, excluding the biore tu lah

boleh biore tu terbagi 2 kat buyer kiara, sib baik ler buyer tuh honest lady, dipulangkannya semula.

the set macam2 tuh aku bagi terus kat Jai and Rose from Big Mug Cafe of VA. daripada aku tak pakai buat perhiasan, terus sahaja aku passed pada Jai and the gang..

even the buyer pun tau aku nak bagi anw, thanks to the buyers 2 orang tuh and thanks to Jai and The Gang for the kindness of being ‘pejabat pos’ to


3 hari berturut2 aku bertangga di cafe VA

as ai said, the check point to collect PAC and Biore adalah di VA…so 3 ari gak aku makan di sini…

to my fren a buyer, thanks for shopping at


beehoon VA nih sodapppp!

kalau makan ngah kuah2 dia ketitisan aku serupppp. For 3 nites in a row jugak, Sirman joined sekaki… our dating was supposed to be at outside of the world, wahhh world katanya, tp dah sampai umah, nak mandi nak pakai baju lai kuasa lah hehhh

It s saturday, ai wanna have a beautiful day with my family..

sian katil aku

asal weekend jer baru aku pakai dia lama sket than weekdays. so pahamlah kan kalo dah kuor cite katil….MENGQADA!!

Comment: 2

Promo on PAC with buyers…


remember pigments stack PAC aku?

hah nih…den nampak, ado kat kaunter PAC yang dah segan mati tak mau kat klcc. tutup je lah kalo dah gini gayanya. depa jual sebijik at RM39 (saksi ialah ayu the sun). satu bijik tuh ko darab 4 dah baper?  RM156 yerrr!

baik ko beli aku punya pigments, dahlah terang2 aku bawak dari Jakarta, pastuh for 4 stacks baru RM90!

order baru masuk coming soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

only for pigments stacks. tp memandangkan record nak chase payment agak emm….

aku terpaksa nanti bukak deposit, ado deposit, aku reserve, takdok deposit, aku tak layan…ko cancel order ko, deposit ko burn!

sian kawan2 aku, camner ler depa sume nih buat business online ek? tu pasal aku tak berapa gemor nak buat online business nih….satu sebab nak chase payment, reminder kena anto berkali2. eh not me…sirman 🙂


n starting Thursday onwards

saya mula buat gerakan sending out the PAC and Biore yang sudah kamu order dan bayar. those yang tak bebayo tu takpeklah acik merah nak nolong yor.

For PAC – no postal delivery at all, aku tak nak amik risiko pecah

For Biore – boleh deliver by post tp kena add RM10 postal charges

For Self Collect hanya di 2 tempat sahaja – my house and KLCC


my complete PAC set

the Pearly is on the left

blushers set kat tetengah

the Matte palette is on the last right

3 stacks of pigments, tp yang pigments 2 tuh sama kaler so aku dah jual, pernah aku blogkan pun. YANOK BELI!!

n the palette of lipsticks too


for these eyes, saya pakai Matte palette

a new set for me coz dulu aku belikan orang

tp didnt get one for myself

since depa jual kat RM, aku pun belilah satu for myself

saya gunakan light and dark brown

the shimmer tuh from the bodyshop


the Matte palette, masih lagi ada 3 kotak kalau korang nak order

if RM150 is too burden for you, bulan nih bayo ler RM50, cukup bulan july bayo lagi RM100. apa susah….


my anonymous client all the way from Putrajaya

pertamanya saya ingin memohon maaf openly kat si adik manis kerana terpaksa menunggu saya

sangat lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! ampun ye dik.

she bought the Pearly Palette – korang nak lagi, masih lagi ada 3 kotak jugak yang belum berjual. no more stocking up for  this palette.  wpun banyak sangat permintaan.

well actually at the first stage pearly nih habih sold out, tp ada yang have financial issue lah bagai, so kena pull out. alohaii….

ni pun sama, kalo korang tak leh nak bayo at one go, we can offer u 2 times payment, bulan nih 50, cukup bulan july dpt gaji another RM100.


another buyer, 2 buyers

they bought pearly palette and 2 pigments stacks.


redmummy’s collection


pigments ni aritu aku jual 3 types stacks, tp tak sempat nak amik2 gambo bila productnya sampai coz dah terus wrap to be delivered to the buyers. so kira bih kurang gini lah from my collection and the readers yang beli.

