9 tahun yek on 19th Jan….


abang mencuri masa yang ada 15min sblm waktu tidurnya at 830pm membaca komik cinoo…entah dia baca or entah dia tengok gambo. aku ngah baring2 nak lelap mata…letih mata. bukan letih badan. sbbkan mata mohon terlelap….tetiba dengo ada 2 orang kat luor tu masuk nyanyiiiiiiiii special you…



happy an ni be se riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

banyaknya kek weiiiiiiiii!! sampai 4 piring plak tuh. mana you cekau kek nih sirman?

apa ingat kat tpt jin bertendang takdak secret receipe kah?

nak adiah! adiah ai mana???????????


yang makan ni pun banyaknya gegirl and sirman, aku makan culas2 jer…muak aa makan kek gini bebanyak. dulu ye lah suker, sejak sedor diri badan ke main mampat macam tekak tak leh nak terima. abang tumpang blow candle jer pastu sambung baca komik book.


tadi orang tanya adiah mana???????????????

tak sampai lg dr US hahaha, vshub kata nanti diorg handover sendiri by this week.

aaa lambatnya. time aku jer hadiah mesti delay.

eh anniversary kena cakap jiwang2 ke? alah x yah lah…tak seii lah nak jenjiwang lam blog sendiri.

Happy Anniversary ek Sirman 🙂

dah tu jer


aku kedekut jiwang karat!

Comment: 36

RM’s post mortem’s entry for Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out…


on the lovely Saturday morning at Kiz Sports & Gym in One Utama sekali lagi menjadi pertemuan cinta antara pelusuk bloggers tanahair. perkhh…ayat aku macam nak masuk kelas sastera jer plak. i m so looking forward to Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out, being follower to Friso Gold, i ve heard bout this for quite a while ody.

Nuffnang has booked my slot. so of cos i m interested to be in the group lah kan….

So kami red family pun datanglah bondong2 ….


The Nuffies are so busy, handling the registration…


the q is damn longgggggggggg


another view from the back,betul ke invite for 80 bloggers nih, macam beratus2 bloggers je aku tengok weih. lom campur spouse and kids lagik


the same super sport replika for Gegirl 🙂


briefed by Nicholas for the whole day event….


photoshoot for Berita Harian

saw someone commented kat Nuffnangmy’s fb kenapa gegirl tak pakai baju merah, she pakai suor merah ye yang…


a mother being a mother, baju beso pun nak sumbat kat anak ko hahahahaa…but the boy looks sooooo cute. sket lagi boleh sapu lantai yek. Reiko’s son 🙂


some family would prefer to show their ‘pink tag’ . if u think i m the red family, ini lagi pink family. kekdahnya kok bapak tak pakai pink plak! kuasa mak, abih anak2 kena sarung pink hekk…


it s like 1 hour dragged ody, the even that was supposed to start at 10am, lambat mula at 1115am gitu. totally lambat and this means i hv to pass my session wt the guests. saya kena beri laluan to other slots mar….

I feel so bad if we keep on continuing my slot, then the event will finish only after 3pm. yet they have booked the place for Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out only till 2pm. Outsiders will start to come at 2 pm mar…


so the crowd specially the kids, tak sesabo nak participate with any special games. After having Nicholas from Nuffnang and Ms Debbie Ho to give a short speech to the audience, amboi ramailah pulak sibuk dah excited nih. baik anak2 baik makpak budak.

Trust me…the kids bukan nak dengo speech2 gini, hahahaha depa dok tunggu the games, the dancing, the magic show,the toys, the gifts, everything!


what colours are your sticker kids??????????????????

Marcus never failed Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out! He s been engaged by them to host this event, since last year . Marcus is a blogger too, a freelance MC and very frenly boy and he knows how to tackle the young kids/ toddler. so by the colours of your sticker, you can participate any games, kalau hok baby tu kena main dalam bilik lah yer. this one majorly mak or pak2 x pi dengo talk. ater kendong baby kecik yoooo!

ada satu batch sticker plak cam baya abang and gegirl bley joget sakan, play the buble baloon and pijak baloons etcs..


but some wanna hear a talk.


while mommies daddies listen to the talk from Ruth Liew by the Friso Gold’s nutritionist,  on children’s immunity at the event. not this photo lar…

ini adalah gambar kanak2 riang ria yang tak yah dengo siksa kehebatan germs and backteria.

diorang ngah mengumpul bakteria dengan berbaring di lantai carpet Kiz Sports  & Gym 😛


Bee Shuan is breaking the ice with her sweet talk on How to Increase Your Child’s Immunity. ok sian korang yang tak paham2 dengan fakta germs bacteria baik and backteria jahat kan. you can always refer to my entry nih. Takper mbe taun depan u all boleh participate lagi dengan Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out’s event gak, can meet Bee Shuan mar.

