Exam & Moody!


sblm nih tv beso ni was parked kat hall kecil kami, tp bila LCD Sony dihadiahkan, kami terpaksa tfer the big tv to gegirl’s room. gegirl’s tv lak di anto ke bilik lain. naik santak dah umah aku ngan tv, tp perlu diingat, kami ada satu lagi rumah yang masih dalam pembinaan, dan asset2 ini akan kami gunakan sepenuhnya di kedua buah rumah. it s not a waste, itu adalah aset.


musim exam kembali lagi…well, ai was a bit reluctant untuk menonton Upin Ipin semalam coz abang was supposed to concentrate on his exam. tapi setelah sirman tengok2 schedule exam dia, he can grab 2 hours break by watching the movie, provided pukul balun baca buku buat revision di setiap masa terluang. so nak tak nak aku pun kenalah setuju gak. kerana itulah kami tidak dapat duduk sepawagam ngan adik badik aku yang lain coz ai made our booking earlier last wk, yet untuk my other family members, ai booked on the diff day. tp nasib baiklah show nya waktu yang sama cuma lain pawagam je, sblah nyebelah.

lately aku nye moody makin menjadi2 plak. yang masa drama ticket sabtu malam satu cite lain, yang kes adik2 aku x jawab hp x jwb sms lepas berdesup2 kali aku meydey, pun aku dah buat hangin.

so aku mintak mahap lah, aku agak tidak menjawab komen la nih, let me settle down ngan hormon marah2 aku ni, kasi turun temperature and back to normal. ado gak yang kena fire merah ngan aku kang!

agak2 yang penting dulu aku jwb yerr…banyak prob lam aku nye hormon blog skang nih.

Comment: 6

32″ Sony LCD Bravia from Friso/Nuffnang…

ai started my first advertorial job on Mac 2008, and my first ads was Friso which was posted on May 2008.

Followed by another ads on Friso on June 2008.

Time flies, somewhere on end Oct/early Nov, ai was approached by Friso and Nuffnang to be one of their top parenting bloggers to attend a huge event under the name Nuffnang and Friso Brings Your Family Day Out which was held on  29 Nov 2008. Ai accepted the invite with honour, of course.

For that event, readers, parents, bloggers are invited to write about the Friso and everyone stand a chance to win 3 days and 2 nites to Hong Kong for 2 adults and 2 kids, fully sponsored by Friso. My entry was posted too, though ai got a personal invite from them. but ai m just trying like everyone lah kan, mbe ai got the luck to be a winner, entry was posted on Nov 17. The winner was announced during the Nuffnang and Friso Brings Your Family Day Out – sawanila.com . Congratulations Yati and Kheirul and your lovely kids!

They will be leaving to Hong Kong next month, bon voyage gang, you won!! Enjoy Hong Kong, enjoy Disneyland!


But for those yang kalah, you may try again to shoot a post on the event, and you may get a chance to win a 32″ LCD TV from Sony. So ai shot my entry on the event, which was posted on 30 Nov 2008.

Nuffnang’s blog pun ada jugak citer2 for the event, which you can get the link from here and also here. Btw, the event was also covered by the medias, redmummy and family was also appeared in NST through this link and at few other newspapers.

After posting my last entry on the event, ai totally forgot bout the contest. Since ai didnt get any calls or emails related to the blog post that ai posted for winning the LCD TV, ai tot, aku kalah dah lah kan.

Life goes on as usual.



But on 5 February, Sirman called me (we both were working that time) told me that Nuffnang just sent out an email announcing the winner. n the winner goes to redmummy.com! (bear in mind, my blog my nuffnang account is managed by sirman, so tu pasal apa2 kes aku bukan orang pertama dapat tau, coz he manages everything).

The email was sent by Robb from Nuffnang, and ai announced it in my blog on the nite itself.

Dear beloved Nuffnangers,

We thank you for your patience in awaiting the judges decision to select the winner of this contest. The contest winner was a tough one for the judges to  decide as many of you wrote extremely well on the event itself. However, as all contest must have only 1 winner, the judges have finally came to their agreement for the winner of the 32? LCD Sony TV.

