
At HP @ Alexis…


Event with HP, few weeks ago.  Thanks to HP, for the business collaboration all this while. Of cos to Nuffies, love the team so much, sangat2 supportive with my recent decision and issue 🙂

pic credit to @TianChad! miss my long hairrrrrrrrrrrr…photo taken without make up… sigh!

Comment: 17

Healthy diet with Nestle…

48hours sticky post.


When it comes to diet, there are so many ways people doing it. Ada yg guna conventional ways, modern or scientific ways or even their own ways 😛 but the results could be vary la hehehe… tp aku bukan la nak citer pasal diet nak kurus tapi ni pasal diet nutrition which is the sum of food yang kita consume day to day.  This suits me coz I m on a diet and also attending a slimming session too. So I really looking forward for this talk, a session with Nestle.

So last week I had a chance to atttend a very good and informative talk by 1 of the professors yang  expert in food & science brought by the largest nutrition and foods company in the world, Nestle. The talk is about Comprehensive Nutrition for all-round child development. I m a mother mar…mak mana yang nak anak2nya makan cara yang salah dan tidak sihat. Kerna itulah anak2 ku amat kupantangkan dengan junk foods and fast food too.

If they wanna eat, only once a week or once a month. They know the rules already.


The talk basically in lay man term language, senang la sket nak paham. eh maklumla kan bukan semua kita ni paham all the scientific language kann… Basically bercerita tentang food dan science and also touch on the significant of baby milk in our dietary. Susu oh susu…..aku ni bermasalah sket kalo minum susu, but for my kids, they love susuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much.

Even during my pregnancy pun aku ngelat minum susu coklat tuh coz I still taste the susu more than the choc aaa. But luckily cara aku didik anak minum susu dari bayi supaya tak macam mak nya, sampai la nih, ko bagi je lah apa susu pun, senang je depa wallop.

And of cos they briefly explain their own Research Network yg amat la berada di seluruh pelusuk dunia. So bukan calang2 Nestle punya research on nutrition and food ni ya. Bila tengok slide yang Prof tunjuk tuh mmg complicated nak mencipta setin susu yang sangat2 berkhasiat untuk our children, but hey, there s nothing easy to make our life easier yek.


And this is Professor Bruce German yg diterbangkan khas dari Department of Food Sciences and Technology, University of California. Beliau yang juga merupakan Senior Scientific Advisor in Nestle Reasearch Centre berkongsi serba sedikit tentang keperluan2 asas yg wajib diambil supaya kita mendapat diet yg seimbang.

**he uses his family as a model in the slide too….it s like RM and her red family gak 🙂


Juga memberikan tip2 yang berguna untuk mendapatkan “the right diet for the right life style” Maklumlah kita life style tak sama, so diet pun kena la ikut masing-masing. Macam korang diet makan cara gini, aku lak diet cara gini, walaupun konsepnya sama nak kurus nak hidup dengan pemakanan yang betul. Coz ada sesetengah orang if depa ada sakit jantung or darah tinggi, cara diet makan pun lain. Kalo yang cam aku ni pulak, masalah berat badan and lemak berkrim di badan ha satu lagi diet berlainan aku kena amalkan.

So it s all bout the food, you apply and get the right food, your metabolisme pun boleh lah accept but if ko bukan jenis yang macam badan sipolan A tak bolehlah nak expect orang amik diet sama ko gak.


Secara kesimpulannya apa yg boleh dimanfaatkan dari talk tersebut adalah, “A healthy diet means getting everything right” of cos the food itself must be the right food and even the quantity pun kena dlm sukatan yg betul. Jgn dah kenyang cam ular sawa baru nak benti 😛 even in our religion oso ada berkata, makanlah sebelum kita lapar and berhentilah makan sebelum kita kenyang.  Tu yang aku kadang2 x paham gak macamana orang yang pi buffet bukak puasa boleh makan sebanyak lambak gitu. Paying more than RM100 only to get the buffet set, haiyoo….how to feed the small tummy yek. I just cant do it lor.


As a closing, we have the Q & A sessions with the Prof and Mr Ho. A few questons asked by attendees, mostly on dietary plan, some on bacteria and even from concern mother on which milk suit for their kids. Actually aku ada soalan nak tanya tapi aku seganlah pulak.

Very the shy shy girl lak ai hari tuh. Padahal mulut aku boleh je tanya, coz the event is so private for medias.

Once done, lunch is served and the menu is all green vege, the most important thing in our diet. Since they served lots of healthy food, aku cuma amik yang veges sahaja, and 2 spoons of nasi. That s all. I m still on my diet, not only coz I m attending my slimming classes but of cos sebab saya mahu makan yang sihat dan juga tidak perlu makan hanya kerna nafsu.