GOOD NEWS IS, BY THIS MONTH JULY OR BUSUK2 PUN BY AUGUST, pigments stock will be selling off again in RM. coz pigments ni memang sale laju, ramai bonar yang sukerrrrrrrr!

but for this time around, stock memang banyakkkkkkkkkkk!!

what you need to do…

make your deposit first, aku terus kompem ko amik. harga satu stack is RM90, pls pay half of it first as your deposit RM45, barang sampai nanti accountant will chase you to pay for the remaining RM45.

so you can state your order anytime…

Pigments PAC : RM90 for each stacks (all 4 stacks memang ada dijual) View the 4 sets of stacks via this PAC’s web sendiri…

Pearly Palette: RM150

Matte Palette: RM150

oh chop! borang ni ada Biore order form gak, boleh boleh kalau ada nak biore pun den adoooooooo lagi stock 🙂

Comment: 19

Hard Rock’s Make Up…


aku sebenonya dah terlambat bersiap

tp aku gigih lah  jugak nak tempek gambo2 kat sini

buat reference kat kowang…


for the first time aku pakai foundation yang sokmo make up artist pakai for artist, pengantin or apa2 event besau n hebat…derma color. ai bought that from RedGlow…

udah lama belinya tp baru nih pakai…syokkkkkkkkkkkk giler pakai tp ingat yer foundation tu not for daily usage, itu utk make up heavy kat luar jer…

b4 that saya pakai base Shu Uemura…


ai have 3 kinds of loose powder, loreal beli sendiri. maybelline dpt sponsor from maybelline n soon coming is Shu Uemura…

any loose powder will do…

pada saya, yang lebih membantu ialah foundation, so loose powder sebagai sampingan pelekap di muka…so any brand cheap expensive pun not a biggy.

base mata shu uemura is a must.


dalam palette PAC blusher saya ada kaler ala2 shading ni ha…tp bukan jenis wet. jenis kering ala2 blusher lah gak…

aku try buat shading 🙂

jadik kot sket..

sket jer ler

lgpun make up utk this session was really in hurry.


brushes set nih aku dpt beli dari member, kedainya ada kat belakang umah mak aku, dah bape minggu korang suh aku pi riki2 cek harga bagai,adoiii…insyallah one day. mbe this weekend or next week ker camner…

saya tak berapa nak gemor pakai coz ai still love the branded brushes set…lembut.

kalo sintetik nih macam kasar. but was told set brushes tu 3 batang jer sintetik, lain sumer bulu binatang yang sama standard ngan branded.


tak leh pikir panjang nak make up mata apa, terus aku pakai golden jer..from the pigment of PAC!

eh pigment ni dah sold out…

kalau rezeki korang ada, sapa2 yang nak boleh lah demand. aku cuba dptkan dari lubang2 yang ado kat jakarta nun….


perkhh amik gambo pakai hphone, sekali rap jer takde 2,3 kalik. kan aku cakap aku dah lambatttt sesangat.the red earth black colour tu ditempek sket, plus the glitters of bodyshop….main nak cepat jer nih…


white kohl of MAC, black eyeliner of red earth pun saya godammmmmm!


wuii jangan makan ati

ai pakai bulu mata pelesu

eh betullah SA SASA tu cakap, itu gam memang kaw kaw BESTTTTTTTTTT!! yes gang, sapa nak pakai bulu mata palsu, dptkan brand nih gamnya….RM39.90.


the lipstick from PAC, inilah yang aku pakai mostly ari2 pi keje pi jalan pi merata… chose the nude colour. simple…


ayooo flash ke main dasat!

shimmer from MAC, dah 2 taun dah nih, tp best ado lagik. kadang2 aku pakai gak kat kaki….gatal kan. tp for this session, aku pakai kat tengkuk leher and lengan dada segala….nak cepat abihkan mar….!



us during the birthday party….

our beloved brother’s birthday party…

that s to be revealed later on.

n itulah make up yang ringkas saya pakai for the birthday party.

the dress is from Teluk Kemang, Jakarta, ai bought 2 colours. satu lagi kaler tak pakai2 yet….

tp bawak kamera gebang2, nak amik gambo mata muka leh kelalaian….isk. anw, saya sudah confident berbulu mata pelesu

huhuuuuu 🙂 dan saya basuh semua make up mat mascara ke hapa foundation tebal tuh with Biore Clensing Oil 🙂

mudah pantas dan tidak remeh….

Comment: 15