The best written blog post for Friso Family Day Out post even contest goes to Redmummy for her blog post – http://redmummy.com/2008/11/30/nuffnang-friso-family-day-out/

Congratulations Kak Red for your new LCD TV. We’ll contact you shortly to arrange for the TV to be sent to your home directly.

Nuffnang and Friso would like to thank everyone else for your participation and look forward for more exciting contests and events from us in the near future.




Arrangement was made and on Saturday 21 February, the 32″ LCD Sony (Bravia) is ours!

So that’s the brief story on our history with Friso, ai hope redmummy.com will work more closely with Friso more, in the near future. Thank you Friso and of cos to Nuffnang!

Just that, please bear in mind…tak semua orang happy with my happiness, so ai quote back Robb’s comment after the announcement of the winner been made:

Hi all,

All racial based comments or unreasonable dispute against the final decision made by judges will be removed. Please bear in mind that this is a public platform and as such, you are responsible for your expression especially if it incites hate or contains slanderous statement and if requested, will be released to legal officers.

Do take note that Nuffnang has never acted in favor of race, culture, religion or other society groups in deciding in any contest or events as these decisions are made fully based on quality of contest entries.


Terima kasih kerana membaca entry yang panjang ini kerana di sebalik senyumpan pun ada jugak kepahitan, tp di sebalik kejayaan yang kita kecapi, tidak semua orang bersuka ria sama, dan jugak sentiasa ingat, kalau hari ini kita menang, esok tak mungkin berpihak pada kita, so work had, think smart.

Never give up!

Comment: 28

Bersama Mak Merah

Kak red..sy ni silent reader kt red,tp skang da x silent da.(‘ ,‘)

Gini..sy nk tanye la pade sape2 yg ade petua nak naikkan berat badan…Sy ni mmg kategori kurus ar..Padahal sy mkn mcm org bela antu raya..tp nan adonyer gemuk/berat naik. Kat bwh ni sy listkn berat n tinggi sy..sy listkn skali pola pmakanan harian sy k..

Tinggi: 166cm
Berat: 50 Kg (tp selalunyer asik turun 48 pastu naik balik 49 or 50..)

Pola pmakanan tiap2 ari..
Sarapan: sekeping roti canai or sbungkus nasi lemak
Lunch Hour (kol 1 ptg ) : Nasi Bungkus (nasi putih + sayur + telur dadar) or kdg2 bungkus ns lemak kukus jer..

Kang kol 4ptg : Turun bwh opis sat, bli kuih singgit 3 keping
Kol 5.30 balik…

Pas siap mndi n semayang sy masak lak..

Menu mkn malam (kol 7.30mlm)

Nasi putih + Lauk (kdg2 ikan or ayam) + telur dadar (pebret ni.hehe) + pcuci mulut buah. X ske sgt sayur so tukar mkn buah (da cam monyet.huhu)

Kang kol 11 perut confirm bunyik mnandakn sayer sgt lapar..huhu. So,sy mkn roti or megi..huhu

Menu ujung minggu ( sabtu ahad)
Pas subuh tido balik (so,no brkfast2)..tgahari kang baru msk mcm biase. Lauk tghari n malam same jer..(malas nak masak b’ulang2)

Kol 5.00ptg smpai 6.00 ptg g jogging..

Balik umah,mkn mkn dan teruskn mkn….. Tapiii….berat stil gitu L kalo bole nak dptkn berat bdn 55kg. Nak naik skilo pon susah,ni kan pulak nk naikkn smpai 5 kg kan .. sedeyy L . Sayer sgt2 malu nk discus pasal ni coz mesti org kate sy ni ade BELA ker?? Tp sy x dulik…Plzzz help me,mcm mane nk naikkn berat badan?..

