
Red Mango…

i work again in the morning of friday, but off for half day leave in the afternoon 🙂

before leaving office, i joined my frens to have lunch kat depan BSN, lama gak x dtg sini..dari makan sardin 7 hinggit klcc tu, makan asam pedas pari bagai segala baru 5 inggit. sedap pun yer…

decided to tengok jenguk, apa ada dalam Mango, lama gak tak jengah, lama x lama adalah lam seminggu lebih kan, this week memang totally aku out, no time to go down since i have to settle my kids tuition class kan…but for friday, i dont have to go to ttdi, sirman is taking the shift coz kelas nya pagi.

waktu nak pergi kelas tu lah, makanya come out this entry

Mango’s new arrival

comes wt black too

i settled the bill and left to isetan…apa aku beli, drpd takde intention to buy, i grab gak something, my therapy for the tired Friday kot?

X yah tengoklah apa yang aku beli bagai, kang ada yang makan hati kata aku show off, berpoyo2, remember one thing lah if you are not happy wt my shopping thingy, i m also not happy to show it off to you. masalahnya i do have other readers yang nak tengok apa aku shop kan, x gitu. They will then make a comparison, pi pergi kedai tu carik and buy…

I do help them in terms of their shopping too, tp kalau dah ko sakit hati busuk menyampah ngan orang nya shopping, what the hell are you doing here sending harsh comments. You want me to donate you some ringgits? We do have garage sales kan, napa ko x beli from that column jer, bising macam aku dah pinjam duit engko 8 juta ringgit!

Oh nak bagi ko sakit ati, ai m gonna meet nuffnang ppl tonite, so do come back again for my new update wokey? People! x pernah puas dengan apa yang ada, x cukup buat community sendiri, carik geng2 nak hancurkan hidup blog aku, x cukup makan ke? I dont give a damn on what you wanna talk and say about me, but kenapa nak dengki khianat dengan rezeki blog aku?

yes this blog has thousands of readers, n u are one of the contributors for the famousity of my blog, so apa bising lagik?

Comment: 11

Wed noon & Mandi Gajah…

morning of wednesday, sirman mmsed me this photo, he brought them to mamak for late breakfast, dalam tetiga mize sepupu depa paling lambat bangun seiiii….

i didnt join them coz i had to go to work 🙁

enaf wt cuti2 msia, for the time being lah…

leaving for lunch, simple attire

7 inggit for sardin, telur mata and ati also teh tarik singgit 50 total 8.50

makan kat klcc, ko nak daya gimana, bayo la kan memahal wpun kat luor makan camni baru 3,4 inggit

our lunch is joined by another fren, another blogger, huhuu….x leh tayang mukanya

panas beliang kat luor tu, i left oKLCC at 130 pm, pusing satu kl to get to this place, i m on half day leave mar…orang kata pagi keje petang cuti, shift gitu …

sambil snapping this photo, someone called me related to this issue, the topic is about bilik untuk disewa tapi apakan daya, ada orang nak gemer over sesangat pi anto harsh comment in that entry, dah x pasal hot lah pulak entry tu yet none yang tanya pasal isu bilik sewa (as of 9pm tonite, sib baik iklan tu menjadik, dah dapat dah new housemate)

Sesapa nak berkenalan ngan that fella yang anto komen tu ye, trace la korang sendiri ye:

Streamyx IP Add :

Date and Time sent for commenting: 20/8/2008 Wednesday at 1.01pm


The first comment that she/he sent was from Tuesday’s purple entry:

Streamyx IP Add:

Date and Time sent for commenting: 13/8/2008 Wednesday at 12:54 PM


saya x heran pun ngan comment yang that fella hantar, kalau aku baru bukak blog hari ni, kompem aku tutup balik blog aku lepas dapat that kind of comment. tapi sebab aku dah lama blogging, some more it s not the first time ai dapat komen2 gitu, dah berpuluh ratus kot 😛 ai dah immune, anto la ko komen kasar maki carca marba pun, ai tarak heran la adik abang akak…buat hapa nak pening pala, yang anto komen tu yang pening pala sibukkan hal aku, ai have a very good life, alhamdulillah. They tried so hard to ruin my life, after all, ai have a husband and kids around me, apa lah yang ko sakit ati kan…

Oh saya dok dalam kereta for an hour, tunggu orang, next2 entry lah ai citer yer…

n ini untuk korang layan itu mandi gajah di kuala gandah, sirman just uploaded it…

Comment: 6

Lunch di Corus Hotel…

lunch at Corus Hotel yang sungguh tidak berapa menyelerakan tekakku, nasi ayam…uhhh! soupnye je yang kutelan banyak, mbe badan letih dok menapak gitu kan from klcc to corus even it s not that far, but stillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!

The 5 items, oh 1 sahaja sirman punya, x banyak choices la for lelaki, empat botol pulak….

anaaaaaaaaaaaaa yang punyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


close up tu sume nenanti la ai post in the next2 entry k…

Comment: 1

Tuesday’s purple…

present of the day…

from someone that i met over lunch (sengaja aku longgokkan gitu x nak bagi korang agak apa mendanya, dah pakai nanti i show it to you yeah)

i dont have good mood lah, musim2 lawatan kawan wanita normal ku datang menziarahi – no wonder ler aku naik angin je 2,3 ari lepas

the purple top, aku pakai wt black skirt n black jacket, pi funeral aku cabut, sudahnya sampai ke petang aku x pakai jacket tu, rimas. lengan baju pun aku singsing..rimas lemas!

n chicken curry for 3 of us – dah muak la pulak….

the 2 of the guests pernah kuor in my blog before but this time, i keep my promised for not showing their face, kalau depa x kisah lah. kalau depa kisah muka nak kena jaja lam blog merah ni, aku letak lah.

mutual agreement…

Comment: 9

3 lunches… via Nokia E71

kakak….need your help

ok….comelah to klcc

notice that someone is taking this photo for us? orang tu duduk ye bukan waiter/ess yang berdiri bagai

notice tak ada gold hbag on my right side tuh, which is of cos not my hbag

notice gak yang Nan macam boring bila akak dia bz melayan orang yang satu lagi

will not publish the other party’s face, she/he wants to remain anonymous

n again????

tiap kali aku makan ngan nan jer, mesti ada lurah vontot yang kami nampak tau. sambil makan view mata aku ke situ jer..cizz, x leh nak beralih mata langsung…

pure jantan bukan cik gayah pun geli nak nengok….

so bagi korang tengok lah..mana tau ada yang suka kan 🙂

Comment: 5