We are big enough already, we can control our food, we can also give the same application to our kids. But if we choose to give the unhealthy food to our kids, aisay…manyak payah woo. Tak berkembang pembelajaran anak2 kita nanti.

One secret, do u know yang kepala ikan goreng tu tak elok dimakan? ha….last time gegirl loves to eat it, sampai satu hari Sirman read somewhere and start asking his daughter to drop the habit. Kalau nak makan pun, isi lain takper, but not the head 🙂

And back to Neslac Excella Gold, this is a specially formulated milk that gives children a well-balanced nutrition to support all-round development through a 3-pronged holistic approach:

1. Guard – disebabkan immune system yg belum matang, kanak2 lebih terdedah kepada jangkitan yg boleh menggugat pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran mereka. Neslac Excella Gold yang mengandungi friendly bacteria BL Bifidus, akan menentang dan melawan harmful bacteria. Then, bersama dgn Prebio 1, a type of dietary fibre, BL Bifidus membina sistem pencernaan yang sihat untuk pencernaan lebih baik dan penyerapan nutrisi.

2. Activate – otak anak-anak tumbuh sangat pesat dan mencapai hampir 95% daripada saiz dewasa dalam usia 6 tahun. Neslac Excella Gold dilengkapi dengan nutrisi penting untuk perkembangan otak seperti DHA, SPH, ARA dan SA untuk menyokong perkembangan otak anak anda dengan nutrisi yang tepat dan mengaktifkan pembelajaran dan pengalaman mereka dengan rangsangan yang sesuai.

3. Grow – pertumbuhan yang baik membentuk asas yang kukuh untuk pembangunan fizikal dan mental yang optimum. Neslac Excella Gold menawarkan nutrisi yg seimbang dengan tenaga yang mencukupi, protein dan 15 vitamin & mineral penting untuk pertumbuhan yang baik selama bertahun-tahun.


Dengan mengintegrasikan 3 manfaat Guard, Activate dan Grow di dalam tahun-tahun awal anak anda, anda membantu mereka berkembang dan mengembangkan potensi mereka dgn sepenuhnya.

So lets our kids grow with this GAG! bukan gang ek 😉

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Nestle is brought by

Comment: 24

Workshop by Marie France Bodyline…

Marie France Bodyline is so nice! Hari tu depa dah amik 15 nama, tapi la ni depa bagi tambahan 10 orang lagi, total up to 25 orang, details boleh tengok kat sini yek:

Date: 8th May 2010, Saturday / Time: 3pm – 5pm / Venue: Marie France Bodyline, Mid Valley City

But this is only for mothers sahaja yer, so please please leave your details at Contact Red, i will reply to your email and associate from MFB will personally contact you 🙂 (husbands pun boleh register untuk isterinya, surpriseeeeeeeeee her)

Comment: 9

Tonton & Menang bersama MAS di Astro Ria!

MAS Saya Nak Cuti, 48hours sticky post, please scroll down for my new entries.

Impian menjadi kenyataan! Dah la dapat percutian yg diimpikan, kos ditanggung pulak tu, pastu jadi hos untuk rancangan sendiri lagi huhuuhuuu. Chop bukan aku yg dapat, tu the lucky 7 winners for Saya Nak Cuti yg dibawa oleh MAS. Jeles mak tau


Korang pun sure jeles gak kan, tapi taper untuk korang sure ada, jangan risau. Kat RM kan semua ada. Ok cam ni aku nak kasi tau 2 benda baik ni. Ko nak hadiah dari menang contest? Ok cun! Aku bagi. Ko nak tengok camne yg 7 org tu menjadi tv host? Beress….aku hidang rancangan tu kat korang.

Eh tapi bukanlah lam RM nih aku letak but kat Astro Ria lah nanti kuor rancangan Saya Nak Cuti, starting 5 May Rabu nih. If korang ingat lagilah chronology aku ngan Saya Nak Cuti ni mau ada berbulan-bulan jugaklah, dari aku promote utk diorang punya pencarian calon for Saya Nak Cuti bersama Malaysia Airlines dan kemudian hingga 7 orang finalists dikenalpasti. Sangat2 panjanglah jugak sejarah aku ngan depa, team Saya Nak Cuti nih.

So back to the contest, Tonton dan Menang. Ko nonton Astro Ria, program Saya Nak Cuti, pergi jawab contest kat situ. Satu soalan akan di keluarkan kan di 1 week in advance sebelum episode tersebut disiarkan. Contohnya first show akan disiarkan pada 5 May 2010, so soalan pertama will be posted up on seminggu sebelum iaitu pada 29 April 2010. So bila dah tonton episode tu for sure senang2 tau jawapannya. Apa lagi shoot terus hantar jawapan. Opss sebelum terlupa, kena lengkapkan slogan sekali ya. Jawapan dan slogan kena hantar dlm masa 3 hari selepas episod tersebut disiarkan di Astro Ria.


