Everybody need Lurve

Everybody Need Lurve is a sticky mode entry for 48 hours, do scroll down for RM’s latest entries. thanks :)

My Lurve will always to my family, especially to those 2 kiddos. Never ending never dying. The same goes to my hubby la of cos. But at the moment, I’m in Lurve with “someone” else. Main kayu tigalah pulak. Saya dah melek.at & naik angau untuk berkongsi & menghebahkan my Lurve with this “someone” kepada semua orang. Well the “someone” is…


This Lurve Facebook Application la. So saya adalah tengah sibuk menyemarakkan lagi my Lurve O’ Meter ini sebab lagi banyak Lurve saya, lagi banyak wang tunai saya menang 🙂

On top of that everybody will get my Lurve & everybody will sent their Lurve to me, as I said Everybody need Lurve!


Macam orang bercinta, mula-mula takde point la. So kena build up la your Lurve to each other.


There I got 3 points already. Salah satu cara nak build up your Lurve O’ Meter ni dengan menjawab Lurve quiz “my type o’ LURVE”. Kalo you all spread this to your friends, you got another 2 points & if they completed the quiz, you’ll get another 1 point. Senangkan…

I tried this other one to collect more points too! “Sprinkle a lil LURVE


This is quite fun where you can decorate your Lurve photo with all those accessories from the left panel. Tengok saya decorate gambar budak dua orang tu, hehehe macam berparty lak depa ni…


Dah lepas “Sprinkle a lil LURVE” kita kongsi la kita punya Lurve story kan… this is “Share a lil’ Lurve” section where you pick a photo & tell a brief story about it. Never ending never dying Lurve! I like this too! I pick my 2 kiddos!


And last but not least, sent to your friends to “Spread the Lurve” Jangan la nak makan sorang pulak, sharing is caring kan 😉

Now is your turn, it was additively engaging, enjoyable & fun along the way and yet got a chance to win CASH too. Did I mention on top of playing this application, you guys got a chance to win RM5000 cash for grand prize, 2 x RM2000 for 2nd prize & 8 x RM500 for 3rd prize? Opss I think I mention too much already! Nanti korang lak yang collect lagi banyak point. I need to collect more point. Now go make some LURVE you people!

Oh btw, I’M HOT & SPICY 🙂


And if you missed the Lurve Affair Blogger Contest, this is your payback time! All you need to do is to play & play & play this Lurve application and score more points to win the cash prizes! The play time is from 6th July-28th August 2009.


Khidmat pesananan masyarakat Everybody Need Lurve is brought by redmummy.com

Comment: 8

Bersama Mak Merah – Blood needed

kak red,

minta tolong publish kat blog (since blog kak red ramai pengunjung). my uncle sangat sakit, semalam diterbangkan dari sabah ke kl untuk operation di subang medical centre. hari ni doctor cakap perlu darah yang banyak, 14pain if im not mistaken, doc cakap, darah jenis pape je (maybe my uncle penerima universal).

sume family di sabah, hanya my aunt n her children saja yang ada di sana. so if anyone boleh tolong derma, pls do contact me at my emel ASAP. thanx a lot.

msg i i dpt from my kazen just pegi ke subang medical centre, tgkat 5, mention my uncle’s name Ahmad Pairan, patient yg diterbangkan dari sabah yesterday.

– cinoi



Comment: 12

First Task as Your Personal Shopper…


kak red

tlg belikan saya set bodyshop, list as per attached, saya bank in duit skang

ok ai ai, akak pi beli mlm nih gak!

itu adalah dari my loyal reader, yang mohon bantuanku bila aku announce semalam yang aku adalah bisa menjadi Personal Shopper kamu, RM Readers.



kak red

nak white khol MAC  pls

ok coming…



ai want the MAC brown pencil liner pls…

ok roger, bought for u already!

tp ingat nak suh aku jadi PS korang, sila pastikan masukkan duit awal2 lah, jangan main leka2 lusa tulat esok2 pulak. pada korang cam ko sorang je beli barang, tp pada aku, aku beli utk ramai orang. ai need to roll back my cash for buying your stuff.


pastu korang nya pasal

aku pun terjebak beli sama for myself! for these bodyshop set nih, aku nak single body shimmer lotion jer, coz aritu kan ayu the sun ada adiahkan yang set merah pastu bila pakai eiiii, bershimmer ko lotion tuh, wa sukaaa! so ai bought it. but ada dpt shower gel and soup. soup tu aku suh sirman pakai, dia tak mau. ngado!

so SIL aku lah dpt, ater adik ipar aku dok umah aku sebulan kan, macam2 barang dia dapat kay…mewah make up lah ko Wana.