She s very helpful lady. You just throw any questions, if u dont understand.

but if she asks u a question, u get full mark, u bring back a token of gift 🙂


commercial break…

i m coming as Redmummy. bila masanya yang aku datang as mak bedah pulakkan….N


To help the event run smoothly, i help Nuffnang to be interviewed by The Star too. oh chop…even the crowd is quite noisy, dengan anak2 aku,anak orang lari pusing merata…but we managed to complete the session, kena multi hek…mata sambil2 tuh kena mengular tengok anak2 gak yekkk!


Marcus being Marcus….

he doesnt care anak sapa, tapi kalau dia dah suka nak berkepit…dia kepit jugok! Gegirl is one of his subject. I think kids would say Marcus is the best Uncle MC fin the world. the best!


in between of the event,i met lots of loyal readers….

subject number one


i see the dining hall is ready for lunch…so colourful


i see the mithali daddies, sorang sibuk kendong anak sebab bininya tengah sibuk pi mengamik gambo wt other bloggers

sorang lagi sibuk amik gambar sebab  nanti bini bising kalau gambar event tak cukup utk blog 😛


n subject number two, My Alia


i see one not so called cleaner, helping around with the chair…

dont flay2 ek, the girl boy has mobile number on her shirt…

amboi budak ticit nih….baju ke main labuh ada ati nak buat keje ek!


i can see kids are happy

not only my 2 kids but all kids in the Sports Kids

pedulik hapa diorang mak aku diva ke, bapak aku devu, mak aku nak memekak ke hapa, janji aku dapat main sini puas-puas.


lunch is served for everyone….

mak pak yang anak2nya masih mengendong susah sketlah nak makan yek. kena amik turn. mak layan anak, pak pi makan. tu kalo anak sorang. kalo hok anak 4,ha kasi 4 orang tu makan dulu baru mak pak dapat makan yerk..


the boys just wanna spend their time together..

abang n Daniel x nak makan ngan Gegirl, kitaorang dah big lah mommy!

pirahhhhhhh!!!tidur pun carik ketiak mak ko!!


My little small baby is happy having her lunch, with her little cousin and my sis also bro in law are looking after them. but ada kalanya aku terpaksa masuk gelanggang gak bila gegirl wants her mak or pak dia to memanja sama lah kan. jap2 nak suh tlg cabutkan kertas warna sand tuh.

jap2 nak cakap dapat adiah…

jap tu jap nih…

abang is easy, coz i brought Daniel along hehehehehe..so dia occupied.


i was surprised to see the last year’s winner of Hong Kong Disneyland – Yati sawanila is carrying 7months tummy. tapi perut manghaik. perut buncit aku yang tak berbulan2 ni pun lagi beso godangnya Ti!

Rose hutang 7 tray hantaran ahhahahha tettttttttt!!!

Liza365 my lovely fren…hah ni kawan dari sesuku serapat aku kat klcc yek!

4 mothers melantak tak hengat. anak2 korang mana?

oh very yek…hater, mak2 nih dah sumbat anak2 makan kekenyang, baru bley makan yek!


last year, this young boy doesnt know anything

after wallop 10 tins of Friso, he became so clever boy, punyalah dema nak makan sendiri, tak nak orang suapkan. makcik tanggg ko kang!