Syarat-syarat asas nak join the contest nih:

1. Ko jadi member of, alah register login 3 minit je yang.

2. So boleh start jawab setiap soalan mingguan dan kena bagi slogan sekali yek, jangan ngelat.

3. Jangan meraban pulak carik jawapan, semua answers for the simple questions tuh ada dalam episode Saya Nak Cuti di Astro Ria, setiap hari Rabu pada pukul 10pm.
(Tapi saya paham kalau korang happen to terlepas pandang, dari tonton di Astro Ria, boleh je catch up online di

4. Kena shoot the answers korang tu within 3 days kay, must be submitted before 11.59pm of every Fridays.

5. Weekly winners nih akan diannounce 2 minggu selepas tarikh tutup peraduan mingguan.

Clear? Ok apa pulak hadiahnya Kak Red?
Hadiah untuk pemenang mingguan ni ialah 2 tickets, 2 oi 2!!! 2 tiket penerbangan MAS ke destinasi yg sama dengan episode minggu tu. Kalo minggu pertama pergi Yogyakarta, ke Yogyakarta la kita, kalo minggu tu ke Bali, ke Bali la kita. Kalau you single boleh pergi ngan kawan ke, bawak Mak ke for Mom’s Day, kalau dah kawin boleh bawak spouse, or sukati ko lah nak bawak sapa. Kalau dah tak tau sangat nak bawak sapa, hah meh bawak aku nih.

Ohh btw first episode to be shown is of Aliff Ashari yang pergi ke Jogjakarta. Cayalah Aliff, dapat kuor RM, dapat jadi host, dapat pulak kuor Astro Ria.

At least kita yg tak dapat pergi ni dapat la juga tgk apa yg ada kat sana dlm episode ni nanti. Eh tapi mana tau kot2 menang contest ni nanti kan,  ha terbang la kita ke sana huhuhuuu.

So, jom ramai2 tonton Saya Nak Cuti by Malaysia Airlines ditayangkan khas untuk korang di Astro Ria jam 10malam, setiap hari Rabu nih yek.Anw, saya pun nak terima kasih banyak to MAS for engaging me for Saya Nak Cuti program. Lepas nih, program RM Nak Cuti tapi tak masuk tv lah yek…kuor kat RM jor yorrrr.

Khidmat masyarakat MAS is brought by

Comment: 23

Fashion Week for The Green Party!

48hours sticky post for an advertorial entry, do scroll down for my latest stories 🙂


Hey Girls and Guys…

I bet all of you tak kira laki pompuan lam RM nih, tua muda…even the young kids love to dress up. For eg like my kids, pun suka pakai hensem2 and lawa comel lota when they want to walk out from home. I tell u abang kalau pergi kelas tuition at Smart Reader nya bukan main meletup mamat tu berpakaian. Sometimes baju yang aku allocate untuk event pun dia pi sarung pakai jugak. When ask to change, he kept saying ‘takkan pergi tuition tak boleh pakai hensem2 plak mummy’

So if my kids yang very the young age pun suka berfesyen apatah lagi us the big adult. Same goes to me, I love fesyen so much. For all events that I attended, I will change my fesyen from top to toe. Not only that, I wear it differently with shoes, hairstyle, handbag and make up mood. I m not the trensetter of any fashion style in Malaysia but people know that I only wear red colour for events that I attend, which reflects from my RM’s name.

Even I m not wearing any red outfit, I will ensure my handbag is red, or shoes or the accessories, of cos red is my permanent colour.

I bring you to some of my red collections to suit the scenario, you can call it as a fashion show via RM coz I m not a model so I dont get a chance to catwalk in a proper stage show. Vavavaaa! Nak jugak merasa but kerendahanku wpun pakai 6 kaki kasut pun tak mungkin layak aaa….


The blue long dress can be worn for a party, or any nite event…siapa cakap a 5”2 height tak boleh pakai long dress, of cos you can! Dont get panic if people say we cannot wear it coz mestilah in style. Some more u have to be confident to carry your outfit. If you dok teragak2 nak pakai ha memang tak kenalah ngan badan ko pulak ye dak.


Because the long blue dress is quite sexy with off shoulder style, dapat pulak anak lelaki aku sokmo tak berkenan mak nya pakai seksi2 hahahaha…abang oh abang. So aku opt wt red short jacket. You can button or loose it like the above photo. And I am ready to attend the event. The long blue dress was bought in Singapore but I never get a chance to wear it yet and the red jacket was bought in the Curve but pun belum lagi ada chance nak pakai…


I like this ropol2 dress so much that’s why I never decided to put it on sale at Shop@RM. I used to see a model wore it on stage, promoting the brand and itulah cinta pandang pertama and I managed to buy it from the boutique. This definitely not suitable to wear to my office, it looks too ‘party girl’ but I used to wear it for an event invited by my client.