IMG14991 IMG14993

pastu alang2

kian lama aku ‘puasa’ MAC kan…sekali arung aku borong the main important thing yang aku nak sangatttttttttt beli berbulan lamanya.

Limited Edition of blusher


Black eyeliner

Blusher’s brush limited edition gak

sirman adalah menggeleng pala tengok harga brush blusher aku. Mael – akak beli gak hahahahaha! dok kira!!!


n satu short cut sudah ada utk korang tau yang aku adalah Personal Shopper for RM’s Readers…

how when what bagai?

1. Email me, bilang mau apa bagai, with coding ko apa2 lah barang yg ko nak tuh

2. Sirman will reply for the acct details

3. RM to go down and buy your stuff

4. Barang is ready for collection or for postal

Weih yang Bodyshop tuh, buyernya dok Terengganu seii…..so all the way Sirman pi postlajukan to Ganu.

Come everyone, let me do your Personal Shopper 🙂

Comment: 27

Red Folie, Red Apron and Red Pretty!


aaa Folli Follie!!!

oren orennnnnnnnnn! parkson tu dah tentu la hang kenal…

wanna see inside? meh meh……..


aku suker gilerrrrrrrrrrrrrr adiah nih! suker suker…

tak penah lg dpt adiah gini seii…apron merahhh ngan apa ke namanya utk tak nak tangan kita dek panas nih. eiii masa ni le aku lupa namanya tauuuuu!

tq kakakkkkkkkkkk

kakak yang tak nak menjaja mukaaaaaaaaaaaaa! eiii sumer nya skang ke main tak nak masuk lam RM, depa cakap, once kuor lam RM, haru biru idup diorg dapat tempias gelemer.


ni plak Red Folie 🙂

nice packing kan…

sayang nya ku ngan kotak iniiiiii!



this is not in my wishlist, eh aku tak bg wishlist pun….

but still ai appreciate it so much, coz it s RED FOLIE!

to a fren, thank you for remembering this though aku yang nak beli sendiri yg benornya, but not this model, yang gedabak nya model aritu kan. sokay….jam banyak2 pun aku kadang2 kedaung lupa nak pakai.


not just that

sampai umah malam tadi, ye malam kau baru dapat mengadap anak2 aku tuh…

ado parcel sampai kat umah mak ajah.

iskk korang nih…pandai tol tangkap add umah mak ajah aku kan….


Heiress miniature, TGV pass for me and Sirman huiii ni aku kurang paham sket, kena tanya sipolan, Pretty Iman. n MAC’s lip gloss!!! Pretty Iman used to appear in this blog, once upon a time deduluuuuuuuuuuuuu 🙂

triple gift for Tuesday from my client, my frens and my loyal readers of RM…tqtqtqqqqqqqqqqqq!!!

hari ni mendapat

so it s time to give back….

tak semestinya tak mendapat apa2 korang tak memberi, ingat apa pesanan mak ajah ku. amin alhamdulillah.


Comment: 16

PAC Pigments 03 and 05

oh ada tak rata hemm

lighting teruk nih

tu pasal tak nampak ada compang camping

korang tak nampak ke?

iskk hangpa nih

marilah kita mengaku bahawa kita juga takkan make up perfecto specially aku bila pepagi byk nau nak catch up!


mamat nih berbulu je ngan aku tau smlm

coz dia nak ek ek tp aku dah nak kuor umah, aku suh dia pi ek ek kat umah mak ajah ahhahahaa

yolah umah aku ada SIL aku n anak2 buah aku, anak nana pun ado so kalo aku kuor dulu tp sirman tinggal tak manis ler kan….he asked me to stay a bit longer, tp knowing sirman yang ke main lama dok memerut wuii baik le ko pi memerut kat umah mak ajah jer…


pigments from PAC

aku amik kaler kelabu asap from PAC 0003 n PAC 0005 macam bronze gitu

ha senang aku tepek lah kaler pigments ni dr which stacks


Stack: Pigments

Price: RM90

Code PAC 0003


Stack: Pigments

Price: RM90

Code PAC0005

gini ni haa….tp my camera tak cantik aaa bila snap. sbb in reality, pakai combination gini mmg cunggggggggg!

Sale Victoria’s Secret dah masuk dalam Shop@ RM, tolong click situ kalau nak dpt access apa barang yang ado lg yek. n macam2 sale lama lagi ado kat situ gak…


Comment: 9