Subject number 3…name and link pls…………..



and seperti tahun yang lampau juga, the train of strollers tak pernah berubah….

oh bestnya ai tidak perlu menggunakan khidmat sorong2 stroller anymore hikss

all the best to korang yang beranak kecik hek hek hek… 🙂


while we are having fun inside of the Sports Kids Club….the nuffies are still working but looks like macam ngah meeting jer. they didnt take their lunch on time, to make sure the event and the party works well. masa kita ke main sakan gumbira heppy horey2 kat dalam tu, ada tak kita terkenang pada depa yang dok bekerja? ha some pics here credit to shaolintiger





kat dalam dah macam huru hara…kids tak sabar pulak nak layan the next event, ado Magic Show hohohooooooooo!!! hallo Marcus, apa ke lambat nau Magic man korang nak masuk set nih. menganga2 dah budak2 ni menunggu show kay. dah abih berjoget, joget lagik, pusing joget lagik. naik lemau peluh depa dah…


so we have Hafiz the magician. Used to work as a waiter but now trying to settle down as a prof magician. there are some of his magic memang funny. specially to kids of cos memang best lah diorg kan.


the magic went smoothly, until he called 1 boy age mbe 4, 5 yrs old…asking the boy to be his assistant. what i m so not happy bout the magician bila dia buat aksi yang agak aku rasa memalukan si anak kecil tuh. though he s only a young boy, but budak kecik tu pun ada maruah jugak weih. the parents of the boy were not there, ada makcik pakciknya jer, kalau anak haku dibuat gitu, mau tarbiah segala ko dapat ek…

till the end of the party, ppl were still talking bout it. oh you gotta learn from Marcus on dealing with kiddies yek….


this is what happend, bila anak2 tak nak amik adiah from Uncle Marcus, but mak pak dok sibuk sogok2 anak suh ke depan ulur tangan amik hadiah. luckily no faces here ahhahahaaa..hoi hoi sapa nya gambo atas nih. hah kantoii…korang pandai ek,sanggup ke depan suh anak2 amik adiah from Marcus hekkkkkkkkkkkkk….

So the winners announcement….

Remember on my promo entry, i did mentioned that 10 best blogposts may get RM100 vouchers each from Toy’s r Us. so there the top 10 winners.

Oh saya x menang pung…

out of 10,1 didnt turn up or mbe has left the place, so gigih ye kak long oi aku mencarik link semua orang. menjawab kenapa aku pending entry ni lama gila ahakkkkkkkkkkkk 🙂



Ha tepuk tepuk lagi, mak yang kendong anak demi utk the voucher, eh itupun utk si anak sendiri gakkan….



kusangkakan anak, rupanya emak si amoi nih!!!!



nampak muda belia,tahniah ye yang….acik tumpang promo jer lah lam RM, apa aku nak dpt pun…


Kherul @ sawanila, taun lepas dah menang pi Disneyland kan kan kan, taun nih amik 100 inggit beli kids nya toys ek…lgpun bini ko ngah sarat,…..at least mung merasa gak menang weih

tengok acik, buat promo utk korang jer…korang dapat hits, dapat gemer dapat tempias, mak gak dpt lopong ahhahahahahah


kambing bujang bukan sembarang kambing…kambing mengendong seorang anak

why kambing? why bujang?

oh my….pepelik nama blog orang zaman skang aaaa, tapi boboy shame2, pi stage bawak botol tau…susu Friso kah tu?


another unique’s name of a blog…soto dan wajik

kalau mak sibuk tengok camera, anak dok ‘wei dahlah tu pegang tangan mak aku lelama pehal ko Nich?’


my! i just realized korang ni suka name your blog after a food ek?

sumijelly kooooooo! hah complete from the main food to the dessert cukupppp! tahniah yek sumi!


dont tell me she s a mom!

she is, ada anak lah..

perkh..kurus melonjong, model apakah?? btw, congrats yek Reiko!!


sebab semua orang joli sakan dapat hadiah, marcus and I buat hal sendiri…kerja sudah. makan sudah, tepuk tangan sudah. apa lagi mau bikin.

nak ajak anak2 balik pun depa ligat sakan lagik…


Nice working with you Debby Ho

Project Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out on 2nd January 2010 mencapai matlamat huhuhuuuuuuu! ramai orang suker, ramai orang bawak balik adiah, ramai orang menang adiah, see see saya x bawak apa2 pun. saya x menang apa2 pun.

tak menang pun saya tetap bagi support to Nuffnang and Friso Gold mar…


pemenang2 yang bertuah menggondoh hadiah2 hebat dari Friso Gold, dengan hadiah hebat ini bermakna tamatlah majlis yang telah dirancang hampir setahun lamanya, dengan kehadiran lebih 300 orang, penuh jerit pekik ibu bapak dan anak2. Antara parenting blogger’s event yang mendapat sokongan penuh dari mak pak cam aku ni lah…

all in all, without Friso Gold,this wont happen. N without the push work hard from Nuffnang too, we wont be there!