But not to worry, saya boleh juga bawak pergi kerja, just in case saya tak sempat nak balik rumah and lari to party…by wearing the black jacket.


You would never go wrong with black but let s put it an open mind that red also is very rich and famous colour to be worn. Memakai jacket hitam menyelamatkan keseksian satu, dan boleh juga ganti untuk pergi bekerja di siang hari dan malamnya pulak for huha ramburamba!

Hey frens, being a mom doesnt mean I cannot be master in fashion.


There will be a Green Party for the springtime feeling. You go green! I don’t have many outfits in green, but that doesn’t mean I m not supporting the Go Green campaign :). This year for the spring/summer 2010 collecitons, green menjadi warna yang utama, it s a rebirth of fashion and korang boleh join at the Curve, Centre Court for a stylish white runway.

Yes, RM will be joining to watch the Curve Fashion Week, not only that, they also have the Mother’s Day campaign themed “Mom, We Love You’ which will run from 30 April till 9 May.

9 May is the Mother’s Day celebration :).

The campaign is to pay homage to mothers out there who are also a successful career woman. I guess I should participate this too. I am a career mummy too marrrrrrrrrrrr!


Flowerish top is sponsored by Diva Darling

As I said, the colour green concept will be featured in the Centre Court of the Curve and seats untuk tetamu pula will be surronding of the stage. Vavavava! I like it. Tapi kalau aku catwalk sama atas pentas, korang jangan gelak kay . Hehehehhehe .

The participating brands for the event will be:

  1. August 8
  2. Binwani’s
  3. B-Ha Lingerie
  4. Debenhams
  5. Elements
  6. Focus Point
  7. Girls
  8. G2000
  9. Hair Kunst
  10. Habib
  11. Kitschen
  12. Le Ann Maxima
  13. Metrojaya (Somerset Bay and East India Company)
  14. Nichii
  15. PU3
  16. T-Joue
  17. The Wedding Boutique
  18. Uluwatu

From the list, I have all the brands, but satu brand yang aku blum ada lagik yakni Uluwatu. I saw their site before and it suits me but the price is a bit pricey for me. Mbe during the Curve Fashion Week they can go big big discounts. Who knows?


Model from the the previous Fashion Show is wearing white pant. I don’t really like the white colour, coz I m so clumsy, ada je kang ada lipstick lah, air kopi tertumpah kat seluar baju aku kang. But when I see the model pakai gini, ngan nice suit white hat, it gives me the idea on how to change my dress for the event that I m going to attend.


Dont forget that the fashion show is not only for the adult but also for the young girls age between 6 to 12 yrs old. Wonder camne aku nak get Gegirl to involve with the show. She is 6 yrs old and I m sure she would be very happy to participate this. Well even she s not selected, I don’t mind taking her to the Curve fashion show, so she can see the young girls catwalk with the new latest dress.


Shoppers in the Curve yang spending RM120 and above or max of 2 receipts adalah layak untuk redeem gift from Yours Truly (the brand yek, bukan RM). But it’s so limited to 20 shoppers on weekdays and 50 shoppers for the weekend.  Not only that, if you are spending above RM250 in a max of 2 receipts pun boleh redeem a cup and saucer set by IDEKO. Wah mak mak kalo baca tang barang free dapur ni sure ajak laki pergi shopping kaw kaw in the Curve.

For Body Shop Charity Event on 7 May 2010, they are selling shirts whereby the nett will proceed to the NGO partners. Of cos the signature drive for their Save the Forest sesuai dengan campaign on stage yang sedang the Curve Fashion Week langsungkan.


You think as a mother we cannot be a model or good trendsetter to audience or readers, no I don’t think so! I am among thousands of mothers yang wear my outfit with confidence and I choose my own outfit without any supervision from any fashion designers. I have many types of outfit, for the event, for work, for casual, for having jalan2 with my super active kids, for dating with the husband or even for attending a muslim’s ceremony.

Don’t be too fashionista if you don’t have the confidence, don’t follow other people style if it doesn’t suit your body and your style of living. The important thing, please don’t think that wearing expensive dress will make you look good, trust me a cheap top/dress if you carry in style, people will judge you as a super model too 🙂

Hey…u gotta the clear picture of my story, so come and spread the news bout the Curve Fashion Week themed “The Green Party” holding on 6 to 9 May 2010. See ya all there 🙂

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat the Curve Fashion Week is brought by

Comment: 30