** Jgn suh sy minum appeton weight gain coz sy da penah try 8 bulan tp lgsung x mmberikn kesan..Selera btambah tp berat tang tuu jer…

**Korang jgn ingat sy x minum air lak coz dr td asik mkn,mkn n mkn jer..hehe. Air pebret sy air susu dutchlady full cream k..huhu


Comment: 15





movie kali ni aku bawak sekali anak2 buah aku and adik ipar duai aku, sesapa yang free lah. so sambil nunggu adik aku nana and family sampai, aku melanguk tengok memacam video yang adik aku ayin tunjukkan. bukan video tak senonoh, video anak dia ngan gegirl dok melenjan kat playground. dia laki bini rajin bwk anak dia ngan gegirl ke playground, ater makpak gegirl waktu anak nya ngah playground sibuk kami baru nak balik dari keje.


abih je Gang (Upin Ipin) serentak kami keluar sesama wpun lelain pawagam. aku dok anak beranak, tp family adik2 aku dok kat pawagam sblh….akak aku pun campak gak anak dara dia kat aku, kes dia pi holiday. bukan cuti sekolah dah pi holiday, hampeh tol akak aku tuh!

best idok upin ipin? best la kot, bebudak suka giler lah, aku bukan pencinta kartun ke animation sangat pun, tp gelak2 lah jugak tengok…not bad lah jalan cite boleh dipahami dek bebudak, cuma part depa menyanyi kat tetengah scene tuh macam dubbing suara lain sangat. itu je yang kurang menyengat.



abih show kami terus pecut balik, x sempat nak dinner reramai kat luor coz aku dok ngejarkan masa bebudak nak balik tidur awal, senin nak sekolah dar. lgpun lauk aku masak thari ahad tuh ada lebih lagi, so baik makan kat umah, ingat mak korang rajin nak masak bebanyak kali, kasi jimat kay.

well actually ada tragedi drama jugak masa aku beli ticket Gang nih. show yang kami tengok nih ari ahad kol 530, aku beli tickets malam sblmnya coz aku ada event kat klcc gak, sangat mengeciwakan lah ‘tragedi drama’ tuh. apapun, pangai aku, fight till the end kan.

lagi satu my entries agak carca marba, x ikut date sequence langsung. yang tgk wayang nih ari ahad petang, pastu yang project sabtu ahad pagi lak, later2 kang baru kuor.

aku ngah biol la nih, technically, aku pegang blog aku hanya pada jemaat malam, sabtu nye entry yang kuor tuh sume tu kan auto publish yang dah aku siapkan awal2 dr jemaat malam, sunday lak 5 min aku update blog cite pasal aku penat malas rehat.

ntah hapa2 lah…


so, back to the Gang, sesapa mau tengok, aku nasihatkan korang buatlah online booking kat gsc/tgv dulu. untung sabut dpt tickets, luckily aku buat booking awal2, and seat pun perfecto. just that sbb aku lambat bookingkan utk adik badik aku, so our cinema dah full house pulak, tp sib baik gaklah ada satu lagi cinema next to us, tickets masih kosong. but by sat nite yang aku amik tiket2 aku tuh, dah nak abih lecun dah weih…

tahniah to team Gang Upin dan Ipin. the best!

Comment: 10

Guest Writer – Teka Teki Teka Tekuk

Kak red, sumi nak bagi Teka tekik sebelum bersalin…..

ada sepoloh soklan jer……. hehehe…..  so.harap kak red jgn sentap2 cam gegirl yek……..

1. Kumpulan nasyid yg terdiri dari org jawa?
2. Kumpulan rock yang paling wangi?
3. Kumpulan rock yang paling bahaya?
4. Kumpulan rock yang takut mandi?
5. Kumpulan yang selalu kena migraine?
6. Kumpulan yang mudah pecah?
7. Kumpulan yang ada power?
8. Kumpualan yang terdiri dari pesawah?
9. Kumpulan yang kejap cantik kejap buruk?
10. Kumpulan yang boleh lihat tapi tak leh pegang?


Comment: 8