but for those unlucky winners, macam RM…pulang bawak door gift ni sudah mencukupi. Cukuplah supply susu Friso Gold Gegirl utk 2,3 bulan….cukuplah jugak towel muka utk 2,3 lai…cukuplah dari tiada, berbangga untuk mendapat tempat di Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out pun sudah mencukup.


finally the complete red family with Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out’s backdrop.

dengan pantun 4 kerat ek…

kalau ada sumur di ladang

mari kita menumpang mandi

kalau ada benda nak ulur kat nuffnang

jemputlah redmummy kembaliiiiiiiiiiiii!

i did a little bit of post mortem on the event…

the good

the best

the marvellous

the boring part if there is

the hardest session

the budak paling kuat melalak!

the emak paling kepohcik

the bapak paling pemalas nak kejar anak

hahahahahaa…u think I didnt observe u?

The official announcement on the event also out in Nuffnang too. The news of Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out was also appeared in The Star on the next few days.

FYI, Friso Gold belongs to the giant company, congratulations for the fun to the bloggers and family! n thanks for having Redmummy in your big family day out!

Comment: 34

RM won 2 return flight tickets to any Asean country!


one is coming as lady of Thailand…


one is coming as a Japanese lady too…Misuko


one is coming as an Hawaian girl but from Phuket


Thomas @ The Panjang is the famous latecomer…not just for MAS event, but most of the events, he s divadivuuu!


but one just wanna come to be not so hulk hogan 🙂

OMG!! Shah is soooooooooooooooo tall and big compared than ahkak yang very the kecik, tanduk siam aku tu pun takleh melangkau ketinggian Shah!!

**link pls?


Zaid didnt win anything that nite but the next day he won at the Samsung Corby…tuah manusia 🙂


Joe KK


Citygirl is dressed as a lady going holiday to Bali?


Joshua and Joe KK…


Simon won a return ticket, will follow one of the winners of Saya Nak Cuti Contest and chances to be in front/behind the scene of the show too.


For the best dress, Mak Siam won 2 return flight tickets to any Asean country 🙂


the gang of Malaysia Airlines and Fleishman


coz he is so panjang, Thomas doesnt need any help to capture this photo, i was surprised everybody memang cukup muat masuk dalam kameranya tuh. very the tangan panjang koo!


The most happiest man in the world coz the wife is taking him to any Asean country, i have not decided yet lar. Masa pun takdak tak tau bila nya nak pergi. i have 2 confirmed trips this year already, so ntah bilalah nak berjalannya.

So that s the good news lar for January, at least. good start for an early 2010.

mak Siam pun mak siam lah….

Comment: 35

Light Pink Sembonia for sale!

IMG_4140 IMG_4139 IMG_4138

Sembonia, new item, never been used before. RM100 nett plus RM10 postal charges.


Comment: 10

Contest for the before and the after…


before the RedGlow’s magical hands….

RedGlow’s contest!!!

Hah ni senang, korang boleh masuk. hari tu dah missed make up session yang percuma for RM’s readers kan, ni open lagik utk korang….RedGlow is organizing, pertandingan make up bersama adiah2 iringian…..contest sangat simple, bagai memakai mascara di bulu mata sahaja…..


Hantar sekeping gambar anda sebelum makeup dan sekeping gambar selepas makeup tanpa edit. Semua gambar mestilah close up.


Kemudian sertakan nama, no IC, alamat dan no telefon dan emelkan kepada arlinarosli@yahoo.com sebelum 30 Januari…

#3  Anda boleh menghantar sebanyak mungkin penyertaan…

Hadiah tempat pertama:

Set Penjagaan Kulit RedGlow

Bengkel Makeup percuma

Set berus mekap


Hadiah tempat kedua:

Set Penjagaan Kulit RedGlow

Bengkel Makeup 50% less

Hadiah tempat ketiga:

Bengkel Mekap 50% less




Submit your 2 photos to arlinarosli@yahoo.com

bukan kat aku yek.. 🙂 good luck!

Class and contest is fully sponsored by RedGlow team.

Comment: 28